Search - monopoly


Updated the HQ designs, the models should spawn facing correct direction by default.
HQ colors for Galactic Freight and Corporate Industries has changed to their corresponding in-game color.
Red Satellite Drive Yard's faction color changed to brown.
(Please replace all the files with newer version :P)
A new HQ design is also added.

I've watched the newest My Colony Podcast, although it is still in build-up stage, but I'm gotta say, that looks pretty good!
although cities of other AIs can be seen without exploration lol, presumably radar

On the other hand, my further explanation on the idea of Monopoly Victory.
It is basically a race to claim the largest share hold of the planet, ultimately seizing control of the planet by an legal takeover. To achieve monopoly, the factions have to find ways increasing the value of their colony and make sure they own a majority of resources on the planet.
Basically it is a race to get highest score. The score accounted for a Monopoly Victory is called Monopoly Score, which included the following:
  • Every city owned - +3
  • Every 1 population of owned cities - +1
  • Every luxury resource yield - +5
  • Every strategic resource yield - +3
  • A building in owned cities - +1
  • Every wonder owned - +10
  • Every natural wonder owned - +8
  • Per tile area of territory - +1
These are the regular ways gaining Monopoly Scores. Here are additional ideas on how Monopoly Score can be obtained:
  • Quests from Earth
    Every 50 turn, a quest would be issued from Earth to all factions on the planet. The faction would compete to finish the tasks in order to gain support from Earth, only the first one finishing the task would be able to increase their Monopoly Score - the most efficient can impress the potential investors.
    Possible quests:
    • Tax Collection
      It's a civil responsibility to pay tributes.... I mean taxes. Now it is the turn for the new colonies on Terra Nova. This will also evaluate the economic potentials of the colonization project.

      Send a required sum of money to Earth.
    • Assured Security
      Some potential investors are concerned of are we able to safeguard their interests in Terra Nova. We'll assure the safety - be employing more security forces!

      Produce 5 MILITARY units basically, of any type.
    • Contest for Tourist Attraction
      There are already some travel guide writers eager to find some really, really special places to visit on Terra Nova. We'll prepare and recommend the best place for them - Before others do so.

      Finish construction of a wonder.
  • Surveying Abnormalities
    Scout Rovers can interact with the natural abnormalities on the map when they have reached one of them. Some discoveries like Exclusive Ancient Discovery and A Nice Place to Erect Our Flag that shows how "special" we are will add Monopoly Scores!
The player reaching a certain amount of monopoly score as well as having a percentage of global monopoly score distribution will have the Monopoly option available. Initiating Monopoly requires a large sum of money that is proportional to the rest of the global monopoly score not owned by you (in other word, buy down everything from your opponents) , but once started, it is an unstoppable victory - The Monopoly Victory.

Hopefully the idea isn't too complicated..... πŸ˜… And hopefully you'll enjoy the idea today!
Greetings again!

This time we'll discuss about victory types.

So far, only a single victory type has been implemented, which is achieved by wiping out all other players.
To make the game more interesting, we can introduce some different victory types (along with ideas of associated game mechanics).

My idea on other victory types would be:
Monopoly Victory - Compete to complete tasks and trade contracts from Earth - Only the most competent may earn the monopoly status on the planet!
Technological Wonder Victory - Achieve innovative breakthroughs in science and create the technological masterpiece which shall make your name everlasting in history books.
Second Earth Victory - Develop your colonies into thriving cities to attract largest number of Earth immigrants and earn the great title "Builder of the Second Earth" for yourself!

Here are the details of each victory type:

Monopoly Victory
To achieve Monopoly victory, first one must earn a lowest required amount of Monopoly Score, then accumulate required amount of money to buy down the entire region before others.

Monopoly Score represents how much stakeholders from Earth see and trust you as an competent administrator of your colony on Terra Nova, which will eventually become vital support in General Assembly to pass your regional patent.
To enable the option buying the patent, your Monopoly Score must reach at least 20*(no. of players).
Here are two ways you can earn Monopoly Score:

All players will receive the same competitive tasks from Earth regularly every 15 turns starting from turn 30, which the objective each time may vary. Completing the task before the 15-turn quest cycle ends will yield ⭐ Monopoly Score, and bonus ⭐Scores can be earned if being the first one to complete the task.

Starting from turn 60, trade contracts form Earth will become available, allowing players to trade resources with Earth (one contract lasts for 20 turns). In addition to resource/money benefits, each active Earth contract also yields 1 ⭐ Monopoly Score per turn until the contract ends.

Once having qualified Monopoly Score, the next and the last requirement would be money. The required πŸ’° money to achieve victory is 100*(no. of players)+(Sum of top 5 ⭐ Monopoly Score including yourself).

Technological Wonder Victory
Technological Wonder victory is pretty straightforward - it requires completion of all techs and then complete the Breakthrough Project wonder.

This victory type does not require much explanation.

Completing all techs will unlock a victory wonder called Breakthrough Project, the most expensive wonder of the game.
This wonder will take a long time to complete, hence you should also have a city with high πŸ”¨ production yield if you wish to achieve this victory; and during this period you must also protect the project site - The city will be revealed and highlighted to all other players and some will try to stop you from completing it.

Second Earth Victory
Second Earth Victory competes to attract immigrants from Earth. Only well-developed cities with monuments and well-established administrative and cultural infrastructures can fulfill their high-level expectations of comfort!

In simplest way explaining it, it is mainly a cultural competition. πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€ Earth Immigrants (which does not count as πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”§ worker population) will start come to Terra Nova every 10 turns starting from turn 30, and they will only choose to settle in cities with sufficient πŸ› culture yield, cities with certain wonders or higher πŸ› cultural yield/rankings may get extra πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€ Earth Immigrants.
Note that πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€ Earth Immigrants are transferred if their home city fall into hands of another player!

The player who is first to reach the required number of πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€ Earth Immigrants wins the game, which the number depends on number of players the map can hold.

Hopefully some of them won't take complicated work to implement, and could add some interesting gameplay to the game!
And probably rough ideas for other factions
(If the settings is after the Old Earth era)

Red Satellite Drive Yards is the legacy of the Red Satellite Treaty Union (RSTU) of the late Old Earth era. Currently as one of the major spacecraft manufacturing corporation of United Earth, producing countless affordable yet durable spacecrafts for various purposes. Yet with the growing monopoly of Corporate Industries, they urgently need resources to survive and prevent the worst - Terra Nova provides them an opportunity.

Brotherhood of Polaris is a rugged religious organization that witnessed events since the end of the Old Earth era. Due to its origins from third-world countries, currently they are dedicated to provide material and spiritual support to developing colonies with various difficulties. The Brotherhood hoped to create an successful example in Terra Nova where monopoly race has been fierce.

FutureTech Inc. is a research institution that seeks for scientific breakthroughs through studying different phenomenons in space and various planets owning many new research outposts on the frontiers. Recently they have discovered that Terra Nova would be the best location for conducting astronomical researches that would fulfill their mission that was incomplete since the Old Earth era.

Plus victory types ideas:
Total Domination Victory is achieved by wiping out other rivals by military conquest.
Monopoly Victory is achieved by finishing (buying) the colony patent.
Ideological Victory is achieved by completing the civics tree.
Scientific Breakthrough Victory is achieved by building the space telescope.
This is the dedicated thread for faction (patron) ideas for Terra Nova 4X (My Colony version of My Empire 4X).

Here I've put ideas and background for existing factions and some of my custom ones.
It'll be updated if changes needed.
And of course, we'd like to see others' interesting ideas as well!

United Earth

Though United Earth government promised the colonization of Terra Nova would be an open competition, to some politicians and senators, this beautiful and meaningful Earthlike planet is too important to be claimed as property of private corporations. Hence, an "independent" colonization team of experts is sent to represent their own interest, and ensure United Earth government has the largest bargaining power in the race.

Faction bonus:

Corporate Industries

Always been ambitious, the interstellar megacorporation Corporate Industries has big plans to make another quadrillions of profit. Estimated to have extremely high industrial and commercial value, investors of Corporate Industries have shown great interest on colonization of recently discovered Terra Nova. To strengthen the reputation of Corporate Industry monopoly, a massive investment has been made, and here Corporate Industries joins the fray!

Faction bonus:
Tracy's Piggybank - Starts with a larger sum of money.

Galactic Freight

Terra Nova itself is conveniently located at the intersection of multiple new shipping lines. If Galactic Freight wants to expand business into nearby systems, then controlling this logistics hub is the key to predominating success, and the colonization race of Terra Nova just provides them the best opportunity to do so.

Faction bonus:

Beaconburg Security & Arsenals (BSA)

A young and renowned security contractor corporation from the frontier regions, which is also secretly the military supplies contractor of LIS. Troubled by constraints of resources and suitable testing grounds when developing new weapons and security systems, BSA is currently looking for ways to boost progress of their expensive projects. Resources of Terra Nova could be one of their solutions to break the situation.

Faction bonus:
Field Military Research - Gains research from destroying enemy unit (value based on unit type).

Red Satellite Drive Yards

The Drive Yards is the legacy of the Red Satellite Treaty Union (RSTU) of the late Old Earth era. Currently it is one of the major spacecraft manufacturing corporation of United Earth famed for their simple, affordable and durable constructs. Yet with the growing monopoly of Corporate Industries, they are slowly losing ground in Solar System. The Drive Yards is now looking for a suitable location to rebase their business, and Terra Nova is undoubtedly their first choice.

Faction bonus:
Mass Production - All buildings and units production are 10% cheaper in πŸ”¨ cost.


The Martian Industries, or more commonly known by people as MarsCorps, is a corporation highly experienced with resource extraction operations and heavy industries, who pioneered the industrialization of early United Earth colonies on Mars. Knowing Terra Nova has an impressive reservoir of minerals and other valuable resources, MarsCorps immediately joins the colonization race to contest control of the subterranean wealth.

Faction bonus:
Ultra-Efficient Extraction - Strategic resource yields are doubled.

FutureTech Inc

Being an research institution that seeks for scientific discoveries and breakthroughs, scientists of FutureTech have spent years establishing new research outposts on the frontiers to study different phenomenons in space and various planets. Recently they have discovered that Terra Nova would be the best location for conducting astronomical researches that would fulfill their mission that wasn't complete since the Old Earth era.

Faction bonus:

Brotherhood of Polaris

A rugged religious organization that witnessed events since the end of the Old Earth era. Due to its origins from third-world countries, currently they are dedicated to provide material and spiritual support to developing colonies with various difficulties. The Brotherhood hoped to create an successful example in Terra Nova with a team of volunteers who looks for changes and achievements in their lives.

Faction bonus:
Volunteers - Starts with 1 more worker, unit productions are 20% cheaper in πŸ”¨ cost.

Osaka Robotics

Osaka Robotics hopes to create societies that are less reliant on population while achieving high productivity using robotics and advanced electronics. An ambitious project has been proposed by them - to demonstrate further possibilities of their newest automation in the new era by establishing successful colonies on Terra Nova.

Faction bonus:
Automation - Every colony has +20% boost in πŸ”¨.

Liliane Manors

A prestigious family business that has elegant reputation and wide influence among the high societies of Earth, running supply chains of luxuries ranging from spices and jewelries to cosmetics and fashion. They wish to develop new successful products by exploiting the high value resources in Terra Nova.

Faction bonus:
Prestigious Way of Life - Luxury resources yields +1 πŸ›.

Edelweiss Collective

A collective formed by a group of small colonies who wished to protect themselves from any forms of external interference, with the ultimate aim to create an isolated utopia among the stars. Terra Nova could be the ideal place where their dreams may come true, but only if they can keep other greedy rivals off their lawn.

Faction bonus:
Security is Priority - Cities of the Collective starts with city walls constructed.

Twilight Syndicate

In disguise of an unsuspecting colonization contractor, the notorious interstellar group of outcasts secretly joined the colonization race of Terra Nova for one single true reason - Turning this beautiful planet into a haven and heaven for their dirty-handed smugglers and mercenaries where they can have a long break without fear of United Earth's legal enforcers!

Faction bonus:
Smuggler's Black Markets - Importing and exporting contracts has a more favorable price.
Thanks everyone for responding.
Yes we are big, but mostly it's been a natural process. Very gradually. We started in January! I am proud of what we have made no matter what others might think about it. And I'm fine with banter, busting balls, competion etc. Just like to have things clear. If people have something against us, for whatever reason, speak up your mind. Share your thoughts and arguments. Same if you just want healthy competition. I'm interested in arguments, reasons.

I don't expect everyone to join the FFF and I applaud any endeavor of starting new federations /Commonwealth's eventhough I know their chance of succes is very small. And not just because the FFF is so big.
But because they don't offer anything different from us. And they don't put in the work we have put into it. I don't want to discourage anyone, I'm not interested in Monopoly. But if you are going against us, think about it and do your best to be successful about it. Just saying you're against us or want to be our nemesis isn't going to cut it and get people on your side. Come with a game plan.
6y ago
More faction ideas.

Edelweiss Defense Collective by @itsLiseczeq, the idea is an highly defensive faction that plays the style of "glorious isolation"
Edelweiss Defense Collective is formed by a group of small colonies who wished to protect themselves from any forms of external interference, with the ultimate aim to create an isolated utopia among the stars. To protect the interest of the Collective colonies in Terra Nova, although unwillingly, the Collective eventually decided to get involved into the rivalry to colonize the planet.
Fortified Headquarters - Capital city of the Collective starts with city walls.
Fortress - Replaces Military Base. Provides more city HP than Military Base and has extra benefit of +2 πŸ› yield. More expensive than a military base.
White Beret - Replaces Infantry. Has superior defense strength.
Preferred victory types: Ideological victory

Martian Industries is an corporation that pioneered the industrialization of early United Earth colonies on Mars, especially with great experiences with resource extraction operations. Their next step is to expend their business further into other colonies, with the project on Terra Nova being the most heavily invested by various stakeholders.
Efficient Resource Extraction - Strategic resource yields of Martian Industries colonies are doubled.
Raw Materials Market - Replaces Bank. +2 πŸ’°. 20% value of total πŸ”¨ of the colony contributes to extra yields of πŸ’°.
Industrial Research Labs - Replaces University. +3 πŸ§ͺ. 40% value of total πŸ”¨ of the colony contributes to extra yields of πŸ§ͺ.
Preferred victory types: Monopoly

More faction ideas

Osaka Robotics which they are less reliant on population for achieving high productivity thanks to their vast deployment of robotics and advanced electronics. An ambitious project has been proposed by Osaka Robotics - to demonstrate further possibilities of automation in the new era by establishing successful colonies on Terra Nova.
Automation Support - Every colonies of Osaka Robotics has +20% πŸ”¨ boost, rounded up.
Robotics Research Facility - Replaces University. +4 πŸ§ͺ and +2 πŸ”¨. Costs slightly higher than a University.
Automatic Farm - Replaces Hydroponic Farm. +50% 🍎 boost and +2 🍎. Costs slightly higher than a Hydroponic Farm.
Preferred victory types: Scientific victory.

Liliane Manors is a family business that gained high prestige and influence among high societies of Earth, from trading and supply chain of luxuries ranging from spices, jewelries to cosmetics and fashion. They wish to expend their success further by exploiting the high value resources in Terra Nova.
Prestigious Luxuries - Luxury resources worked by their colonies has extra yield of 1 civics.
Luxuries Market - Replaces Bank. Yields +3 πŸ’° and +2 extra πŸ’° per luxury resources worked by the colony.
High Society Clubhouse - Replaces News Station. Yields +2 πŸ› and +2 extra πŸ› per luxury resources worked by the colony.
Preferred victory types: Monopoly or Ideological victory.

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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