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Info on Upcoming in-game Commonwealth Chat

I mentioned in this post here a few minutes ago that the forum now supports a 'chat' tag for creating chat-rooms easily:

One thing I thought I would also mention is how this ties to the upcoming in-game chat for My Colony. Every Commonwealth is having an in-game chatroom auto-generated, and the chatroom name takes the following format:


where you will replace the chartercode part with the actual charter code of the commonwealth leader. For instance, if your charter code is jGTKNfWT, your chat room name would be mc-cw-jGTKNfWT. In order to link to in-game chatroom from outside of the game, you would create a code in a forum post like this:

[chat]mc-cw-jGTKNfWT[/chat] which would create this following:

Now obviously this means that the in-game chats are not private, they are public. This is how it is meant to be, you can still use the in-game mail system for private messaging. This method is better for chat because it allows commonwealth members or even friends of the commonwealth to chat both inside and out of the game.

If you have problems with unwanted people spamming your commonwealth chat room, let myself or Patchdaddy know and we will ban them from the entire Ape Apps ecosystem, including My Colony online play (after proper warning of course).
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Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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