Infamy1's Recent Posts

issue still persists. i get the vibe its like a 5 second fix the developer missed in this hotfix and that its already been submitted and now we are just waiting for google to approve the update submission or whatever. which i think takes like 4-5 days unfortunately. so we might be stuck for a few days. id say dont load any backups or lose progress, just wait. i dont think our files were corrupted by this, but that we just cant connect to the server.
1y ago
"there was an error parsing server response". i get this message when i try to open my game. havnt tried loading a backup because this is happening right after a bugfix update on android. my net is good. so are the servers down? ideas?

android version 12
phone type: Revvl 6 PRO
model: TMAF035G
1y ago
this same thing is happening to me today. but only because my file wont load and is giving a server parsing error so i tried to make a new colony and it isnt showing me any new commonwealths to join, just the custom charter code option. i can only assume the servers are down because if it was an issue on my side or my wifi or smth, i wouldnt be able to reply to this post lol. this is all shortly after todays bugfix update so i assume its being fixed idk. gunna check here later and try my game later.
1y ago
"there was an error parsing server response". i get this message when i try to open my game. havnt tried loading a backup because this is happening right after a bugfix update on android. my net is good. so are the servers down? ideas?
1y ago
Ok so i assume this has already been suggested lol. but i find that i am always running to the encyclopedia for the info of how much storage a building provides for a particular resource. there are little things like the fact that haunted houses store wood better than a lumber yard lol. yet this info is buried in the encyclopedia lol and honestly i only discovered it from a friend. my suggestion is to add storage info into the statistics of the buildings lol? to save us a step of running to the reference? would give us a bit more to go off of than the descriptions.

edit: if i am late on suggesting this or its already in the works-by all means remove this post and happy gaming :)
6y ago
so im curious if the "bulldozer" button that helps to delete buildings faster than selling also refunds 50% of the resources just like selling?
6y ago
i am experiencing the same thing on a larger scale. i dont have screenshots right now bc im posting quickly between work at my job but...basically what you have going on is the same for me but mine is amplified. i hav about 7k colonists and it always "says" i have like 200 jobs not filled and yet there is unemployment lol. i believe that the economy page is a bit broken atm. and i never did a fire drill thank god (last time i did my colonists broke). i belive that a workaround (for me anyways) has been to just build slowly for now. see if a building fills with workers. if it has workers missing=population too low. and then add housing accordingly. but remember it takes a minute or two for colonists to even get there if wandering. beck may be reworking the economy page of statistics. sometimes its hard to tell what hes working on.
but honestly this could be him working to make it seem more realistic and sporadic? because in america there are jobs not filled :) and still a large chunk of unemployment lol. im curious what the creator himself would say to this. can we expect more chaotic colonist behavior? or rather finite information with employment and such being very clear?
html 5 version on a windows pc.
6y ago


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January 25th, 2018
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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