Conco2's Recent Posts

Yeah there is a way, you can deport all children and clone or Star gate more adults
4y ago
@bastecklein That sounds great bast! My Colony has been one of my favorite indie games for a while now i can wait to play the sequel. :-)
4y ago
Hey Bast, I am hella excited about this new engine and basically everything on that list, can't wait to see what you and the community come up with. But there is one question I have, does this mean that My Colony 1 is complete/final.
4y ago
UltimateNerd00 said:
Conco2 said:Hey, I was thinking about the mass transit system and I have some ideas. Oil could be changed into gasoline in an oil processing facility. With this gasoline, you could make a starter level of mass transit like buses and taxies. Then there could be a new resource such as Neodymium or Rare Earth Metals that are only found on a certain type of map such as Cobalt and Ether. This resource could then be processed into magnets in a magnetic processing facility or something of the sort. These magnets could be used to make a monorail a med game type of transport. In the late game, there could be a tech you have to research to start making Super Conductors which could be used to make flying cars or something of that sort. Thanks for this newest update it is great!! I hope you stay healthy in these trying times. -Conco2

@Conco2 I mean, cobalt is a real magnetic material, so why not just use that? Cobalt already is only useful for the draconian, I think it should be more usable for other civs too, and what you said would be a good, and realistic use for it.

@UltimateNerd00 I didn't think about that... it would be a great use for Cobalt not to mention i could make lots of money for draconian colonies.
4y ago
Hey @bast, I was thinking about the mass transit system and I have some ideas. Oil could be changed into gasoline in an oil processing facility. With this gasoline, you could make a starter level of mass transit like buses and taxies. Then there could be a new resource such as Neodymium or Rare Earth Metals that are only found on a certain type of maps such as Cobalt and Ether. This resource could then be processed into magnets in a magnetic processing facility or something of the sort. These magnets could be used to make a monorail a med game type of transport. In the late game, there could be a tech you have to research to start making Super Conductors which could be used to make flying cars or something of that sort. Thanks for this newest update it is great!! I hope you stay healthy in these trying times. -Conco2
4y ago
@bastecklein oh well dang then I guess do what you then don't want it to release next year just for one feature lol.
5y ago
Great Idea love to see the aging factory flushed out great thinking. Might I suggest adding a birth rate, a death rate, a retirement rate, and a "becoming 18 rate" to the population tab to better help to make housing and jobs for citizens in the future.
5y ago
@bastecklein Great update this will help the performance I can see it now running my 200K city smoothly!! But I do have to say that Mass Transit show be released alongside this as it will break most cities since most colonists won't want to travel 100 tiles to a Job in a megacity or end-game city. Since this will likely happen Mass Transit is the only fix other than tearing up the whole city (which isn't an option for things like Starship maps). Love that you decided to overhaul the colonist don't get me wrong it just seems like Mass Transit would be an absolute necessity as soon as this comes out.

SIDENOTE: maybe in like 1.1.0 you could add multi-planet colonization make it cost 1Mil-Starships to start. And when you first send the expedition you can send resources with it that you have to use to build and to transfer resources back and forth you have to build a starport(or a new building) on both colonies. But I will cost starships to do so.
5y ago
Everyone is saying they are finding easter eggs and stuff is there a way I can test as well?
5y ago
What a great idea!!! this will help so much for starting out when you have no power
5y ago
That is amazing vast can’t wait for this update seem like it’s going to be LIT. How you had a good Thanksgiving. :-)
5y ago
my in game name is Conco2 . My colony will be named Atlantis
5y ago
I propose that more software items should be added as well adding software to existing items {such as The Robot Factory and Robot Incorporated and even the Investment Bank}. A resource such as Electronics could be added to the game that takes software to create. Electronics could be "made" into phones computer and TVs to be sold this could happen in an "iBanana" build for example. This build should make A LOT of money as companies that sell electronics make BILLIONAIRES! Software could also be used to add AI cars that drive colonist to and from there jobs houses and places of entertainment. These cars would require a building to park at and Bandwidth.
5y ago
@bastecklein I might just be me but I think the turbo drones do not actually build faster than than the regular drones. with the turbo mega builder, it is immediately obvious that it builds faster than the regular counter-part. The difference is {in my opionion} between the drone and turbo drone is minuscule at best and non-existent at worst. Just something I have noticed not meant to roast or anything
5y ago
So recently I have tried downloading and installing so mods on to My Colony. The downloading and installing is working fine and activating them as well. But when I go into the game the textures are still at there defaults. I have tried two different textures on three different Clients of the game {Windows Store, iOS, and Ape Web Apps}. I am not sure why this is happening but I would like to know if others are having similar problems or if it is just me.
5y ago
I agree with this a lot I have to build about 90 stargates and cloning facilities. get about 100k an hour still slow but it the best you can do right now. Would be very helpful to either have shared Population between maps, large maps, or a better cooling facility.
5y ago
Ultra deep sites are a waste of time. Center for relic studies produces the most but if you aren't at that level yeah just build 50-70 dig sites and you should get enough to start building alien tech. Also, Paul, he did mess up with the names you should still answer the question.
5y ago
The population cap sounds like it would just annoy people and hold progress unnecessarily. Other than that you have some GREAT idea's some of which I do hope get implemented.
5y ago
great idea if colonist could travel between cities that would make stuff much easier
5y ago


Member Since
December 9th, 2017
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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