
Posts and pages on Ape Apps tagged with <strong>#ezchecks</strong>
The EZ Checks app allows you to bulk print multiple checks at a time by importing rows of check data saved in *.csv (comma separated values) format. You can create .csv data with any basic text editing application, or by using a spreadsheet app such as Excel.

A CSV file comprises of rows of data separated by the comma. Since the comma is the delimiter, you should avoid using a comma in the data itself. For example, if your check input data includes addresses, you would omit the comma that is normally between the city and state code.

EZ Checks expects check data to be in the following order:

date, amount, check number, memo/note, recipient name, recipient address line 1, recipient address line 2, recipient id

All fields are optional, and if you are omitting one just simply leave it blank. For example, leaving the check number blank will cause EZ Checks to simply use the next highest check number ready to be used on your account file.

The recipient id field is used for tracking payments to a specific person for reporting purposes. It is optional, but if you provide a unique ID number for a payee, the app will keep track of all of their payments for you. Once payroll functionality is added to the EZ Register app, it will automatically do this for you.

Here is an example of some .csv data:

04/16/23,245.22,145,,roy munson,124 munson way,my town MO 12345
04/22/23,126.18,146,special gift,roy munson,124 munson way,my town MO 12345
04/28/23,689.12,147,,roy munson,124 munson way,my town MO 12345

You can download the above file and import it into EZ Checks for testing, or open it in a text editor or spreadsheet app to get an idea of what you need to put together.

I designed the .csv import function to be pretty straight forward and cover all of the basics. If there are more fields you would like to see added or features you need implemented, you can reply to this thread and let me know!

Eventually EZ Register and EZ Sheets will be updated with functionality to easily export check data in the correct format/order, I just have not gotten around to it yet (but will update this thread once I do).

1y ago


Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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