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Ape Apps Blog
Introducing the Revamped Ape Apps Account Portal
Today I am announcing the release of a complete rewrite of the Ape Apps Account Portal (, the online site for managing your Ape Apps Account, avatar, purchases, Gold membership, etc.
The site is now more of an app (it is a fully installable PWA now as well), which was a necessary change for when I eventually integrate it more tightly into the Ape Apps Launcher and Discussions (which will also be superseding both Ape Chat and these forums at some point). The interface is a lot cleaner now and easier to navigate and find things.
All of the existing functions are still available, however you can now also find and accept Promotions that had previously been send out via the Ape Apps mailing list. The new Promotions tab will only show up if you are subscribed to the mailing list, so please update your communications preferences.
The site also has a new email tester, where you can make sure your email address is still valid and can receive messages from the server. This is important, because I plan on allowing an optional two factor email authentication at some point.
Also, you can now change the email address associated with your account, right from within the accounts Portal.
Planned upcoming features are the ability to view and manage your Ape Apps Cloud Sync data, as well as all of your pictures posted via this website, Ape Chat, or Discussions. You will be able to view and manage your friends list, achievements, high scores, and more right from within the Accounts Portal too. I am also working out a way for users to be able to change their username, it's just going to take a bit of work because of the way certain apps were developed (My Colony 1 in particular), but I know it's been requested a lot so it will be coming eventually.
Generally, the Accounts Portal is going to need to gain a lot of the functions that you find in the drop-down menu on this website, since I am eventually going to be de-emphasizing this site and at some point locking out posting completely, since it has become a pretty big annoyance dealing with the constant spam.
So anyway, go ahead and check it out, and let me know what issues you find, because this one is sort of important to get working properly!
The site is now more of an app (it is a fully installable PWA now as well), which was a necessary change for when I eventually integrate it more tightly into the Ape Apps Launcher and Discussions (which will also be superseding both Ape Chat and these forums at some point). The interface is a lot cleaner now and easier to navigate and find things.
All of the existing functions are still available, however you can now also find and accept Promotions that had previously been send out via the Ape Apps mailing list. The new Promotions tab will only show up if you are subscribed to the mailing list, so please update your communications preferences.
The site also has a new email tester, where you can make sure your email address is still valid and can receive messages from the server. This is important, because I plan on allowing an optional two factor email authentication at some point.
Also, you can now change the email address associated with your account, right from within the accounts Portal.
Planned upcoming features are the ability to view and manage your Ape Apps Cloud Sync data, as well as all of your pictures posted via this website, Ape Chat, or Discussions. You will be able to view and manage your friends list, achievements, high scores, and more right from within the Accounts Portal too. I am also working out a way for users to be able to change their username, it's just going to take a bit of work because of the way certain apps were developed (My Colony 1 in particular), but I know it's been requested a lot so it will be coming eventually.
Generally, the Accounts Portal is going to need to gain a lot of the functions that you find in the drop-down menu on this website, since I am eventually going to be de-emphasizing this site and at some point locking out posting completely, since it has become a pretty big annoyance dealing with the constant spam.
So anyway, go ahead and check it out, and let me know what issues you find, because this one is sort of important to get working properly!
Announcing Tiny Level Up Public Multiplayer Beta
Today I am publicly taking the wraps off of a project I have been working on in my spare time over the last year, which is to become the successor engine to the "Level Up" series of RPG games I have created over the years. The new engine is the Tiny Level Up Engine, and it's flagship title is now available for public multiplayer beta testing!
Play Now
This new RPG engine takes my classic Level Up concept to a whole new level. It utilizes the pixel rendering engine I created for the Epic Adventure rewrite, and all game graphics are created using my Pixel Paint app and the .ppp graphic file format. Players can create their own custom characters using the tiny pixel tokens from the My Tokens app.
Tiny Level Up includes pretty much all of the features from the original Level Up engine but morphed into a 2d sidescrolling pixel engine format. All of the story telling elements are there, including dialogs and decision making. However the new engine includes structured quest lines the player can embark on. There are waypoints the player can unlock for fast travel, and unlike the old engine, the player can now go back and revisit areas they have already explored. The engine now includes crafting, so players can create their own equipment, potions, weapons and more using materials they find while adventuring.
Of course, the largest change (other than the fact that it is now an animated 2d sidescrolling adventure VS plain static images) is the inclusion of online real time multiplayer. When you are adventuring in the game, anybody from your Ape Apps friends list can join your party and help you on your quest. This unlocks possibilities, such as having friends help run a new player through the story line, having large epic battles, or just having a fun time clearing out enemies with others. In-game voice chat is included for multiplayer communications.
Tiny Level Up is still in it's early stages. I have been working on the engine off and on for months, and now I am moving over to the phase where it's time to start adding the game content, zones, quests, npcs, items, enemies, etc. During this time though, it would be nice to have some other players check in on the game every once and a while so I can see what is working, what isn't, what needs fixed, what needs balanced, etc. My goal is to have the game ready to release to app stores by mid 2025, so all input at this point will be welcome and appreciated!
You can play the beta now in your browser at this URL:
If you have any comments or discussion on the new game, you can feel free to reply to this post, and I have also opened up a new channel on Discussions dedicated to Level Up games, which you can find here.
Thanks for checking out the game, and let me know what you think so far!
#tinylevelup #pixelpaint
Play Now
This new RPG engine takes my classic Level Up concept to a whole new level. It utilizes the pixel rendering engine I created for the Epic Adventure rewrite, and all game graphics are created using my Pixel Paint app and the .ppp graphic file format. Players can create their own custom characters using the tiny pixel tokens from the My Tokens app.
Tiny Level Up includes pretty much all of the features from the original Level Up engine but morphed into a 2d sidescrolling pixel engine format. All of the story telling elements are there, including dialogs and decision making. However the new engine includes structured quest lines the player can embark on. There are waypoints the player can unlock for fast travel, and unlike the old engine, the player can now go back and revisit areas they have already explored. The engine now includes crafting, so players can create their own equipment, potions, weapons and more using materials they find while adventuring.
Of course, the largest change (other than the fact that it is now an animated 2d sidescrolling adventure VS plain static images) is the inclusion of online real time multiplayer. When you are adventuring in the game, anybody from your Ape Apps friends list can join your party and help you on your quest. This unlocks possibilities, such as having friends help run a new player through the story line, having large epic battles, or just having a fun time clearing out enemies with others. In-game voice chat is included for multiplayer communications.
Tiny Level Up is still in it's early stages. I have been working on the engine off and on for months, and now I am moving over to the phase where it's time to start adding the game content, zones, quests, npcs, items, enemies, etc. During this time though, it would be nice to have some other players check in on the game every once and a while so I can see what is working, what isn't, what needs fixed, what needs balanced, etc. My goal is to have the game ready to release to app stores by mid 2025, so all input at this point will be welcome and appreciated!
You can play the beta now in your browser at this URL:
If you have any comments or discussion on the new game, you can feel free to reply to this post, and I have also opened up a new channel on Discussions dedicated to Level Up games, which you can find here.
Thanks for checking out the game, and let me know what you think so far!
#tinylevelup #pixelpaint
Discontinuing Support for macOS
I wanted to give a heads up for Ape Apps users as we get into 2024 here. I will no longer be releasing any updates or builds for the macOS platform going forward. At this point there are so few Mac users that it is not really worth the extra effort. Users of Ape Apps who are on a Mac system are encouraged to migrate to the Progressive Web App (PWA) version of whatever app or game you are using, since pretty much my entire catalogue is available in PWA form at this point.
For the time being, I will continue to support Windows and Linux for certain applications. Long term I am on the fence with stand-alone Windows releases, I may scale back to only supporting the Windows Store and Steam, but have not decided. Linux will probably have the best support long-term, since it is the easiest system for me to work with.
For the time being, I will continue to support Windows and Linux for certain applications. Long term I am on the fence with stand-alone Windows releases, I may scale back to only supporting the Windows Store and Steam, but have not decided. Linux will probably have the best support long-term, since it is the easiest system for me to work with.
Create Your Own Level Up Games with Level Up Builder!
In honor of the 10 year anniversary of Deimos, the mobile RPG that started the entire My Colony Universe of games, I am announcing two new (but linked) projects - the Level Up Builder and the Level Up Player!
The Level Up Builder is a new IDE of sorts for creating games that run on the Level Up game engine, which is the engine that powered the original Level Up game, the Deimos RPG trilogy, Ninja Level Up, Teddy Bear Terror, and Alien High. The builder contains everything you need to create your own RPG game based on the Level Up engine, all you no coding knowledge required. You just supply your own graphics and sound effects (if you want sound). You can test your development progress right from within the builder.
When you are done creating your game, you can compile your game and distribute it to friends, post it here on the forums, or however you want to get it out there.
The compiled project will be a *.lug archive file that can be played using the also-new Level Up Player application.
The Level Up Player is an organizer and launcher for Level Up Game files. You specify a folder on your computer where your *.lug files are saved, and the Player will parse your files and display box art for your games. Eventually if anybody out there becomes interested in creating their own Level Up Engine games, I can add a game submission function to the Builder, and a Game Store feature to the Player, making it easy to distribute and discover new Level Up Engine games.
There is still a little work to do on the Player side of things, as it does not have gamepad support yet, but that will be coming soon. There might be a couple of other things missing that I have not caught yet, since the player was built with a lot of copy/pasting from the existing Level Up game, so it's possible I missed something, so let me know if you find errors!
As there are not yet any Level Up Game files out in the wild, I have taken the liberty of compiling all of the existing Level Up engine games over to the new format, so if you would like to get started with the Level Up player, you can download the entire library here, unzip the files to your computer, and then point the player to your games directory:
Both applications are complete Progressive Web Apps, and will work best when installed to your desktop system as a PWA. You can install them using most Chromium based browsers.
Level Up Builder
Level Up Player
Anyway, go ahead and give them a try! If you make a game, let me know and I can showcase it on the site for you, and if there seems to be any interest in this project, I can make a dedicated section on the forum for it. If not, I will at least be using this system for development of any Level Up based games going forward, so any suggestions for new features or improvements will be welcome!
#levelupplayer #levelupbuilder
The Level Up Builder is a new IDE of sorts for creating games that run on the Level Up game engine, which is the engine that powered the original Level Up game, the Deimos RPG trilogy, Ninja Level Up, Teddy Bear Terror, and Alien High. The builder contains everything you need to create your own RPG game based on the Level Up engine, all you no coding knowledge required. You just supply your own graphics and sound effects (if you want sound). You can test your development progress right from within the builder.
When you are done creating your game, you can compile your game and distribute it to friends, post it here on the forums, or however you want to get it out there.
The compiled project will be a *.lug archive file that can be played using the also-new Level Up Player application.
The Level Up Player is an organizer and launcher for Level Up Game files. You specify a folder on your computer where your *.lug files are saved, and the Player will parse your files and display box art for your games. Eventually if anybody out there becomes interested in creating their own Level Up Engine games, I can add a game submission function to the Builder, and a Game Store feature to the Player, making it easy to distribute and discover new Level Up Engine games.
There is still a little work to do on the Player side of things, as it does not have gamepad support yet, but that will be coming soon. There might be a couple of other things missing that I have not caught yet, since the player was built with a lot of copy/pasting from the existing Level Up game, so it's possible I missed something, so let me know if you find errors!
As there are not yet any Level Up Game files out in the wild, I have taken the liberty of compiling all of the existing Level Up engine games over to the new format, so if you would like to get started with the Level Up player, you can download the entire library here, unzip the files to your computer, and then point the player to your games directory:
Both applications are complete Progressive Web Apps, and will work best when installed to your desktop system as a PWA. You can install them using most Chromium based browsers.
Level Up Builder
Level Up Player
Anyway, go ahead and give them a try! If you make a game, let me know and I can showcase it on the site for you, and if there seems to be any interest in this project, I can make a dedicated section on the forum for it. If not, I will at least be using this system for development of any Level Up based games going forward, so any suggestions for new features or improvements will be welcome!
#levelupplayer #levelupbuilder
Introducing the Toon Token
My Tokens has just been updated to v3.1.0 and with the update comes a brand new class of token character, the new Toon Token!
The Toon Token is based on the character sprite designs from my games Gone Rogue and Hell and Back, and is going to be used in the upcoming iteration of my Roguelike RPG game engine (a topic for another day). They have a fun cartoonish look (hence the name). The nice thing about the Toon Token type is that they are easy to add components to. For example, in an RPG, when your player puts on a different armor or helmet, it is easy to modify the toon token at runtime to reflect your characters' current loadout.
In addition to the new class of token, this update also increases the rendering resolution of the other two sprite based token characters, and fixes issues related to exporting sprite sheets. It also adds a "Quit" option to the app when launched from the Ape Apps Launcher in TV mode.
Some of the new Toon Token graphics may still need to be tweaked a bit, so let me know if you find graphical glitches and issues!
The Toon Token is based on the character sprite designs from my games Gone Rogue and Hell and Back, and is going to be used in the upcoming iteration of my Roguelike RPG game engine (a topic for another day). They have a fun cartoonish look (hence the name). The nice thing about the Toon Token type is that they are easy to add components to. For example, in an RPG, when your player puts on a different armor or helmet, it is easy to modify the toon token at runtime to reflect your characters' current loadout.
In addition to the new class of token, this update also increases the rendering resolution of the other two sprite based token characters, and fixes issues related to exporting sprite sheets. It also adds a "Quit" option to the app when launched from the Ape Apps Launcher in TV mode.
Some of the new Toon Token graphics may still need to be tweaked a bit, so let me know if you find graphical glitches and issues!