gkdkggl's Recent Posts

What if it's not ads from the Galactic Emperor but from other players or CWs. So that I can send propaganda to people and pay them for watching it. It's not ads, but more a message from a player advertising their CWs (or any other message) giving the watcher money or resources.

This might be a big feature to add to the game, but could be a way to make it more multiplayer and give more interaction between players
5y ago
The Empire of ThisWorld is growing. The recently added regions colony will ensure more resources, a lot more resources
6y ago
I also have this problem. And it's been like this since .75 not only for .75. Both me and Invincible have .76 (native client) and are experiencing this problem.
6y ago
Of course, fatigue means that your colonists are tired. Usually, the main reason for this is that they have to walk too far to get to work and home. Make sure the distance between housing and jobs are pretty short for all your people. This also goes for entertainment and medical buildings, they should be close together.
another thing, remember that the chart showing what colonists complain about shows what unhappy people are complaining about. If your approval rating if over 95%, those problems don't really exist, and as long as your approval rating is above 90% I would not worry about what they complain about.
6y ago
That's good. The workers are on working cycles. Just like in real life, they can't work all the time. Sometimes they coincidentally take their time off at the same time.

I'm glad it got solved though. You might want to join a discord server, like the FFF (link in signature). It's usually easier to get help with simple things like this there than here.
6y ago
To try to help with this I'll ask a few questions:
1. How long are we talking about?
2. What is your approval rating?
3. How long have you been playing?
4. Do you have enough entertainment and health buildings for your colonists?
6y ago
They are mostly housing.
The normal can house 10000 people and employs 7000 people, its nice for getting a lot of people. Fantasy Land can house 16000 and employs no people, it's nice to use in areas where you have a lot of jobs in the same area

Check out the reference page for them.

Fantasy Land Arcology:

Hope this helps a bit
6y ago
Good ideas, but I will warn against making the game too easy. At least I prefer that you can't easily get everything from the same map, it encourages trading and it gives a purpose to the other map types.
6y ago
Was it you I accepted last night? What is your colony name?
Also, you should join our Discord server to better communicate with me and other players. Here's the link: https://discord.gg/fr7sHpt
6y ago
haha, I'm sure it will be fine! We'll just have a short period with a few crazy GDPs until the next update
6y ago
For the region GDP, you say its the sum of all the cities? I am just wondering if that is the right way to do it as all resources are shared between the cities, and the GDP is the value of all resources. Like it would be the value of all the resources multiplied with the number of cities? Making another empty city would then add one to the multiplier without giving any extra resources. Is this intended?
6y ago
It works just fine for me. When I open a second game I just have to log in to my account again
6y ago
Give them entertainment and money (they need money to use some of the entertainment)
If your approval rating is over 90% its hard to tell what they actually need, so keep that in mind
6y ago
ThisWorld is also one of the biggest CWs in the game and one of the most active ones!
6y ago
Not until you get 1 million atmosphere. When you have 1 million atmosphere you will be able to build Fir Trees and Megatrees (built by lumberbug). Until that you can always trade to get some.
7y ago
Found a solution to the problem. If anyone experiences this problem.
1. Uninstall My Colony.
2. Go to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local and delete the "my_colony" folder.
3. Go to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming and delete the "My Colony" folder.
4. Reinstall My Colony.
Worked for me!

I want to point out that I did not find this solution myself, but wanted to post if here in case someone needs it.
7y ago
No, I make sure to always open it in front! Thanks for the reply though
7y ago
I was playing My Colony on the native Windows client, my computer crashed/stopped while I was playing and I had to force restart my computer. When my computer was back on I tried to go back into My Colony but it got stuck on the loading screen, before the Title menu. Is there any way to fix this?

I have tried restarting my computer and uninstalling/re-installing My Colony.

Thanks for any response and/or solution to this problem!
7y ago
The Commonwealth of ThisWorld!
Your colony! Your way! With My Help!

Charter Code: Cjy3uM5h

Feel the pride of building up from nothing!
I only have 100% payroll assistance, not because I don't want to give more, but because I want everyone to get the chance to make it on their own.

Get the help you want!
I will not send random gifts, but if you need or want help with anything, I will help you.
I can send gifts to kick start your colony, help you to grow as fast as you want! If that is what you want!
I can answer questions about anything so feel free to ask! Help you learn how to build your colony like you want to!
Seriously, just send a message! I'll reply and send you what you asked for.

Get more out of your My Colony Experience!
Join Discord and the First Future Federation and get into the best place to learn, talk, and trade with other players!

ThisWorld is one of the biggest active colonies in the game, by a player that have been playing My Colony for a long time! I have built multiple colonies from nothing, and enjoy doing it without help! So, I want to give everyone that option. I also enjoy building colonies with a lot of help and, it is fast and fun to be able to to everything when you want to do it. That is why in ThisWorld you get the option, if you don't want help, I'll leave you alone. If, on the other hand, you want help or change your mind, I'll be there to help you with what you need! In either case communication always makes a game more fun! So feel free to message me, or preferably join the FFF on Discord to get the best experience!

7y ago


Member Since
November 19th, 2017
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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