FearTheGuppy's Recent Posts

I am having a glitch were outside the world a copy of part of my map, a ghost version that is unclickable and does not give resources.

Steps to replicate the issue you are having.
Although I do not know it's cause I presume the bug happens when my computer was broken and fixed. It's not game changing.. just annoying to look at.
The platform for your game (Android, Apple, Win10, Web, etc)
Chrome OS

Version of My Colony (this can be found on the title screen)
My colony version: 0.63.0
6y ago
MaroutoutMars1 said:The guppy is alive and he have talk
FearTheGuppy said:I have commited more henious crimes than this boy, I who was banished by two leaders of federations, who I now consider friends, yet they forgave me, it takes time and patience, Dolphin needs to guide Mars and punish him at his own accords. We must leave this matter behind us and if he changes, *when he changes like I did we can potentially amend the btoken wounds. So I emplore you to leave this behind and let Dolphin deal with this, as a friend, as a enemy and as an average guy.

i have exit of all the federation if you see well
(ps:Darkbaguette ne tienquiet pas je saurais remplir mes journées)

You didn't need to. Remain in NUF and learn from the mistake
6y ago
I have commited more henious crimes than this boy, I who was banished by two leaders of federations, who I now consider friends, yet they forgave me, it takes time and patience, Dolphin needs to guide Mars and punish him at his own accords. We must leave this matter behind us and if he changes, *when he changes like I did we can potentially amend the btoken wounds. So I emplore you to leave this behind and let Dolphin deal with this, as a friend, as a enemy and as an average guy.
6y ago
At the time of writing I did not see Dolphin's message, cross that off the list but I would like to add is it not as a fed leader to keep your own members in check?
6y ago
ADN has been a pain and a nuisance to us all, In case you don't know me I'm TertiaryCake, Sir Typhus, Typhs or Enriel. ADN has disrupted the natural flow of the feds and has promoted a bad habit to man. He is in the forum to promote his federation and has done so poorly. ADN is difficult to communicate with because of his bad English and that often leads him to cause mischevious acts. The evidence seems clear to ban him, but before that I must base some levels,

Have communicated to him about the incident at the forum?
Have we checked with his federation leader to see what actions they suggest?
Have we considered the fact that when we ban him the only fed he will stay in is NUF and will he ruin that one and what action should we take?

Until them I am undecided but leaning to the ban.
6y ago
I need help, I had a mycolony world that was quite advanced with a population of like 80k to 100k but my computer broke and I lost the world. I saved it but it used the Facebook system instead of ape apps bacm when it died. Can somebody help me get it back?
6y ago
Hmmmmm that isn't possible. You can only choose one world floor at the moment, so right now it's impossible.
6y ago
New update, well I've kinda made a new one with a new difficulty level. This one has much more lava and resources but it's spread out a lot. There is also less space so choose what to build because it will impact the future. Apart from that let me know if it's to easy or hard. I would recommend using mainly Zolarg and United Earth's if you want an easier expevidence but LIS if you want the challenge. Also as the tectonics change there can be cases of losing out on resources, Zolarg are the best equipped for this but if you want to wait try LIS or

*Increased difficulty*
*New Map Design*
*All species*

6y ago
My work on the Apocalypse World so far. It's the first test. It's UE only
6y ago
PureEvil said:Wonder if he can make it so we can import our my colony world into the colony wars.... That would be neat.

I'm feeling it's a bit like halo wars, and so there would be no need to import
6y ago
"R"poll was a misclick thank you very much!
6y ago
First of all, can someone pin this? I like many others have told a selected few that guns and PvP will not be in MyColony, Back is making a game called Colony Wars that will sate your PvP/PvE desires. He has no desire for combat in MyColony just to let ya know! Remember look around before suggesting something.
6y ago
You need to put in the URL to upload an Image
6y ago
Yeah if your talking about stuff like "unemployed" and its blank that's cause you keep spamming the U button. Just click em away
6y ago
Either link up the account up via Facebook or connect your phone to your PC and drag the .apk file to your computer and you get the premium file but not the game sadly.
6y ago
NeotheOne said:
FearTheGuppy said:#WasItNotAlwaysGreat?IDon'tKnowAnymore


So I should change the tag to #makeNOZgreater

Or #makeNOZthegreatest!
6y ago
Yup it's slag Marout
6y ago
Perhaps he could buff it a bit, unless he adds a new one? Same with Alu Gens they could be buffed but then again perhaps it adds to the challenge
6y ago


Member Since
September 4th, 2017
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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