Akkupack's Recent Posts

I only have one vehicle factory, what else can make them?
5y ago
Had exactly the same thing happen to me with claybots, pressed the button a couple times and got 11 claybots. However, when pressing the button I noticed the vehicle factory did not always queue a bot, so I just pushed the button until there were a total of 5 bots to be built, yet somehow I ended up with 11.
5y ago
Had the exact same issue but all I had was a single medium recycler which just stopped working for apparently no reason. Also, just now I noticed my advanced plastic factory stopped working because of lack of robots, and it did not turn on again after i got a bunch of robots now. Tried a bunch of things except reinstall the game.
5y ago
Can confirm, seen this issue for a couple months already
5y ago
Sorry, paysafe is my only option. And I am very sure I saw that I can pay with paysafe, but google play doesn't give me the option.
6y ago
How about making subscriptions in threads you have made or posted in enabled automatically? This way you can track replies in all the threads you have posted in. Sure, I can press the subscribe button if I want that, but for lazy people like me it would be nice to have it subscribe automatically.

I mean, when I create this thread, I would expect to be automatically subscribed as I created this to see others' opinion on my idea. However,that doesn't happen so I have to manually subscribe which I sometimes forget or is just a waste of 2 seconds of my very precious time. Or when I post a reply in someone's else thread, I'd be interested in hearing other replies as well, same as above.
6y ago
So it says that I can get premium with paysafe, which is currently the most convenient way. However, Google Play has no way of paying with paysafe. How do I do it then?
6y ago
My standards for "refreshing" are saving, exiting, getting back, as I am on Android. Usually that fixes minor issues with employment and whatnot. But the chart still shows bullcrap.
6y ago
So I would like to see more graphs than what we currently have: lowest, median, average, highest graphs for colonist money, colonist happiness, IQ, health, and maybe age. It would be useful to know if there are still really sick people with the minimum health graph, to give an example. However, so many graphs will fill up the stats pages too much, therefore I suggest to have buttons on graphs to show/hide a certain graph. Min, max, med, avg would be color coded to easily differentiate them if all the graphs are enabled on a single window.

Secondly, the unhappiness chart really needs to show how many people are complaining of x issue, and when no one is mad, the chart would show "no mad colonists" or something. While currently it is somewhat useful as it is, it's only somewhat and could be better.

Thirdly, graphs should have some numbering on them. How can I know how much GDP I had at x moment just by looking at the graph? Sure, just math the current GDP with the height of the graph at x moment, but the game can do that as well.

(the huge spike isn't cheating, it's just getting like 3k relics from an ad)
6y ago
Sorry for necro, but I still want this.

Here is what I mean: many buildings such as the large medical clinic or the consulate have the 1 ore pavement at their base, so they blend in with the 1 ore pavement. However, on regolith colonies, that pavement is not available so you gotta use hardened pavement as the closest thing. However the difference in color between hardened and 1 ore pavement makes abovementioned buildings not blend in with the surrounding pavement. Hope I was clear enough this time and apologies for the necro again.

6y ago
Sorry for necro, but I preferred not making another thread as this issue still seems to happen in version 0.67.

Another colony, 100% approval, people mad of homelessness, depression and unemployment even with more houses and jobs than there are people. And yes, I know how the chart works, but what happens when all people aren't mad of anything? It just falsely claims that people are mad for a random reason? Why?

With a small ish colony (round 400 colonists) and 100% rating it should mean that there are only a maximum of 4 people mad. Some calculations tell me that the chart ratios dont really fit well with just that few people.

Immigration disabled for a decent chunk of time so that the graph can't show the unhappiness of past immigrants (as you mentioned), and still happens.

Don't mind the fatigue lol, workplaces are rather far away as I have 4 districts for my colony: housing, government and entertainment, light industry, heavy industry. A light work policy just zeroes out all fatigue as it seems.
6y ago
Yeah this also happens for me sometimes, for example when I set the parking spot for 5 rovers at once, some go and others are just slacking off. Eventually they obey as well. On Android.
6y ago
It just happened again in v0.57. There were more employed people than total people in the colony. No screenshot, you just gotta believe me.
6y ago
Agreed, but why homelessness? The issue has reduced since some time passed, but it is still there. Also, it does that for unemployment as well.

The chart should be made so that it also shows how many people are mad of x issue, and when no one is mad, the chart should say "0 mad citizens" or something.
6y ago
Version 0.57 on Android 6.0.1 on Samsung A5 2017.
So, many people probably know about the "Doing cleanup" bug which essentially makes the loading of a colony impossible. Here is my case:

I realised it has something to do with the fact that I just set my save to online mode because I wanted to see how the board of trade works. That did not work because of some other issue (it said that no contracts are available until the interface bugged completely) and after a restart of the app, I got the infinite loading. I could still use the left menu, which I used to snag a photo with the built-in photo tool:

You can already see how the issue is that the loading screen simply will not disappear, not letting the player see what is he doing. I used the left side menu to try to get into the statistics menu where I could disable online mode. The statistics menu was behind the loading screen as well, but I knew the exact location of the online mode button and I switched it. I restarted the game and it instantly worked properly.
6y ago
Issue still persists on the same save (v0.57) and I have no idea what am I doing wrong.
6y ago
Thanks! It was really bothering me.
6y ago
Version 0.57, on Android 6.0.1 on Samsung A5 2017. Found a typo:
6y ago
Issue still persists as of 0.56
6y ago
Version 0.56, Android 6.0.1 on Samsung A5 2017

Here you see homelessness is kind of a slight issue

But there are no homeless people.
6y ago


Member Since
September 23rd, 2017
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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