Ferg's Recent Posts

Update: I made a gift from UV to my other colony before it's apparent heat death. The gift was Sugar, and went through successfully. Although I saved my game, I now see the gift is no longer present in my resources. I'm wondering if something else hasn't happened here.

My other colony has also begun accruing money at an unrealistic rate. I've managed to accrue around 400,000 in gold over the past day or two. That's about double what I feel I should normally earn.
6y ago

I've got an online game with the Zolarg Empire. I just spent most of my money and Civics creating an embassy from one of my other games to this one. I confirmed everything worked, saved, reloaded to ensure people actually started working there and didnt show as homeless, and saved again. I exited the Zolarg game and returned later. I placed a single Unholy Diamond Spawer on the map, and attempted to save. This time, it didnt save. It tried for about 30 minutes, but could not save. I exited the game and restarted the phone, only to find it stuck at "Restoring Data". I tried this several times with the same result. I tried several local test colonies with the same result. It wasnt until I tried an online game that it loaded, and all of my local games began loading as well afterwards. My Zolarg game will not restore though. I may be mistaken, but it doesnt appear to be getting any info from the cloud, or perhaps it isnt connecting to the cloud. Any assistance is appreciated. I've got a Note 8.
6y ago

I recently committed mass genocide because my people were protesting (ran out of food for a minute). They got stuck in a loop of protesting and not working, having low health because they aren't sleeping or working to get money to eat, and those that were sick weren't getting better because no one was manning the hospitals. So I turned off all the mounds and food. Once the purge was complete I turned everything back on.

Once the colony repopulated I noticed some colonists were low on energy and health. Upon checking them I see that they are "homeless". No. They all came from mounds. I even watched some leave the mound for their job, still classified as homeless. Statistics show 0% homeless, but these colonists are losing health and energy because they won't go home. if I build another mound it temporarily solves the problem, but i end up with homeless. I'd like to avoid another purge, any suggestions? I've restarted the game multiple times just to check and see if it's an error.
6y ago
Understood, thanks for the clarification.
6y ago
I presume it would be a good idea to post this in the bug reports forum?
6y ago
Neato! I'll create the texture packs on the computer and move them over to the phone. Thanks for your assistance and confirmation!
6y ago
Not seeing Create Texture Mod after reboot of phone. Using Samsung Galaxy Note 8 with My Colony v0.51.0. I appreciate everyone's help.
6y ago

I have modified several textures in Inkscape and would like to store them in an mct file. I have yet to find this function, and I am under the impression that this is something the game does via a modding tool available to users who have a premium subscription. I have obtained this premium subscription, however the only options I have for modding are to enable/ disable a mod, import a mod, and visit the modding community. Have I missed something in the purchase process, or am I completely wrong in saying the game has a modding tool that packs the image files?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
6y ago
Found a dir with pngs from the current version! I'd like to buy a vowel and ask a mod to delete this thread, please.
6y ago
Hello all,

In the same boat as viewpage.php?p=4507. I'm looking to experiment and learn how to make texture packs, and need to have a reference image to work with. I followed the links for the example templates in the post, but received an invalid page for each link. I browsed through the various posts in the Suggestions and Feedback forum as well, but didn't find any of them there. After a rather thorough Google-ing and the discovery of as upload directory, I find myself empty-handed, my life in pieces. Would someone be kind enough to link me to these svg files, or point me to a naviagatable central repository where they are stored?

Any assistance is sincerely appreciated.
6y ago
Since the latest update I am no longer able to load the list of residents from the menu that opens when clicking on housing. This is normally accomplished by clicking on the picture of the colonist when the menu appears. I read through the release notes but didn't see anything about this menu being removed.

Without this option, I can no longer assign residents in a particular housing to specific jobs easily. I must wait for them to leave, grab them without managing to click on pavement, then assign a job. The loss of this option has had many negative ramifications. My charcoal factories lay dormant with nary a worker; my colonists riot because they decided to start working at a job literally across the map.

Any assistance locating this menu are greatly appreciated, and I apologize in advance if I've missed something in the release notes.
6y ago


Member Since
December 3rd, 2017
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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