jova's Recent Posts

it's a pity that it is not particularly appreciated, perhaps in the long run … a new civ would mean to sacrifice almost all my free time (and personal life) for several months, and, probably, without some kind of satisfaction.
However, I will try to organize myself to be able to provide some new elements to be included in future updates 2019.
Moreover, I was thinking of proposing to Bast, along the 2019, a new type of map like "new world" or "mistery Island" where to hypothesize the arrival of colonizers (Egyptians, Romans or Gauls) after a shipwreck and in which insert some Atzech structures just to have a base of a possible future new civilization to be carried out a little at a time
5y ago
Hi @bastecklein , I always do some research to draw structures plausible but always in style "Ape-Apps".
@colbya : but was not the Colossus greek? In the island of Rhodes …
5y ago
Nice job with the video.
5y ago
the same, today (Yesterday all was fine), in Windows 10 after last updates for version 1803 x64 (KB4345421) and Windows Defender definitions upd. KB2267602 : 1.271.1136.0 - 1.271.1166.0 - 1.271.1173.0
The same problem with the Antiquitas app
6y ago
Buy the correct slave : servus ferrum
6y ago
I was planning to realize a Country Manor.
Gaulish Chieftain lived in this large house and his submited people in small farms around them, so, similar the Villae Rustica, I can draw the Manor and some other minor building interspersed by fields and little woodland spots, so we can have a structure with a biggest production level. You thinked something similar?
But keep in mind that a fisherman structures is ready to be implemented, so the food production will raise thank this source ...
6y ago
I've just settled a roman commercial outpost, but is impossible to start import wine and olive oil because no storage capacity for this goods are available, waiting for the Raiders Camp (that will store loots and so also imported goods) will be not a bad idea to make some structure able to store this products, i was thinking at the Osta, something like 250 oil & 250 wine for every Osta.
6y ago
The initial idea was that the farm produce also a bit of beer sufficient to substein the Tavern (Gauls had a little domestic and handcraft production of almost everything), introducing the brewery i think that this production rate can be lowered a bit
6y ago
In fact, in 1.8 was fixed "... sometimes they come back..." ;-)
6y ago
Hi, like in 1.7 version, in 1.9 the graphics for the Gaulish Gold Mint and the Gaulish Gold Smelter switch to the "roman" version :-)
6y ago
Gauls was a "raiders " civilisation so they will get A lot of additional resources from raids and less from normal production, when Raiders Camp will be operative players will get more food and other stuff raiding germanic and Roman farms
6y ago
Happens to me also with the gold smelter, but after the 1.8.1 release is ok
6y ago
No olive trees far Gauls. They can import olive oil from the Roman commercial outpost or raid oil from Roman farms (when the code for raids will be ready )
6y ago
I think, problem of copyright ... :-/
6y ago
Servous oliva don't harvest just plant Olive tree that automaticaly produce olives and build Oleum Molendini that produce olive oil
6y ago
Medhelan is founded ... now I can come back work at new structures :-)
6y ago
finally out ... but I have a lot of more new stuff to do :-)
6y ago
I have the same problem with my on line colony from the win10 app : "unable to connect to login server"
(charter code: ccYAzvk7)
6y ago
The "pack"-"unpack" function for the caravan of the commedians in Antiquitas (the "Gregis Ludiones") is great :D
6y ago
You have enough space in yours warehouses? Perhaps the Tin capacity is full.
6y ago


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Member Since
September 4th, 2017
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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