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Updates and Announcements - Page 2

Colony Wars v0.14.0 Released

Today Colony Wars has been updated to v0.14.0 and should be available soon on all supported platforms! This update fixes some existing bugs and adds a little new flair, so let's take a look!

The first thing you will notice in this release is that the title screen has been revamped! Now instead of a static still image, the game will load up a random map from all maps that you have installed, fill it with AI players, and set them at war with each other. If you are bored and want to watch the AI's fight, then you can pop some popcorn and sit there watching the title screen.

On larger screen devices, I have also revamped the game sidebar, undocking it from the left side and giving it a semi-transparent effect.

I am considering adding a radar to the top of the sidebar, but I am not sure if it is needed since you can also zoom the game in and out, but you can let me know what you think.

In addition, I fixed an issue where bombers would actually end up bombing themselves, and now when you are playing a quick match, all enemy units will actually be destroyed when the player loses.

Next I want to change the controls a bit for keyboard/mouse play. I want automatic map scrolling when you mouse to the edge of the map when playing in fullscreen, and also on mouse i want you to be able to drag/select units without clicking and holding first.

Anyway, that is it for this release. Once I think the engine is good and healthy again, I will finish adding the United Earth faction units and move on to implementing LIS.


My Colony 2 v0.44.0 Released

Just in time for Christmas is the v0.44.0 patch for My Colony 2! I did not have a ton of time for My Colony development this month, but I wanted to get something published before spending time with the family, so let's see what is new!

Aside from minor bug fixes, the following user submissions have been added to the game, with content from @spamdude @RekEm1999 and @therealchromedino
  • Diamond Drill (RekEm1999)
  • Vehicle Foundry (spamdude)
  • Cybercoin Mine (RekEm1999)
  • Bakery (spamdude)
  • Tenement (spamdude)
  • Small Server Farm Operation (RekEm1999)
  • Statue of Achievement (therealchromedino)
  • Spice Clinic (therealchromedino)
In addition, the model for the Vehicle Factory has been updated. The Small Warm Lightpost has been depreciated, and replaced by the custom color selection option added to the regular Small Light Post.

Anyway, keep the suggestions and content coming, I know the players really appreciate the efforts! I probably will not be doing much work for the rest of the year, but I will be back at it again in January with more MC2 goodness, so stay tuned!


Full Gamepad Support Comes to Terra Nova 4X

The online beta of Terra Nova 4X has just been updated to v0.5.0 and now includes full gamepad support, as well as an updated 10 foot UI interface when played from a television device.

This update also includes a new 3d rendered title screen similar to the one recently added to My Colony 2, including several starship models provided by @GeneralWadaling . You just have to sit there and watch the title screen rotate for about 5 minutes in order to see all of the ships, lol.

There is still a ton of work to be done on Terra Nova, but I wanted the interface to have full gamepad support for eventual release on both Android TV devices and Steam Deck. I will get to everything eventually though!


Colony Wars Updated to v0.13.0

Tody comes a new update to Colony Wars, bringing the game version up to v0.13.0. Besides bug fixes, this update adds some new settings to the new match screen.

We are now able to customize some of the gameplay parameters when starting a new match. You can adjust the amount of starting money, adjust the tech level, and there is now a toggle for Quick Match.

The starting money option is obvious. For the tech level, it is loosely based off of the tech levels from the original Red Alert, and the chart I used for reference is here:

Quick Match should be a welcome addition to all. When Quick Match is enabled, a player will be defeated once his last building is destroyed, so you no longer need to scour the map for all of the AI's hidden units.

I have been in an RTS mood lately, so I may do some more Colony Wars updates. Let me know what other game setup options you would like to see in the future. United Earth could also use a few more units and structures, and then after that I think I am ready to start implementing the LIS faction.

So there is the update, check it out, let me know what you think, and stay tuned for more!


My Colony 2 v0.43.0 Released

November is here and with it comes My Colony 2 v0.43.0, the Community Content Dump UpdateTM! What does that entail? Let's find out!

Before looking at the new content, there are a couple of minor engine and other miscellaneous changes here as well. I have fixed a bug where the sell object button was not working. I also fixed a bug where the infantry units were super tiny.

Four existing structures received new artwork in this update. The Spice Den ( @therealchromedino ), the Ancient Alien Gold Synthesis ( @therealchromedino ), the regular Gold Synthesis Lab ( @GeneralWadaling ) and the Ore Refinery ( @GeneralWadaling ).

The Forest World now has 15 new tree models provided by @rahtdrgn . In addition, the Sports Stadium is now also buildable on the Forest World map.

Also thanks to @therealchromedino , we have a new military unit in this update, the Battle Droid! This is a more expensive version of the existing infantry unit, with the same firepower but a higher armor rating and it does not cost any population to build. It also builds from the War Factory instead of the Barracks.

Settlements can now be upgraded to levels 6 and 7 in this update. I am thinking that Level 7 will be one of the requirements for declaring independence and founding a Nation.

The Political Theater research tech is now available to unlock as well.

In addition to the above, this update contains 26 new structures. I will list them out below, along with the user who provided the artwork for each.

New Structures
  • Column of Dominion ( @spamdude )
  • Column of Leadership ( @spamdude )
  • Column of Protection ( @spamdude )
  • Column of Artistry ( @spamdude )
  • Column of Welcome ( @spamdude )
  • Column of Power ( @spamdude )
  • Column of Perfection ( @spamdude )
  • Column of Truth ( @spamdude )
  • Burning Individual Statue ( @spamdude )
  • Blue Brick Road ( @therealchromedino )
  • Jewelry Store ( @RekEm1999 )
  • Basic Family Shelter ( @Architecture1134 )
  • Hall of Congress ( @GeneralWadaling )
  • Restaurant ( @RekEm1999 )
  • Uranium Synthesis Lab ( @therealchromedino )
  • Mart ( @spamdude )
  • Convenience Store ( @spamdude )
  • Dealership ( @spamdude )
  • Mixed-Use Office Block ( @spamdude )
  • Spice Store ( @therealchromedino )
  • Spice Spa ( @therealchromedino )
  • Retro Arcade ( @SPARKY0303 )
  • Dark Solar Road ( @OilChan )
  • Diamond Solar Road ( @OilChan )
  • Oil Burner Station ( @OilChan )
  • Oil Fracking Operation ( @OilChan )
If you enjoy the new content please be sure to thank the above artists for their contributions to the game!

That is all for this update. With all of the new structures added, it may well be that some things need rebalancing, so play around with the new stuff and let me know what you think. There is still a ton of work to do on My Colony 2 and there is no way I am going to get it onto Steam before the end of the year as I had hoped, but that is ok! We will just keep plugging away at it and it will just keep getting better as the months go on!

Thanks for playing everyone, and stay tuned for more.


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My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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