MMouse71's Recent Posts

I created a new colony, and found that when upgrading the small research buildings to the new upgraded version, I cannot make them work due to needing bandwidth. There is nothing at this stage for bandwidth which then makes the upgrade useless until i can create the server farm.
4y ago
These 2 buildings are able to rotate, yet when you turn them into towers, they revert back and are unable to turn. I had 2 residential complexes rotated and when I upgraded them, they were then stacked on top of each other occupying the same space. The blue residential also does this. My suggestion is to either remove the rotation on the complexes, or add them to the towers.
5y ago
I really like the dark mode, but could you by chance change the color of the uneducated? The brown blends in way too well with the black. I think the other colors are fine its just with poor eyesight its hard to read a bit.

thank you.
5y ago
yes you are correct.
5y ago
Ok, i added screenshots, as you can see, IO became independent april 28, I then created Terra Nova on May 3rd, using the charter code of IO. Yet it states its a cw of Prizm? I think there is a bug in there somewhere. If a colony becomes a CW, gains a charter code, then using that charter code wouldnt the new colony become a colony of the newly independent CW?
5y ago
Since I got a new computer, I started a whole new game, (didnt want to mess with syncing) and in so doing, I started an online game under Prizm Homeworld. I then was able to become my own commonwealth. I then created a new colony under my commonwealth, yet when it came time for payroll and taxes, they are going to Prizm Homeworld and not my own colony "IO". Is this a bug? I do not want to continue with this as the Prizm Homeworld owner has not logged in since becoming their own charter, which in turn does not pay the colonies under his charter code the compensation for payroll.

Please tell me if there is anything I can do, short of starting yet another colony. :D

5y ago
yep have all that. i have to sell solar tower now to build the alien tower.
5y ago
i am trying to upgrade from regular solar tower to alien and will not upgrade anymore. i play the online version on a pc.
5y ago
aha, ok, then, thank you for your fast response. yes i have both turbo bots. Oh well, i guess I bought the game twice then, but its worth it!
5y ago
I just purchased the premium edition, and i thought that i would get the terrabot. Is there something I am missing? Or am i doing something wrong?
5y ago
I only ask cause on the link of tables, there is nothing that consumes them, yet my Lofts produce them, and i receive gifts from the empire of them, and they are selling somewhat on the galactic trade, yet nothing consumes them that I can see. Will there be something in the future or am I missing something that may actually need them?
5y ago
Ok, I usually play on a human colony (of which I just got my colony into its own federation) but I still have no idea what the paintings are used for. Could someone help with this please?
5y ago
I am bumping this post to find out what paintings are used for... I notice that many are being sold and bought through the Board of trade, but still am unsure what they would be used for.
5y ago
I would like to see a multiple building sell button. I know that there is a delete all buildings, but instead of selling one building at a time, if there could be a sell all button instead of delete all.
5y ago
Early on thought it would be great to have an aluminum mine.
5y ago
I play an online game in WIN 10, I have several charters as well, so its a public colony, single city. I spent several hours to gain enough civics to get the trancendence research. As soon as I got the research completed, I saved the game and i was at only 22K on the civics. I then shutdown the laptop and went home, once I restarted the game, much to my surprise, I had all my resources returned. The research was still completed. I find that this is a Huge bug (although it was much in my favor). My civics is all the way back up to 101mil.
5y ago
Ok, so i am confused as to why there would be a stoppage of paintings on the Lofts. The blue bar is not moving and there are no new paintings over a 5 min period. My approval rating is at 94% (with education being the highest grief). Not really sure why work stops on various buildings. Since I cannot see individual colonists in the lofts, I cannot figure why the stoppage. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you
5y ago
Yes to all of it, with the exception of the transportation. If transportation is added, then being able to turn off those vehicles just like the colonists.
5y ago
I have about 10 claybots, and many mines. when i scroll to a different part of the colony, the bots go to a brick manufacturer and dissapear. When I scroll back to see what they are doing, they come out of hiding and start mining again. Very annoying when clay is needed, and i cannot babysit them. Is there a workaround for this?
5y ago
Omg... thank you! I really had no clue.
5y ago


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January 3rd, 2019
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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