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Colonists not moving in or getting jobs?

So, I've got a relatively advanced colony; I'm getting close to transcendence, and only need 50 mil civics, which I'm working on. I've got a problem, though.

I've had a stable population for ages (around 40k for two decades), and recently made the choice to drastically upscale to upgrade my ability to manufacture robots, among other things. Except it broke like, everything. Everybody predictably rushed to the "better" jobs, leaving half my industries slowly decaying. That was sort of a predictable bluster, which I expected, but what I didn't expect, is that none of the new guys I'm cloning are getting houses or jobs! I was hoping they'd fill in the emptied jobs so I didn't have to buy a ton of stuff, but yeah. Unemployment is at like 40% and homelessnes is at like 30%. Which could be understandable: maybe these fantasy arcologies are expensive to live in? I raised my living wage to an absurd amount (along with another doubling of normal wages), but that fixed nothing. And even with such high homlessness and unemployment, nobody is unhappy about anything, and my approval remains steady at 97%. What's going on here?

Oh right, do note that I've got a lot of blue collar jobs open as well, it doesn't appear to be an education issue. And my design seems fine, every housing unit has an open job somewhere in the vicinity, though, those closer to the edge of the map have more jobs available.
Ah, nevermind. I see that it's an issue with 1.5.0, which just so happened to coincide with my housing upgrade.

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My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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