Flarebrass's Recent Posts

What race and planet? United Earth can spam create/sell Gold Refineries.
3y ago
If you declare independence, you can join to someone else's empire/clan/group (called a Commonwealth) and then freely trade resources with them.

If you're on a single city, I'd recommend spamming and selling Gold Refineries for enough Money to buy some Aluminum.

If you're on a region, open up a new City, start harvesting some Aluminum for 2-5 minutes, then save and exit that City. It will continue generating small amounts of Aluminum as long as you don't open that City again.
3y ago
What's your approval rating, average colonist savings, median colonist savings, and homeless rate? Is everyone suffering from fatigue?
5y ago
The Ultra Deep Dig Sites are very worthwhile before you get 1B research from my experience.
5y ago
The only way to get things faster is to build more of them. I keep about 100 and it works just fine for me early on.
5y ago
You can always deactivate certain building categories in a crisis. Otherwise, if you build too many at once, just sell a few. You don't have to rush this game so hard that you need Starcraft-levels of unit and building micromanagement :).
6y ago
@Sniperfido: This happens when a single colonist gets repeatedly assigned the same job incorrectly, and when this colonist takes a break, the whole building gets shut down. It usually takes 6-8 hours for my ~50k population colony to fix all these issues after an expansion project and a fire drill.

@Gallopavo: After doing a fire drill, sit tight for a few hours and everything will be back to normal. There is a bug with oscillating homelessness, and Bast (the only developer of this amazing game) knows about it and is trying to isolate + fix it. Be patient! Most of this stuff wasn't even here a few months ago.
6y ago
Once you get to a level of Civics where you can afford government buildings, you'll get access to the Fire Drill option which speeds up the rate at which the engine fixes issues like this one. Without that, it can take a few hours; with it, it can still take an hour or two.

However, since you're below 2,000 colonists, I am more inclined to call this a bug: the engine behaves differently and this issue should rarely (if ever) occur.
6y ago
This is a known issue and Bast is working on it. We appreciate your patience!
6y ago
I don't know how to link to posts, yet, but it's about halfway down.
6y ago
See Bast's post above.
6y ago
You can only gift to colonies within your commonwealth, and you have to set up a Consulate to do so. The commonwealth leader must build a Capitol if he doesn't already have a Consulate.
6y ago
Do you have them on park? Sometimes, when directing a bot to move somewhere, it will miss the command and negate the order it was given; when that happens, I have to re-select all of that bot type and repeat the order, sometimes multiple times.
6y ago
It's not arcologies; it's the statistical nature of the engine. Everyone is trying to figure out what makes the engine catch some problems like this but why it overlooks many other problems like this.
6y ago
You would be right except that this game features hyperinflation. I think you would agree that obtaining quadrillions and quintillions of money didn't happen because people built rows upon rows of Investment Banks.
6y ago
Bast has said many times before that My Colony is not going to feature natural disasters, PvP, timed events, or anything which forces gameplay in any given direction. I haven't heard him change his mind, yet.

For those "rare" resources, they're rare because they're intended to be endgame resources. Many players dislike going through the game within a day or two and getting "stuck" when the next tier of resources takes a few days to start generating enough to warrant new construction projects, so we see threads like this pop up frequently. The resources are balanced by the GBT, so if something looks extremely expensive, it's because it takes a long time to produce that resource.

The answer lies in resource management. If you use tons of Aluminum and Uranium to feed certain buildings before you have access to dozens of Archaeological Dig Sites, Uranium Enrichment Facilities, and the appropriate quantities of food/water/housing/power/microchips to back up those buildings (which will include a few Alien Microchip Facilities which requires both Aluminum and Uranium), then you'll either need to go to the GBT (which most players at this point in the game can't afford) or start a subcolony (because most players at this point are independent and can't ask their parent colony for help). Simply don't use Al, Ur, or many Microchips during the entire playthrough, and spam tier-1 Microchip buildings (not the Advanced ones!) until you're no longer construction-capped by Microchips.
6y ago


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September 3rd, 2017
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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