Posts and pages on Ape Apps tagged with <strong>#questions</strong>

✨Greetings to All✨
I feel great giving out this fantastic news for the my colony community! Bast has been very keen on getting support from the MC community to help the development of his new project and game My Colony 2!
The Leaders of Nations of Oz, one of the oldest my colony community out there on discord, thought what better than to ask @bastecklein actually talk about how we as a community can help him out. Bast readily agreed and now we are setting it up along with leaders of other federation.
We cordially invite you to the server to get the latest updates as well as let your questions know before hand!
Hosts for the event will be:
@cry8wolf9: ape app forum moderator & Archmage of NOZ
@Boliver9067: A sorcerer of NOZ and the leader of T1P
The live chat is for now set to be on Monday (August 3rd) in Nations Of Oz discord server. Ask your questions before hand in #questions_for_bast
Note: Exact time of the VC will soon be notified. make sure to join discord server for the latest updates and a ping, when VC starts