hendry6305's Wall

I have several recommendations for game mechanics.

Labor/Living Wage mechanics

It cost a lots of time to jump between cities to raise wages, it's getting annoying when you have 5+ cities. It's also kind of tedious to click a lot when changing wages by occupation.

The interface should be able to apply every wage change at once. You change every job by typing it or clicking up/down button, then apply it. It also need to have options to apply it in the city or the entire region. The living wage and labor should be under one menu. Here's what I have in mind:

Cloning buildings

The cloning buildings should stop producing colonist when Immigration is blocked, and do the opposite when Immigration is allowed. By doing so, you only need one switch to stop colonist coming to your city. Powering it off or selling it when not needed confuses my estimation for the jobs/colonist count. Maybe the cloning facility should produce some research when not producing colonist?

Production priority

As posted by Redeye1973 here, there should be an option to apply priority to every building in the city. I want to add that there should be an option to apply it in every city.

IQ Statistics

IQ stats should be displayed in distribution graph like age stats, to better estimate how many colonist is able to take a certain job in a building.

Feel free to correct me if there's a trick to solve these problems, or if you have better ideas.
1y ago
I'm also on Firefox and having the same issue. I deleted the website's cookies, and the game can run again. But the save data will be gone if you didn't back it up.
1y ago
What platform are you playing at?
I'm playing on web version in windows, and countered the same problem. It can be fixed by turning on Cloud Sync, go to settings->statistics->game data->Cloud Sync
4y ago

i started this today on pc. no problem on food and water. now at colonist capacity of 189, anytime the number of colonist almost reach its capacity, it went down to below 10. also on population panel, the average health is flat at 0%. then i tried to build as many first aid station, and there's no change. last time it went down from 160s to 4

did i miss something? how many medical building does it needs?

5y ago


Member Since
December 21st, 2019
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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