SPARKY0303's Wall
My name is Kyle Played since 2016 , age 19 and I play my colony 2 from now ona literal game changer
already cant wait for the level 6 structures
i got very worried that my large models was going to get redesigned but very very glad you still chose mine no hate against waddling just love the models . thank you !
still is a problem please let me know if its just me
so im trying to trade and it all works on all world except the server the barrens . i dont know if its just me but can other try to trade and let me know
i love this idea
so ive been using my file to run my world and since 7/7/23 ive been using this file and quiting the game through the save and quit way and nothing been a problem since the this update just came out. it now has stopped anything happen more than it saying opening file. when i restored it through the main game it only loading the first ever version of the file which is 7/7/23 losing actual days worth of game time
repainting or deleting or glitching disappearing when rotating i dont know whats happening
well thats amazing news ,il keep an eye out for it for sure
hey i think this goes here as its a server base question but i was wondering why dont we have a lunar server from bast as a big fan of the servers from bast .its just a simple question of mine🙂
okay i was pose to post this maybe a week ago but it got really hot here in the uk and i didnt want to over heat the pc so i ended up playing on my xbox until now and here is the full list of changes of every building that needs to change .if there is anyone that doesn't agree or a building that ive not listed and you think i need to change let me know here or the mc2 chat on discord
i love this
i might even make something for this
So on the mc2 discord group chat there's not many of us but oh boy dont we love this game a lot ,spending hours messaging about it and making models for the game that we are proud of . and hope bast if your reading this then you might of notice this too.
in the chat we have all notice that the game is moving too fast and its all our fault but thats okay spamdude has suggested to fix this problem is by taking one step back and taking one step forward in a different direction and we understand that mc2 dont make enough to fully work on so why not add a ad feature where the new and old players watch ads for a small amount of ape coins as new players would do that a lot more and we do plan on making skins for that later on (of course we would like our own for free)
.Of course our messy version of the different direction is in discord but we would love to know where the game is heading before a neater draft as its your game and we would love to also give some rebalancing changes .
basically bast please can you do one video like you did at the beginning of mc2 or just message going over what you think and want/plans for mc2 i know its so far been plan short term but we have got to trans so quickly so maybe a longer plan might be needed of course you dont have to do anything.
thank you for atleast reading from your discord mc2 players.
in the chat we have all notice that the game is moving too fast and its all our fault but thats okay spamdude has suggested to fix this problem is by taking one step back and taking one step forward in a different direction and we understand that mc2 dont make enough to fully work on so why not add a ad feature where the new and old players watch ads for a small amount of ape coins as new players would do that a lot more and we do plan on making skins for that later on (of course we would like our own for free)
.Of course our messy version of the different direction is in discord but we would love to know where the game is heading before a neater draft as its your game and we would love to also give some rebalancing changes .
basically bast please can you do one video like you did at the beginning of mc2 or just message going over what you think and want/plans for mc2 i know its so far been plan short term but we have got to trans so quickly so maybe a longer plan might be needed of course you dont have to do anything.
thank you for atleast reading from your discord mc2 players.
server are down and have been down since this post so might be fixed soon
So Today i made a reskin of the alien ore refinery .Its the new alien style of mine of course shows a story of how the stem grown and cloned and broke the building to improve its out being one with each building its touches plus a dark paint on the original building it self . I hope you like it!🙂

beautiful building
welcome! so today I have just finished some add ons for this model that I'm extremely happy with and proud that it has came out this well .We have a uplink station that unfortunately doesn't give enough to keep up with the newer buildings and future buildings at this amazing rate so lets get to the chase😄
This new alien style is a add on/changes to the original model with a repaint darkening the colours but then this is where the new alien part comes in that will be my new standards moving forwards. Alien stems wrapping and morphing with the model itself uncontrollably as you can see the alien stem is trying to make copies of parts of the model and thats what makes feel alien to me. if anyone wants to make alien models in this style I would happily help people adapt to it on discord!!
I would love this model to cost 20x with alien arts(maybe 10k) but i want this model to last and not need to be upgraded for 10updates at least .so please if this gets added make this a grind with a lot of bandwidth(I was thinking 12k-15k ) so its not worth more than rows of normal uplinks but instead gives you the choice to squeeze it down for extra cost
thank you for reading - Sparky
This new alien style is a add on/changes to the original model with a repaint darkening the colours but then this is where the new alien part comes in that will be my new standards moving forwards. Alien stems wrapping and morphing with the model itself uncontrollably as you can see the alien stem is trying to make copies of parts of the model and thats what makes feel alien to me. if anyone wants to make alien models in this style I would happily help people adapt to it on discord!!

I would love this model to cost 20x with alien arts(maybe 10k) but i want this model to last and not need to be upgraded for 10updates at least .so please if this gets added make this a grind with a lot of bandwidth(I was thinking 12k-15k ) so its not worth more than rows of normal uplinks but instead gives you the choice to squeeze it down for extra cost
thank you for reading - Sparky
this is incredible piece of art
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Member Since
September 12th, 2022