Lionsarecool's Recent Posts

A very complete list, good job
5y ago
I like it. Maybe make crime decrease happiness as well?
5y ago
Add the potential for corruption, that uses up valuable resources and time in your colony.

This would go with Crime and law Enforcement. Depending on how crime works, this would tie in. If there isnt enough law enforcement or security/oversight, government politicians will become corrupt.
Corruption will:
  • Drain resources, first rum, then money, then other random resources.
  • Likelihood of corruption increases with number of politicians
  • May also increase production of trash and decrease general happiness and amount of people working (inefficiency)

Corruption can be stopped with enough security and police in proportion to population

Please comment below for suggestions
5y ago
Maybe tell a moderator such as cry8wolf9 or Bast to take it down. You can only hide it for now
5y ago
yes, and i know how you feel as well.
But currently I feel that Investment Banks and Capitols are good enough.
If you wanted to add a civics building, i feel it would make more sense making an "efficient government building" that pumps out way more civics than all the "inefficient government buildings" already present (Bureau of Bureaucracy), rather than an Ancient Alien type building.
5y ago
I think functional ranks would be better for Federations (which may contain many commonwealths) instead of Commonwealths. The fact is, I have never seen commonwealths requiring more organization than just a leader. There just aren't that many colonies in a commonwealth. However, I can see Feds needing ranks for commonwealth leaders especially with the upcoming gameplay mechanics
5y ago
I agree with everything on this post. Add to this the other idea proposed for functional Federation ranks and federations will be way more interesting and useful.
5y ago
This is the commonwealth thread of the Corporate Sector.
Disclaimer: All of the below is, if you can't tell, a narrative. Stories are fictitious and not real.

I want to join

What is the Corporate Sector?
The Corporate Sector is a region, created after the decay of the Trade Federation, a glorious past colony. The company could not keep up with other emerging companies with a new innovative structure- regions, consisting of mass resource outputs. Because of this problem, the leadership of the Trade Federation transferred the remaining assets of the company were relocated into the Corporate Sector after a restructure. The Commonwealth of this sector is intended to be a place where corporations can grow into formidable galactic players.

  • A non-existent tax rate. No one likes taxes
  • 100% payroll. Because we'll subsidize your employees while you're with us
  • Benefit from our significant experience in setting up colonies
  • Benefit from our resource stores. We will help you get started
  • A message response in a day, if it was sent to our offices.

How do you join, then? Input the charter code: i227bhNo while creating a colony or switching your commonwealth when prompted, and enjoy being part of the Corporate Sector. Easy.

Also, enjoy better support in the NOZ Federation. The NOZ federation consists of experienced and large colonies ready to help out new players. It is a Discord gaming server that also consists of other games, bot games and a large community. Join here: Also join the NOZ Discord Server for additional mechanics such as investing in the Corporate Sector.
5y ago
It would be a nice premium feature if you could convert existing cities into regions, with that one city being a part of the new region.
5y ago
yes- all you need to do is go into a transmission hub ingame (if you do not know what that is see below)

click 'annex colony', and type in the other commonwealth's charter code

And yes, i will be your friend :)
6y ago
So, from what I can understand you either have not signed in with an Ape Apps account, which is now mandatory to play online, or it is something else. Are you connected to internet?

Make an account here;

6y ago
yeah, i think it works now
6y ago
How do you tie a game to a different ape apps account?
I made my ape apps account to play online on my PC, but then made another one for android, not knowing that one account can be tied to multiple games.
Although it is not necessary, it would be simpler if I could tie all my games into one account.
Please help!
6y ago
if this helps, i have same issue on windows 10 desktop- version 1.1.9
6y ago
go into engine settings on the left sidebar that pops up when you press the settings icon on the top-left corner, and there are settings for such things as check render distance, render fps cap, and low-res mode. Tweak and see if changing any of those
settings makes a difference in how the game runs
6y ago
I do not think it will be too laggy if the bots are not moving
6y ago
If you are using the windows desktop, I find that searching for the folder "my colony" , should be in documents, and clicking the setup.exe loads the update (don't touch any of your saves)
6y ago
Version: windows desktop

I have found that I cannot send embassies to other colonies without having the first capitol building built. For example, when I turned independent, I built a Level 5 capitol right away, and whenever I would click establish embassy, it would exit out of the menu without showing me the list of embassies available to be built. I eventually built a level 1 embassy, and the problem was fixed.
Sorry if this has been fixed already.

6y ago
I think he means the center for relic studies-
6y ago
Thanks, but when I click the diplomacy option and enter a charter code, it doesn't let me select the embassy, even though I have enough civics and money for the mission
6y ago


Member Since
January 21st, 2018
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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