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Game Ideas

This is going to be the page where I bounce ideas off people. Once one idea gains enough popularity here, I will create a separate poll with all the revisions. Thank you.
Dylan Carter
Conjurer in NOZ
Join the Nations of OZ!
New Roman Maps:
Libya: A desert map with a few palm/date trees and oasises, but nothing much besides sand, lots of sand. Hard
Resources: Stone, Limestone, 1 by 1 river plots, palm trees (wood), date trees (food), sand dunes (sand), copper, tin, and gold. No iron and marble because the North African was mostly devoid of it, or at least the Egyptians never came to use much of it. Sand makes glass and limestone replaces marble.
Buildings: Factorem Speculo, Makes Glass
Servants: Arena Servus- Collects Sand, Calcis Servus- Collects Limestone
Alps: A cold, wintery mountain map with few resources and a harsh environment. Lots of stone and very little of any thing else. Brutal
Resources: Stone, Marble, Trees (Normal and Cultivated), Ice, Tin, Copper, Iron, and Gold.
Servants: Glacies Servus- Harvests Ice
Gauls would have the same Alps Map.
Dylan Carter
Conjurer in NOZ
Join the Nations of OZ!
The Romans would also have the Gaulia Map.
Dylan Carter
Conjurer in NOZ
Join the Nations of OZ!
New Civilizations: Arabs, Vikings, Egyptians, Indians, Chinese, Hebrews
Dylan Carter
Conjurer in NOZ
Join the Nations of OZ!
Will add to later.
Dylan Carter
Conjurer in NOZ
Join the Nations of OZ!
Overview: Were once a group of desert nomads, but when they permanently settled, they turned the Arabian Desert into a paradise.
Maps: Arabia, Himilayas, and The Indus Valley
Arabia: A desert land similar to Libya, but is blessed with more gold and iron, but no water. Brutal
Resources- Stone, Limestone, Copper, Tin, Iron, Gold, Wood Palm, Food Palm, Water Well (Appears on map as an old abandoned Roman well that can harvested from), Sand, Salt
Himalayas Discussed in Indians.
Culture: Will have mosques, even a Jewish and Hindu population. Snake Charmers, Libraries, and extensive schools will provide entertainment and education. Their main focus is education.
Dylan Carter
Conjurer in NOZ
Join the Nations of OZ!
Vikings/Scandinavians/North Germans
Overview: A branch of Germans that settled in Scandinavia. Adept woodsmen, farmers, and sailors.
Maps: Scandinavia, Britannia, Germannia, and Slavia
Scandinavia: Heavily Forested area. Lots of stone and iron, but nothing much other than that. Lots of water too.
Resources- Trees, Stone, Iron, Copper, Tin, Shrub, Water
Slavia: Stoney area with few trees and little water. Lots of agricultural potential.
Resources- Trees, Stone, Marble, Copper, Tin, Gold, Shrub, Wild Wheat, Water
Culture- Wood and agriculture based. Make vodka and lots of weapons. Are explorers, so bring in a lot of research.
Dylan Carter
Conjurer in NOZ
Join the Nations of OZ!
Levant Map will be for Arabians and Rome and the Hebrews
Dylan Carter
Conjurer in NOZ
Join the Nations of OZ!
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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