Raineyd's Recent Posts

P.S;: I tried the same thing on my computer (Win8.1) and the erase function to delete region is functionning correctly. So it seems to be a specifical problems for mobile users or some of them.
4y ago
You're right with the bulldozer icon. Even if, it's difficult to guess, cause there is no red frame, like in normal maps. Howether, trying to delete my corrupted map, I don't get any result. A confirmation message asks me if I want to "erase" or "cancel". But when I click on "erase", nothing happen, even after saving, closing and relaunching the map.
I tried with another region map, and I have the same problem (build 1.3.2). In fact, more precisely, it seems that the map is actually destroyed (when you click on it, there is an error). But the region map is, howether, still displayed. And it is impossible to create a new region on top.
4y ago
I am (re-)playing your game since a couple of days and I saw there is interesting updates. So, good work, I wish you good luck with the next updates. Howether, I am playing in region mode and I have problems with this mode again. I precise that I am playing on a mobile phone.

So I propose to do a group shot with all the technical concerns that I could find (and I allow myself a few suggestions at the same time).

1-Corrupted save and region management :

First of all, I got a corrupt save file again. But at the difference of the last time, it's not during the game, but when I created the region that the problem occurs. This is probably due to a manipulation problem on my part, because having placed the region in the wrong place, I had to press the cancel button to try to abandon my action. However, the problem remains the same. And not only is the (large) region still in the wrong place, but I can no longer access it (see the blue part in the picture).

Suggestion : First of all, I propose to add a validation screen, before creating a new region, which avoids errors, as I did, by choosing for example a large region. Second, I suggest adding the option to delete a region. This allows in particular to delete part of the map, if it is corrupted, but not the rest of the map.
By doing this, there is a problem with resources. Cause delete and recreate a map can lead to infinite resources. You can choose to ignore it (cause the resources in the region mode are almost unlimited). Or we can make it so that recreating a new region on a section that has already served will only allow us to create empty maps.

2-Display bug :

Now, it's just a glitch concerning residential complex. Maybe due to their format (2x1). I precise that I have these configs : check the rendering distance:true (so I guess it's not related to that), render fpc cap:medium, update frequency:rare.

3-Salary :

I don't know if it's a bug, but when I am on a region map, the salary requested is that of the region where we are. So with a region with two inhabitants and a region with 1000, if it only takes into account the salary of the first region, it makes a little difference.
Salary management (in political choices) also seems to be managed by region (instead of being global), since the data recorded for one region is not valid for another. This can be defended. Still, I find it strange ...

P.S.: I mixed the two image files in one, cause I had problems attaching two different images.
4y ago

To begin, here are some technical informations :
-I am playing at mycolony on my computer with WIN8 (v0.71);
-I have purchased premium version till some times ;
-I am playing on a BIGGAAA region map (about 7 regions are really inhabited, but I must have maybe something like 30 regions in all).

Now that is my problem : I was playing on the game and at a moment I decided to change of region. So I returned to the region map (below) and I clicked on the region I choosed. But instead of loading my map, it displayed me nothing at all, and if I well remembered i had an infinite loading text at the bottomright corner indicating "saving game.." infinitely but did nothing. The other regions function. But when I tried to load this one now, I have a "Sync data" screen who closes itself after a few seconds, without loading my map. I tried also to load a recovery file but it didn't function.

Does it mean that I seem to have lost this part of my map for ever and
ever and
ever and
ever and
ever and
ever and
ever and
ever and
ever and
ever and
ever ?

My computer appeared to be overload at the moment of the problem. And I guess it is the cause of the corruption of the file...

EDIT : here are the files of the game, I 'm not sure it can help but I put them here nevertheless.

EDIT 2 : I have also lot's of .mcx files but I don't know if they can be of some use.
6y ago
+1 Acu

I think buildings could only have two rotations, the right/left flip. And they would be flipped for each rotation of the map of 90°. Some buildings are centered yet so it doesn't affect them. For the others, it only affects the direction and authorize no back for buildings. But it allows a change of perspective and even if it will not be perfect, I think it would be better that no rotation at all.
6y ago

I'm trying to make some new textures for the game. I haven't enough draws for the moment to create a texture pack but I have tried to make one or two things. You can find in particular :
-new greenhouse (not animated), silo, shelter and lander;
-new grounds for mars (with a dark red at the beginning);
-an isometric magnetic grid for 1x1 draws in svg format. The grid helps you to create isometric draws with Inkscape.

Some textures are also ugly or bad adapted for the moment. But I let you my work folder. To add some of these textures to your game, goto modding, create textures and import the .svg or .png files in the right place. And... enjoy.
6y ago


Member Since
December 23rd, 2018
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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