Dwilcox's Recent Posts

Hello I am currently having this issue - where the online button should be there is nothing
9mo ago
I'm having issues logging in. The screenshot pretty much sums up the issue.

"There was an error parsing server login response. Please try again"
4y ago
How do you control or set your Payroll assist for colonies in your Commonwealth?
5y ago
bastecklein said:@Dwilcox can you post an offline copy of your map so that I can check it out? Other people have had this problem too but I have no idea what is causing it and I can not duplicate it. My policy menu shows up just fine :-/

Hi sorry, how do I share an offline copy? I made an offline copy, just not sure how to share it. Thanks very much for your help!
5y ago
I am unable to access my policy menu in my consulate. All other features for the consulate work except the policy menu.i have sold the consulate and rebuilt one and the issue persists. I even attempted to try the policy menu at each lvl of the consulate it is available at through lvl 5. Unable to access still.

Also I'm not sure if it's related but my chat doesnt seem to be connected, it's on and signed in but not visible to my Commonwealth members.

Build 0.82.0
Platform: Android and Web (laptop)
Phone: Google Pixel
5y ago
Also I just noticed that my chat is also not working. I dont see any chats from other people in my commonwealth. Only my comments.
5y ago
bastecklein said:@Dwilcox This is interesting.

There has got to be another factor that is causing it also. Can you give me some more details on your colony, anything that might lead to a clue about this?

Hi there,
I have a standard human colony(not LIS), under a Commonwealth from Aussie Empire. I moved my city center from the consulate to the star gate around the same time this happened (issue remains even after I set the center back). For a while when I clicked on the consulate it would only give me the option to bulldoze or sell or the x. Also if I went to sell my consulate it would ask me if I wanted to delete it with the resources but instead of the consulate it was for the building I had previously selected. Now with the current release the options fully appear but clicking on the policy icon does nothing. All the other icons work correctly

Hope this helps. Let me know if I need to provide more information.
5y ago
Hi there, thanks for the update.

I noticed the consulate is still unable to access the policy menu via Android and desktop.
5y ago

Adding to zalgo, I cannot access my policy menu via my consulate since the last update. Is this a known issue? or is there an existing troubleshoot to solve for this?
5y ago
I'm also having this issue. I wanted to declare independence but I can't because I can't access the features for the consulate to control the game
5y ago


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November 9th, 2018
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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