LordOfGalaxy's Recent Posts

Could you add author too? (Who started the thread would be nice)
6y ago
Such a system should be accompanied with complete removal of the in-game coins (money) system (the mint and all would deal in the federation currency).
If it is, then it would be easy to manage GBT prices, and a load of other problems.
The default federation would be UE/LIS/Zolarg Empire and would have to be managed by Bast himself.
6y ago
I was wondering if you could add a category element to the RSS feed, to know which category a topic belongs to.
Would be a great help.

6y ago
Ah, I thought we'll have a website with constantly updated statistics.
6y ago
50k? The only time I made a trade that small was when I'd just built the GBT.
I assumed the prices would be moderated.

Sorry for putting this harshly, but for a large colony, trades going into tens of millions, and even billions are not just useful, but nescessary. Without the ability to do that, the GBT will be obsolete, especially as gifts now have a really large limit.
6y ago
Make and model? There any many different dual core chips out there. RAM is also a major consideration, I recommend 8GB for such a big colony. (4GB may be enough, but it will clog your RAM)
6y ago
Nice idea.
I would also like it if the leader of a commonwealth has the ability to create gift "packages", containing some (maybe different for each resource) amount of many different resources, and has to ability to save these packages and send them when required (to anyone).
6y ago
Yes, that would be nice, say a field called "online".
6y ago
Note: FFF Members will receive many more perks, including giveaways, challenges and more!
6y ago
Have you thought of joining the FFF, a very active discord community? We have many colonies (200+) and will help you a lot both with your Commonwealth and with resources, advice etc. Join here - discord.gg/fr7sHpt
6y ago
Have you thought of joining the FFF, a very active discord community? We have many colonies (200+) and will help you a lot both with your Commonwealth and with resources, advice etc. Join here - discord.gg/fr7sHpt
6y ago
Have you thought of joining the FFF, a very active discord community? We have many colonies (200+) and will help you a lot both with your Commonwealth and with resources, advice etc. Join here - https://discord.gg/fr7sHpt
6y ago
Uh oh, too late. This could cause trouble. But since you're in my Commonwealth now, you can decide whether you'd like to stay or shift to IKEA. Please don't accept the request until Ruben has decided, @Nomads.
6y ago
Uh oh, too late. This could cause trouble. But since you're in my Commonwealth now, you can decide whether you'd like to stay or shift to IKEA. Please don't accept the request until Ruben has decided, @Ottoich.
6y ago
Welcome to The Galactic Commonwealth ! A very active and large Commonwealth (RRR 40+), and proud member of the FFF (a very active discord community, join here - https://discord.gg/fr7sHpt).

Note that I can guarantee that I will reply to messages on Discord, but since the in game message system is not particularly robust, I may miss some messages, so I strongly recommend that you join the FFF.

Need a resource? Just ask!
Problems with motherland taxes? Ask for money!

Don't forget, the charter is 0nBhlXB4, and it's a small L.
6y ago
Since you asked, I'll testify here - @Ottoich does fulfill his promises.
6y ago
Join mine! 0nBhlXB4! You will never feel the need of resources - ask and you get! Very huge payroll assistance (you wouldn't believe it)! General advice too. Proud member of the FFF, a very active discord community. Join FFF here - https://discord.gg/fr7sHpt.

Don't forget, the charter code is 0nBhlXB4!
6y ago


Member Since
September 5th, 2017
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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