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Plants and Machines

Suggestions for My Land:

Animals will eat nearby crops.

Pear Trees: Similar to apple trees, grow a little slower
Peach Trees: Like a pear tree but even slower
Banana tree: After being harvested a few times reverts to sapling.
Oak Tree: Like the evergreen, but provides twice the attraction rating in the fall, 1.5 times in spring, 0.75 times in summer, and half in winter. Will occasionally provide acorns.

Melon: Similar to a pumpkin, grows a little faster.
Soy: Grows quickly and is worth a lot of money, but requires being next to water.
Grapes: Works like a tree. Will spread to adjacent plant supports. Also increases land attraction value.
Cotton: The same as corn, except for other uses.

Other Buildings:
Plant Support: Used to grow vines.
Conveyer Belt: Moves items in the direction it faces. Will harvest nearby crops and extract finished products from other machinery.
Distillery: Turns grapes into wine, which is worth more.
Crop Seller: Sells crops automatically, but at half price.
Windmill: Turns wheat into flour and corn into cornflour.
Ovens: Turns flour and adjacent water into bread, which is worth more. Cornbread is made with cornflour instead and is worth more.
Cotton Mill: Turns cotton into fabric, which is worth more.
Goods Seller: Like the crop seller, but for finished goods made my machines instead of crops.
Advanced Goods Seller: Sells goods at full value instead of half value.
Feed Maker: Could make pig feed out of wheat, corn, or soy, more feed from more expensive crops. Would be able to fill pig feed troughs.
I am nerdy programmer that happens to like games made by ape apps. At some point in my life I am hoping to start a company and make games.
I also just though that aside from bread we could have apple pies and pumpkin pies
I am nerdy programmer that happens to like games made by ape apps. At some point in my life I am hoping to start a company and make games.
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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