Hello, everyone. Today, I want to address another event in school. This is not personal, but schoolwide. In fne past few weeks, I have seen people carrying water guns in school more often than the 1st semester. As aerlawgroup.com states,
Carrying weapons on school grounds in California is a wobbler offense.
No, really, it is. I have seen conselors and teachers at my school taking away squirt guns. Today at lunch, somebody was pretending to squirt me. I tried to ask my teacher, but then he claimed it was my issue. Staff are trying to prevent the so-called "Assasin" horseplay game played. I do not have a squirt gun anyehere at home.
Alright, that is it for now! Leave a thought or question down below in the comments if you want to! I will be seeing you later, fellas!
Best of regards, Wastelander (formerly Architecture), Potentially Benevolent Overlord and Designated Leader of the Earth States.