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Help/General Questions-

I just have a Two Questions to be Asked Here::

1. I Purchased the Premium Version of the Game; does altering the Save Files with Mods/Creating my Own Mods alter my ability to play Multiplayer or Earn Achievements (If there are any).

2. Is there an officially recognized Discord for ApeApps or for MyColony 2 and if there is not, would anyone be interested in hosting/creating an Official Discord for this Game with me?? If we make it large enough maybe we can get recognized by the man himself—
Here is the Server URL I will be Using to Create the Discord—
Bugs I have noticed—

When making Coal it does not Cost Wood even though the description says it consumes wood in order to make Coal- To make Ore does not Consume Coal- and to Make Steel does not consume Ore.

Also There is no Return for Demolishing Buildings- As Well As no Way to Demolish Pavements once Placed-

Will Keep Upated—
Basic Education Research does Nothing??
When you make a settlement with a mobile outpost you cannot leave it— or remove it— I made an outpost and was One Space Shy from being able to make the bridge I had required to Continue Developing— And now I can’t Bridge because— I can’t make a new settlement with the old one in the way. It would be nice to be able to see the outline of an outpost and then be prompted if I was sure I would like the make an outpost within those borders before completing the settlement. Or add the ability to remove settlements entirely.
Adding Onto my Note from Above, the Same Concept Applies with bookmarks wherein I can create them but can’t remove them. Once I’m settled in an Area I have Bookmarked I don’t need to Bookmarks for the Same Location making the List get Lengthy fast-
Forest Rovers not Respondant As Well as I have lost 1 to a Glitch inside of the 3D Mountain. I have 2 Gold Miners but more often than not they don’t render— I was lucky enough to get one to render here tho. And also I had had 3 other Forest Rovers that seem to have… vanished??
When beginning to Mass Resources above 10k the list does not scroll long enough to allow you to see how much Aluminum/Uranium/ And Anything beyond that you may have in total.

Make the UI Smaller or Adjust the Time for Scroll-
1. Dont think there are achevements, and anyone can join your game regardless if they have the mod installed,
2. I think the largest (to my knowledge) is the section in the NOZ discord (it is not primarily a My Colony Discord)
If this forum isn't active, then ill make it active!

I created an account today and I also bought the game on the Windows Store. Do I still need to upgrade to premium or should me buying the app on the Windows Store unlocked premium for me? I don't really want to pay twice and all.

My email for the purchase and my forum account are the same if that helps any matters.

edit: I just bought premium anyways. So you can close this issue.
If you found a nickle, you would be five cents richer.

Linkback References

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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