Elliptix's Wall

Ansom said:uhm, i remember a old bug, about the trash. Most of the waste manager (incinerator, micro and normal) they stop to work after some time, and the only way to "reset" the bug consisted to build a new incinerator, for activate all incinerator.

But was fixed.

I can count at least 24 Regolith Furnace and 8 micro-incinerator. If you don't have Regolith or trash, you don't have power, and with only 60 colonist you don't have much trash. If i see right, in this moment you don't have regolith and low trash.

Once you have enough resource, the game need some seconds for start again the power production.

I played the game again and you are right. I wasn't aware of power outages since it doesn't happen on my other colonies. I have been keeping the regolith supply stable and the problem doesn't occur anymore.

bastecklein said:@Elliptix it could be that the incinerators ran out of fuel (trash) and could not produce? There is a delay in the time between fuel running out and power loss.

The power outage coincidentally happens whenever im building or exiting the game; and the time delay made it look weirder so I thought it was a bug.

Problem is fixed. Thanks for the help everyone.
5y ago
There's this bug where the power cap resets to 2 on my offline game.

Notice how the power cap is 2 even with the working furnaces at the bottom.

The bug occurs in a few ways. When loading a colony, the bug happens 100% of the time. Sometimes it happens by chance when building micromines and structures that consume power.

The only fix I found is by building a new regolith furnace. This sets the cap to the correct value and everything goes back normally.

LIS on an Ice World [Offline]
Android 8.1.0
Game version 0.99.2
5y ago


Member Since
December 7th, 2019
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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