nunez499's Recent Posts

The enemy destroyed my solar tower, i have enough money to build a new one but it doesn't let me. It says unable to comply building in progress. But nothing is building.
5y ago
Ive only played against de AI so far, it looks really good and it really has the C&C feel to it! I would like to suggest to add a health bar for the enemy. Also sometimes when I'm attacking in large groups I get the feeling my own guys die, due to friendly fire. That shouldn't happen. Also, the map needs to be bigger, like a lot :-) Need space to build an awesome base.
5y ago
dfv123 said:Well come on over to MCA, we would love to help you :)

Here is the invite link:

And I think this post actually belongs in General My Colony.

more like in the commonwealth section.
5y ago
Woohooo!!!! Finally. So excited 😁😁😁😁
5y ago
bast did say there will be missions, so who knows. all depends on the succes of the game.
5y ago
You're missing the resources needed and or the bot to build it. Check the reference site.
5y ago
Are they fully staffed?
5y ago
Or just make a reptile world Amorphous
5y ago
Nope once the ape account thing was created and made mandatory, everything prior to that was removed. Meaning if you didn't link your colony back then, it's removed from the server and you will have to start over. Join one of the Federation like crywolf says.
5y ago
They don't get deactivated till 10%.
And I don't repairs and haven't seen any building go below 95.

Ppl have too much "deactivation anxiety" 😉

Either way it's cheaper to let it go boom and rebuild it, than repair it constantly.

But I don't think it happens seeing how my main map is from 2016. For some reason they decay quick till 97-95 but stagnate after that. Makes the whole feature pretty useless and pointless.
5y ago
There is, but once you have more buildings it will ruin you. Don't worry about the repair they don't affect your game.
5y ago
Sounds like your second colony isn't under your commonwealth. Open the colonial website in your browser. There it will show if it's under prizm or your own CW.
5y ago
you cant. zolarg dont have schools. only human and LIS
5y ago
When you join the game you make a colony under earth (or the zolarg, LIS or reptilian equivalent) or under the commonwealth of a player. As long as you don't declare independence (and the commonwealth leader doesn't rescind your charter), you will remain in the commonwealth. Once you declare independence you are no longer part of the commonwealth, with that colony. Once you get members to join your charter, you have your own commonwealth.

Come to the fff if you have more questions, they will be answered much faster ;-)
5y ago
Before posting mad ideas. This game is based on command and conquer Tiberian sun. Weapons and stuff will be similar to there. It's just with a mycolony look and feel. Read into the original game first
5y ago
Because they don't die in one specific place. It would make it to easy.
5y ago
Like vince says, if you limit to the game the main difference is you can trade resources with other players and not just earth.

For us, its being part of something larger. A community, be it NOZ or FFF, interacting with other players. Talking about the game, helping each other.
5y ago
Acu said:Only make a commonwealth if you feel ready to take care of it, otherwise you ruin the fun for others.

Well said!
5y ago
If you build / use the transmission hub you can join someone else who is more active.
5y ago


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September 2nd, 2017
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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