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Suggestions for Alpha Draconian faction

Hello, folks. I wanted to share my suggestions and ideas of the Alpha Draconians faction. I want to share buildings and structures as much as I can.

First, I will share the structures. These are what I proposed:
  • Draconian Outpost - The starting building of the Alpha Draconians. Deploys with 4 infantry units.
  • Microreactor - The power source of the Alpha Draconians. Requires a Draconian Outpost.
  • Assault Center - The standard Draconian infantry barracks. Requires a Microreactor, and produces infantry units.
  • War Factory - The place where the Draconians build tanks and other armored vehicles. Requires a Microreactor, and produces vehicles.
  • Battleship Yard - The standard battleship production yard of the Alpha Draconians. Requires a Microreactor, and produces naval units.
  • Antanium Impactor - Reptillian equivalent of the human Ore Refinery. Requires a Microreactor.
  • Turret - Turrets that can defend the Reptilian base. Requires an Assault Center. Good against infantry units.
  • Bomb Station - A station that lobs out bombs, for both anti-air and anti-vehicle. Requires an War Factory.
  • Deep Space Radar - A special facility that can unlock Tier 2 technology. Requires a War Factory, and is a Tech Lab.
  • Airship Factory - An specialized facility for creating reptillian aircraft. Requires Tier 2, and produces aerial units.
  • Planning Station - An specialized lab for handling futuristic Draconian technology such as the Antigrain Warhead, and unlocks Tier 3. Requires Tier 2, and is a Tech Lab.
    Antigrain Warhead Launcher - A superweapon that the Alpha Draconians made from somehow farming antimatter wheat fields. It was unknown how this was made. Requires Tier 3, and is a Superweapon.

That is it for today! I know many of you have already suggested for LIS, and the Zolarg Empire. I hope you like it, and have a wonderful time around!
Next up is the Units!
Best of regards, Wastelander (formerly Architecture), Overlord and Designated Leader of the Earth States.

Colony Wars
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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