Jclark6544's Recent Posts

I'm enjoying the new contracts and look forward to seeing what else is to come. I'm glad to see a pending contracts list was added with the 4.0 update, especially since it also shows how much time (or ticks) is left until the contract expires. Would it be possible to show the ticks in the contract description where you choose to accept or deny the contract? Knowing if I have time to finish that contract without causing another one to be late would be a huge factor in deciding whether or not to accept the new contract. Also, I love the new uranium tanker! Price was dirt cheap so I filled my cargo space with uranium and sold a portion to a passing ship for a hefty profit! Awesome work!
6y ago
Two things I've noticed. First, you can take on multiple jobs/missions at a time. Maybe add a missions log to show all uncompleted or active missions.

Secondly, as I was writing down grid coordinates for my own log, I had two jobs taking me to the same planet. Upon arrival, I couldn't complete the missions. I assume it was a glitch from having two missions to complete there.

Looking forward to seeing what all comes in the future updates. My Colony has grown leaps and bounds since it was created and I can't wait to see how this game progresses over time as well. Keep up the great work!
6y ago
As a current leader of the FFF, I cannot join NOZ. However, I would be more than willing to join as an Ambassador
6y ago
Once the actual My Colony Wars game is created, I will modify future RPG versions so it is similar to the game itself.
6y ago
Hey guys, I've been playing since around mid September. Since then, I've grown quite a bit and now have an independent colony in UE, LIS, and Zolarg, so whatever faction you choose you can join under me! I don't have much resources to give other than my UE base, but I'll help where I can to get you started on the right foot. Here are my charter codes:

(UE) dkxyYO8B

Mad Melvins Uranium Utopia
(LIS) Y76DIiJl

Zesty Zolarg
(Zolarg) tViTB0Pr

And don't forget to join the FFF, the oldest and biggest Federation for My Colony on Discord

I've currently ran 2 RPG games based off of My Colony, and will be running a third game soon. This 3rd one will be based off of the upcoming Colony Wars game Bast has mentioned creating. I don't know much about the game (as it's not made yet) so my RPG version will not have any spoilers to his game (sorry, I'm not a mind reader after all) but I'll give you a quick rundown of it.

You'll be assigned to a faction, UE or LIS to start. If we get enough players to join I'll add in Zolarg and Reptilians as well. Each team will have their own private channel which is only able to be seen by that team. There, they will talk, strategize, and vote to decide on a number of different things. Gather resources, build different structures, hire guards for these structures (or for players), hire mercenaries to attack a certain player on another team. Also, each player will have their own special ability. Everyone will know what team all players are on, but the abilities will only be known by that team. I'm still working on some of the finer details and rules, but if you are interested then feel free to join the FFF, put in your thoughts and ideas, and join the fun! The game is open to all FFF members, Ambassadors, Prospects, Friends of the FFF, and everyone else. So come on over and check it out!

Again, the FFF discord link is:
6y ago
I don't know about "political parties" But I think there should be a way for the current Federation Leader to promote other commonwealth leaders by giving them certain powers and responsibilities. On discord we do this by assigning roles to members to create our command structure and promotion system. I think it would be up to each Fed Leader on how they want to shape and run their own Fed, but there should be a system in place to allow the Leader to assign different permissions on what members can and cannot do
6y ago
If you go to engine settings you should be able to toggle on/off the zoom button UI
6y ago
Must be a bug, FLA is supposed to put out 2000 trash per round
6y ago
As there is already a section of the forums dedicated to independent Commonwealths, adding a section for Federations would not be much different. And there would be less traffic there than the CW section as there would logically be less Feds than CW's.

I also like the idea of creating a Fed thru an option given by the Congress Hall. Just like you have to reach a certain goal of civics to obtain independence and start your own CW, obtaining the Congress Hall is a good goal to reach before creating a Fed. Once built, there can be a "Create Federation" option within the Hall that costs X amount of civics. Once created, you can advertise your Fed in the forums as stated above, as well as in game. For example, a CW leader can select an option from the Capitol building that says "View Federations" which will populate a list of all Federations created.
6y ago
Agreed, if you had 490 million uranium then you obviously weren't using it or selling it. To all the people who had massive amounts of a resource, you're complaining about losing something that sat there untouched to begin with. So what good was it doing you before the update if it just sat there?
6y ago
I feel the same way, I lost a lot of money and resources in the update but I'm not complaining about it. Even though it was a negative impact for me personally, I knew changes had to be done to fix the economy of the game. I 100% agree that the overall game will be better. I'm sure other unknown issues will arise, and other changes will be made. That's part of being in a game under active development, it's constantly being fine tuned. I understand people are upset about it, a few people in our federation quit already, but we are still going strong. But with all the negativity going around, I'm glad there are others showing positivity and I'll gladly support it. So I'll end this with a big shoutout to Bast to say keep up the good work!
6y ago
They can take what their storages can hold, the rest will be decayed
6y ago
I’m not sure of the member you are referring to, but if we knew for sure then he/she would be banned from the FFF as using exploits is against our policy.

Anyways, some of us at the FFF had a meeting to talk about ways that would reduce some of the ongoing GBT issues.

1. Players should not be allowed to go over their current storage limits. This can currently be done by placing a request for resources or by receiving a gift, resulting in a player able to hold millions of something with only 50k of storage. Making it where excess resources from gifts or GBT requests simply filled the current storage and the excess disappears prevent a player from being able to stockpile billions of a resource without the proper capacity.

2. Tying into the issue above, there are certain resources that currently have no storage limit. These include Ore, Gold, Aluminum, and Uranium to name a few. There’s no reason that I can see for any player to need a nearly infinite amount of a resource. Using the warehouse or another storage building to limit this would make more sense.

3. The amount you post for trade cannot exceed your current storage capacity. Meaning you cannot have multiple contracts that add up to 100k of a resource for sale on the GBT if you only have 80k storage space. This would already be minimized if #1 was implemented and holding more than your current storage was not allowed anyways.

4. The storage limit for a certain resource is reduced by the amount of that resource you have listed on the GBT. Once the contract sells, the storage space returns to normal. This way if the contract is not sold and the resources are returned to the player, it does not exceed the storage capacity. Or anything in excess of the storage capacity vanished upon the return of those resource.

5. Possibly tie the GBT to your consulate or capital level, so that only players that are within +/- 1 level of your consulate or capital level can see your trades and vice versa. Allow the max trade amount to increase with these levels as well, so that smaller levels only trade with smaller levels and larger trades stay with the larger levels.

I’m not sure what your current plans are but hopefully these will give you some more ideas on possible solutions to address the issues of players using GBT exploits for personal gain.
6y ago
CRaider, you mean like the transmission hub or embassy?
6y ago
Not economic depression, just depression as in your colonists are depressed or unhappy. To fix this you should make sure entertainment structures are built near your housing structures
6y ago
I started around 0.41.0 or so... So far I think the updates are great and I look forward to see what's added next. If new content was never added, I'm not sure how many current players would stick around...
6y ago
I agree with Thrimian, if every planet and every faction can make every resource then there would be no reason to have options for different planets/factions
6y ago
Different factions and planets have different strengths/weaknesses. Some have an abundance of aluminum and ore is rare, some have an abundance of ore but no diamonds, ect. This fact, combined with the import/export fees, is simply a way to get people to use the online trading system. Yes it may be full of bad deals, but I find that this is because all the good deals go quickly leaving only the deals nobody wants to take. A better way around this is to post a request instead of taking a listed offer. But that is leading into another forum post...
6y ago
I turn off colonists rendering so I don't see them. And I ignore the colonists concerns pie chart unless my approval drops below 90%.
6y ago
Do you pay your taxes? Could be embargoed
6y ago


Member Since
September 21st, 2017
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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