Search - Elementary school

I seemed to have found a viable solution to this problem. It's easy to forget that not every type of school trains people with the same IQ. You can't just build a community college and think that's enough. You need to build all of the school types.

People with 50 IQ can't get into a community college because the Maximum IQ of 90 for the elementary school is the minimum IQ of the college. So new colonists will need an elementary school in order to satisfy their education needs before moving to the college. However, just building elementary schools and colleges might take much longer to raise happiness back to normal. A high school overlaps both IQ ranges and allows colonists to move smoothly from one IQ range to another. A high school has more teachers and can train more students quicker, so getting from the elementary range to college range will be much quicker.

The annoying thing is that each school type has varying amounts of student capacity, so you'll have to play around with adding a few extra of each school type scattered around your colony. And also, a word to the wise, don't pay attention to how many students are in the schools, they don't keep an accurate account in this current version. In order to gauge the success of the changes to education you make, rely only on happiness level and how much of a percentage uneducated takes up on the pie chart, and the average IQ. In my game, I have one school that says it has 112 students in it, but looking at all of the students, they are all either working or sleeping, not learning.

My comment above about education needs based on profession still applies though, if you have tons of high profession jobs, you can expect to have more trouble with education, so still keep that in mind.

I was able to raise my hapiness using these guidlines, maybe you can too.
4y ago
ok im loving regions but ive been noticing some problems as of late that seem to be getting worse with time and then others that i thought got fixed already.

The system for school is really, really broken. They get stuck in the schools and don't seem to leave. Whats stranger is when i poke around i notice that a colonist who has been registered to one of the school buildings for a while at some point leaves their housing by the school and starts wandering around until they die, never actually leaving the school to find a job or at the very least a house.
Its really apparent the school system is broken when you have a bunch of the Center for Artificial Learning buildings on a map. it seems that they cant go into housing because they aren't smart enough? Im not sure what the order of School, housing, entertainment, hospital is but maybe switching them around might help? Something like;
1) Look at available jobs, if job needs IQ find school
2) Find school, cool found school
3) Find housing within a certain distance from school
4) Get smart
5) Repeat step one
6) if job found, find close housing, found housing?, recheck if job is still there
7) if not enough IQ start from step one
Then sprinkle in the health and entertainment? Just a thought but there is definitely something going on with the education system right now.

i know it has been reported before but when using the Fire drill it has the chance to really mess up a colony. I have used it a few times recently and discovered that my colonists find a house and then find a job on the other side of the map. It really leaves me scratching my head, why not pick a closer job and find closer housing?

also the website that you can view your stats on is not reporting/recording the data for regions
The GDP isn't registering at all.
The amount per capital is also blank.
It's also not showing the colonies linked with the commonwealth.

also the population isn't registering right but when i was working with the maker of this popped up when we were trying to figure out why the population was off.

so i'm thinking that's why its wrong on the site too?
5y ago
First, see as that idea from @GeneralWadaling kinda plays into this idea. And this will introduce even more ideas for it. Also, this uses ideas from my past posts and some comments in them. In fact, most of these are new, but some are quiet old(ish). But enjoy, because I may or may not get stumped and call on other people to help and improve on this, because i do not have the patients to sit down and type for long periods of time.

Particle Accelerator Through the Advancement of Qubits, we are able to harness the amount of computing ability to make Nuero-Oxide, a dense material that can be fused into Steel to make extremely durable metal alloys.
Nuero-Oxide, (NXE) is a material that is able to rival tirtanium in its durability, but not cost. Made by fusing particles and steel, this highly impacted material bends easy and allows for the creation or GIANT structures.

Particle Compiler eats up Qubits, but spits out Software like it's the machines last day on this planet.

Particle Encoder Porvides extra storage for Qubits and Nuero-Oxide, while taking in Antium,Cash, and robots.

Particle DecompresserBreaks down the particles to create(somehow) basic elements at a slow and steady pace.

And about heres where I ran into the WALL. The main question I ask myself is this: Do we NEED this? And to most of these, the answer is yes. But I also have a ton of ideas that dont fit anywhere else, and they have nothing to do with the stuff above. So these are the non-sense stuff, and enjoy.

Pablo's Pizza Palace Uses food to make pizza, a delicious dish that will also make sushi from fish, giving fish a new dish.(Rhymes!)

Advanced Helium 3 Genrator This generator works at 1/2 speed of the Regolith Extraction Inc, so you get more helium-3 but it doesn't drain your regolith reserves.

Wood,Inc sells and buys wood from (not real) colonys, and makes you a large gap of wood from it.

The End The end of the game, when you research the last tech. You unlock (if in region) the ability to make 1 medium city say "The End". It would be a cool way to flex on smaller colonys.

The TunnelFats and easy way to import colonists at the cost of electricity.

Swim up Bar Its a swim up bar that colinist over 21 can go to and drink with their friends.

Large Elementary Schoolteaches same range of intelligence as the small elementary school, but just holds more students.(Do this for medium elementary and all learning areas.

So that's about to wrap this thing up for now. This is probably only the first part, so (maybe?) Expect another, but not for a while. I've got a tight schedule, so be BOLO, and I will see yall later.

4y ago
H3110 guys!

Everybody must have know about it - If you want to participate in special jobs you must have a diploma on something especially science, medicine, e.t.c.
Yep, diploma. That’ll be the main thene today, I would try to expand the education system and make them more challenging.

Here we begin!

New Technologies!
  • Advanced Education Theory
    If you really want some high-value labour force with specific capability for high-end important jobs, to operate high-tier facilities. You will need to have better education.
    Community collage will also require this technology.

Available Diplomas
  • Diploma of Science

    Required for scientist jobs working in research facilities
    Obtained in:
    Internet Relay Booth (2 seats)
    Small Elementary School (15 seats)
    Small High School (20 seats)
    Small Community Collage (30 seats)
    Transcendent Academy (30 seats)
    University of Sciece and Technology (150 seats)
  • Diploma of Medicine
    Except the first aid station and small clinic, all facilities that hires medics will require this diploma.
    Obtained in:
    Small High School (5 seats)
    Small Community Collage (30 seats)
    Transcendent Academy (30 seats)
    Medic Academy (100 seats)

New Buildings![/u]
  • University of Science and Technology
    A specialist school for training top scientists for important research jobs!
  • Medic Academy
    A specialist school for training the best medics!

More ideas are coming!

Ideas and feedbacks please (^ω^)
Right now Ancient Instructions do not have as much of a role as they could have, so I was thinking that more could be created in Alien Education while integrating it in the Human system. Also, Instructions should have more use in furthering the Human understanding of Alien Technology and Culture, and this could work as a way to expand the role of Aliens in My Colony 2. Although this Voxel is nowhere near final, I would love to hear some ideas on how this original tier can look.

2mo ago
Hello, everyone. Today, I want to address another event in school. This is not personal, but schoolwide. In fne past few weeks, I have seen people carrying water guns in school more often than the 1st semester. As states,
Carrying weapons on school grounds in California is a wobbler offense.

No, really, it is. I have seen conselors and teachers at my school taking away squirt guns. Today at lunch, somebody was pretending to squirt me. I tried to ask my teacher, but then he claimed it was my issue. Staff are trying to prevent the so-called "Assasin" horseplay game played. I do not have a squirt gun anyehere at home.

Alright, that is it for now! Leave a thought or question down below in the comments if you want to! I will be seeing you later, fellas!
11mo ago
I understood that, but what I was asking was if they would still go to school WHILE employed, as in be a student and a worker.

Edit: Maybe I should just read more of the things being said about it. Bast stated they dont work when being a student and wont be a student when working.

Maybe I'm missing something though. I had 9 unemployed but a total of 11 students in my high school and elementary school combined. Maybe it was just a visual glitch or something but im like 99.9% sure that there was 9 unemployed but 11 students, which is what originally prompted me asking the question of if they are able to work ANd be student at the same time.
I know that many players have been patiently waiting for the next My Colony 2 update, but now the way is finally over as MC2 has just been updated to v0.31.0, and along with the usual bug fixes, this update brings with it a massive new content dump! So what all is inside? Let's take a look!

If you look at the screenshot above and think that something seems a bit fishy, then you would be correct. This update adds fish as a new resource, and you will now see them swimming around in the oceans on the Water World map! Fish are technically a Terrain type object in the game engine much like Ore and Gold deposits, except this is the first terrain class that can be generated in the water. The object also rotates in a circle, to give the appearance that the fish are swimming. They will spread too, similar to synthetic crystalline (although at a slower rate). The oceans on Water World are so overflowing with fish, that I doubt anybody will ever run out.

To go along with the new fish resource are the also-new Fish Dropoff structure and the Trawler unit, which are available pretty early on in the game and made with models provided by @spamdude . The Fish Dropoff can store 2500 Fish and also converts some of it into food, but once you unlock Salt Water production, you can also build the shore based Refrigerated Fish Bins for additional Fish storage. In addition to the new content, the existing Fish Hatchery gains fish storage and slight generation.

Moving on, there was a massive dump of community submitted MC2 models on the Official Discord Server recently, with contributions coming in from @spamdude , @SPARKY0303 and @DoYouHaveAnyOats , so please take a moment to thank these three users for their contributions to the game! In the screenshot below, you can see many of the new structures.

New buildings provided by @SPARKY0303 are the Hospital, the Virtual Music Experience and the Integrated Nuclear Reactor. The Hospital was a much needed upgrade to the two infirmary structures which were increasingly unable to keep up with the medical demands of larger colonies. The Virtual Music Experience adds a new semi-early game entertainment structure for your colonists (which also generates some money) and the Integrated Nuclear Reactor is another much needed structure, providing a power boosting upgrade to the existing Small Nuclear Reactor.

In addition to the new Fish related content already mentioned, further contributions from @spamdude include the new Medium Software Studio, Advanced Drilling Platform, Integrated Warehouse, and Medium Security Station. The Medium Software Studio, Integrated Warehouse and Medium Security Station each represent new mid-game upgrades to some of the existing structures that badly needed upgrade options, with the new Integrated Warehouse in particular adding storage for many resources that the regular Warehouse did not cover.

The new Advanced Drilling Platform might just be everyone's new favorite structure. Currently the most expensive building in the game and requiring the new Ultra Deep Excavation tech, the Advanced Drilling Platform consumes Helium 3 (as well as a fair amount of Power, Water and Bandwidth) while producing Ore, Regolith, Gold, Aluminum, Oil, Salt Water, the new Clay resource, and even a few Alien Artifacts! Clearly you are going to need to get your hands on some Helium 3 in order to operate this thing, but you can either find it in the Galactic Board of Trade, or the new Integrated Nuclear Reactor also produces enough Helium 3 to operate one Advanced Drilling Platform. I have also added a new Helium 3 Tank to the game, since it is clear that more He3 storage will be needed going forward.

From @DoYouHaveAnyOats we have three new structures, the Elementary School, High School and the nonsense Fish 'R Us building.

The two school models to me looked like they required an Atmospheric environment, so they are only available on worlds which would have an atmosphere. They both sit below the current Vocational Training Center in terms of education output, but are good early game education structures. The Fish R Us is similar in mechanics to the existing Canteen, except it utilizes Fish instead of Rum. I'm not going to post a picture of it here, you just have to see it in-game.

There are a few other new structures to arrive in this update as well. The new Ancient Alien Quantum Physics tech unlocks two new Alien structures, the Alien Solar Tower and the Quantum Food Silo, which both represent much needed Alien upgrades to existing structures. Climate Science Theory tech has also been added to the game, and unlocking it will allow you to build the new Nuclear Water Synthesis Plant, which I felt was needed particularly on the Lunar and Abandoned Worlds.

On top of all of the new content, some tweaks have been made to some of the existing items in the game. I have increased the charcoal output of the Charcoal Factory, slightly reduced the rum consumption of the Canteen, increased the spice and ether storage on the Lander, added a small amount of Helium 3 and Salt Water storage to the Lander, and added several new upgrade paths for existing structures to take advantage of the new content.

There are also some technical changes and fixes. Firstly, I corrected an issue where players who were not logged in to an Ape Apps Account were unable to play the game. I fixed a bug where MC2 was unable to load using the new Ape Apps Launcher. Structures can now be placed directly over Terrain objects, doing so will automatically bulldoze the terrains underneath. I corrected several technical issues with the Galactic Board of Trade. Fixed a bug where you could no longer properly build Palm Trees or Synthetic Crystalline deposits. There were also several minor fixes and UI tweaks made to the game.

All in all, this update includes 1 new Terrain object, 3 new Techs, 2 new Resources, 1 new Unit, and 16 new Structures. I want to thank everyone who contributed content to this release (as well as bug reports and suggestions), and I hope that you all take a moment to show them some gratitude as well! This update took a bit longer than normal, but I think you will find that it was worth the wait. It should be available to play right now on the Launcher and on the Web, and should be hitting Android and iPhone over the coming days, so let me know what you think, let me know what issues you find, and stay tuned for more!

1y ago
The v0.58.0 update for My Colony should be hitting a device near you soon. I expected another Reptilian content update, but I got sidetracked and started implementing the education system instead. Oh well! Here is what's new:

My Colony v0.58.0 Changelog

New Stuff
  • New Tech: Basic Education
  • New Occupation Class: Teacher
  • New Structures: Center for Relic Studies, Adult Daycare, Small Elementary School, Small High School, Small Community College
  • New Policies Added: Deport Arbitrary, Deport Homeless, Deport Poor
  • Some non-square structures can now be flipped. If no issues crop up related to this, more will be added soon.
  • The 'Research' producing buildings now have IQ requirements for employment
  • Desktop-class users can now change the flip orientation of structures before placing them
  • Various minor UI changes
For some reason I decided to spend this update activating the dormant education system that has been inside of the engine for some time now. I am sure there are bugs to work out, and the system will be refined over the coming updates. Right now, only basic research structures require educated colonists, in order to give people time to transition. Eventually, there will be IQ requirements set for most structures.

For Human colonies which have managed to accumulate Alien Relics, there is a new Relic Research Center which is ultimately an Aluminum Generator on steroids. It is a good late-game way to produce aluminum without having to maintain 900 Aluminum Gens.

The next update will probably add education to both the Zolarg and the Reptilians, as well as iron out any education related bugs which may arise. I will probably also enable flipping to most structures in the game, at least the ones which do not have text written on the side of them.

Before then though, a great update is on the way to Antiquitas, adding in the Gauls as the second civilization.

Also, a new Desktop application called the Ape Apps Launcher will be coming out soon, and you can find more details about what it is here:

That's it for this update. Enjoy, much more to come!
6y ago
I like the schools But out of 7000 one collage and a elementary school i have a total of 290 students .
Thing is being counted as unemployed keeps my happiness down I give them 100 stim and it goes to 99 only to quickly drop back to 80 %
The unhappiness for unemployment needs adjusting as its 50 % unhappy with zero being counted .
stats show 0 unemployed but colonists in school are being counted anyway without being shown .
I do believe it will make keeping over 90 % happy darn near impossible .
6y ago
JaxxSilva said:
Cyberkayu said:I built a lot daycare, elementary,highschool and college, but no student at all. I wonder why, as the colonist IQ average at 75.

Are they too dumb and lost on the way to school?

At the moment, only unemployed people will be students. So you have to have more people than you have jobs for and then they will go. Hopefully there will be an addition in the next update to change this policy to be either "educate first" "educate/employee equally" "Employ first" or some similar method that gives the user control.

Ok, i did a test based on your statement. I purposely go deactivate all center of artificial learning and relic study. So due to the unemployment, they went school.My colonist IQ now average at 127

Thanks for the info =]
6y ago
Tinyguy07 said:Hi! So, I have an elementary school, and I pressed "show students". Nothing happened....
Build: 0.58.0
Device: Kindle fire
Bought on: Amazon appstore
Re-creation: Just..... Press show students.....

Same for me as well as for the show workers button in school
I am on android version
Samsung Galaxy s7
6y ago
Well, I think that we should have the option to do all of the above. But I think that this should wait until bast develops crime and police. Once he does that, the police station could have a law enforcement menu that includes the ability to deport illegal immigrants. Once the option to deport is enabled, the station will deport a certain number for each round.

You could also build a refugee center, which would provide education for illegal immigrants and would turn them into colonists little by little, like 1 per round or something like that. Once they are colonists, they have every right to seek further education or find a job. Also, I feel that Immigrants shouldn't necessarily be unintelligent, because even smart people could be forced to flee a tyrannical commonwealth and take refuge in another. The refugee center would just make sure that illegal immigrants have a elementary school level of education.

In addition, later on in the game, you may have tons of illegals in your colony, so another building, the naturalization center, would ensure high school education for all illegals in range and would be at least 20 times more efficient at granting citizenship to illegals.

I would also make illegals capable of working in blue collar or unskilled labor. Their happiness wouldn't be counted into the colony happiness, so they would always wok at full pace, yet they would still consume some of your food and water. An additional option would be just to leave the system as it is and let the illegals do all of the dirty work.
5y ago
What is up fellow kids! Time to hit that school grindset.

Disregarding the above, this addon adds 2 buildings, Elementary School and Highschool. They both add education and seem to work! Its pretty light but I think it fits into the game pretty well. Thanks!
I was thinking that I could make the windows Hexagons for an idea of how to make this school feel more Alien.
1mo ago
So, just researched education again, and this time I noticed that the high school wasn't filling up with workers, even though I have unemployed people. Is this a bug, or do I just have to get lucky with my immigrants and hope that one of them has high enough IQ to stat teaching others, who will in turn fill up the teaching force? Is there any way to FORCE someone into the teaching position or will it have to fill itself up?

Edit: After some time with the app open in the background while I tested some stuff out in another colony in the background, I cam back to still no new workers in my high school, nor in my college. But, there were students. I figured that at this rate the schools were never going to get filled in by workers so I decided to just throw down some more road systems and a few more research facilities to see if they would get filled in and after flipping my stuff back to visible (I build roads in the view setting where you cant see any of the buildings just their footprints) I noticed there was one worker in my high school and three workers in my college. I'm not sure what I did to provoke this sudden influx of teachers, but it anyone has had the same issue or even found a simple way to force people to realize its there and make them work, it would be great for future reference along with any that has the same issue as me. Thanks for any help or feedback!
bastecklein said:So they are currently listed as unemployed while they are a student, but that will be changing in a future update. Once they graduate they will try to find a job like normal, the only difference being is that there will now be more jobs available for them to choose from. If there are no high tech jobs, they can still work somewhere else. You can have a stereotypical college grad working at the Pub.

If they still have no jobs available they will try to find higher education. If they cannot find it, they will just be a regular unemployed person. But basically, if they graduate from High School and there is a high school teacher job available, they will fill that job before moving on to college. They only move on to more education if they need it to get a job.

Maybe you misunderstood, will they fill in the high school teacher before being, say, a scientist? Also, will unemployed people seek education, or do I have to finagle my way around firing people and re hiring them after they find education, in order to raise colony average IQ because I'm a completionist?
First off, the new way the bots move and build almost completely fixed the crashes. Beforehand whenever the turbo drones moved the game would slow down to a crawl and/or crash even when I specifically look away so the game doesn't have to render it. Now I can look at the bots work and move, delete what they are moving towards and build another so they have to path again and it still won't crash the game. I actively tried to crash the game for about an hour and failed to do so, hell of an update on that front.

In the midst of my testing while trying to crash the game I ended up with extra colonists than I had housing and the game slowed to a crawl, but never crashed. I did a recording using the dev tool and apparently all the processing was going into finding a school for these extra people.

After I found this out I deported the homeless extra people I had that were probably the bulk of people unemployed and likely trying to find a school and the game instantaneously stopped lagging completely.

I then went to test regions mode out for another few hours. Each game had a problem with employing colonists. Before this update there was a problem that nobody beyond a certain number (eg 50) would employ no matter how many extra colonists you had. This update colonists would remain at a particular number of employment until you immigrated more people, only then would any more people employ. I couldn't seem to get the unemployment ratio below 25% no matter what I did though, causing problems with approval rating due to unemployment.
Also note that when I tried this out in a creative mode, 100% of colonists employed. Bear in mind it was creative mode so I was using stargates to immigrate and just employing into investment banks to rapidly test the employment ratio so the problem could be either with the early game buildings or with normal gameplay.
Also, if the game crashes while on a regions game all resources and research is reverted to what they would be if you first started a city. However saving and quitting, then returning does not do this.

If the resource and research losing crash bug could be fixed, the lag generated by unemployed people trying to find a school frantically and the unemployment bug could be fixed in this update or the next then that would be absolutely amazing. This update is not finished yet, but the bot movement is a huge improvement and I look forward to seeing what's coming.
5y ago
The list of complete changes coming to My Colony v1.0.0 just keeps growing. So far Regional map generation and Power/Bandwidth utility grids have been completely rewritten, and now I am adding another major change to the list. Currently in testing, the way the engine handles colonists is now also being completely rewritten, as it applies to their jobs, entertainment, housing, education, and medical. Basically, the entire colonist simulation engine is being rewritten, which, along with the other changes already mentioned, is making v1.0.0, at least under the hood, almost a completely different game....

Before discussing the new changes in detail, I should explain how/why the existing system came to be. Colonists were first introduced to the game in v0.3.0 (July 30, 2016) at a time when the biggest housing unit was the actual Lander that you started out in. The game was designed as the Colonist being one of the central features of the simulation. Each colonist had a name, a job, his own stats, and went about his life in the colony. He had an energy level, a happiness level, a day/night sleep cycle, and so on. The intention was for each colonist to be a unique entity with it's own relationships, feelings, etc, sort of like in the Sims.

As time went on and the game grew though, it started morphing into more of a city-builder type game VS an individual colonist simulator. So as more (and bigger) buildings and features got added to the game, the original system based on the individual colonist was simply expanded and adapted in order to keep pace. Eventually the game got to where colonies with populations in the hundreds of thousands and even millions were possible, but the core colonist simulation engine remained as it always had been.

Simulating that many individual colonists brought along major performance and memory issues, especially on mobile. I tried to work around it by implementing a "virtual avatar" system, whereby after a certain population, the game just extrapolated out statistics based on a virtual avatar, where by one "real" colonist would represent 5,000 or more "virtual" colonists. This worked OK for performance, but it always caused strange statistical problems for things like Entertainment, Schooling, Medical, and Work. For example, if one colonist would get sick or unhappy for some reason, all 5,000 of the "virtual" colonists he represented would also take on his sickness/anger, which would lead to situations where 500 virtual colonists are not working.

For the last few years, each update is a constant battle against the old colonist system, with performance issues and complaints about certain stats not lining up as expected. Game functions like Entertainment/Medical,Education barely work in a consistent manner. Moreover, the colonist day/night cycle, which I thought was somewhat neat/unique/realistic to the game, was often confusing for new players who couldn't understand why nobody was at work in their buildings.

Anyway, I think it's long been time for a change, so with v1.0.0 I am stripping out pretty much all colonist-level individuality and data, and moving to a pure statistical model, more in line with a traditional city-simulator type game. After this update, the colonists you see walking around are pretty much for show only, and will no longer have their own individual stats. You will not be able to click on a colonist to see his name, where he lives, what is job is, etc. You will not be able to assign a colonist to a specific job. The individual colonist no longer matters.

So that's the sad part. It's sort of sad because I liked all that stuff about the game, but the reality is that those kinds of things are for a different type of game that My Colony no longer represents, and keeping them in the game has only caused performance issues and forced strange workarounds in the code.

So let's discuss the new system that is currently being tested. Starting with My Colony v1.0.0, all colony stats, including productivity, health, happiness, IQ, etc, are based on (roughly) on the overall land value/approval rating of the specific areas of your colony. It sounds more confusing, but I will explain more.

Housing structures are now the basic unit responsible for generating statistics in the game, taking place of the individual colonist. Housing structures now have internal statistics based on the availability of Schools, Entertainment, and Medical facilities in their proximity. While not yet implemented, there are also internal stats for Crime, which I plan on adding (along with Police Stations/Prisons) in v1.0.1 or v1.0.2.

While these numbers might be tweaked before the final release, you basically need enough Medical to accommodate 5% of your population, enough Schools for 20% of the population, and enough Entertainment for 15% of the population. These facilities must also be within range of the housing units. Medical facilities need to be within a 50 tile radius, schools 35 tile, and entertainment 25 tile. So basically, on a small sized map, an entertainment facility in the center of the map can theoretically service the entire map.

For work, job sites have to be within a 50 tile range of available housing. Jobs are prioritized by distance to house, IQ requirements, and pay. IQ level is impacted by the School rating of the housing unit. Each housing unit keeps track of the average travel distance it's residents must take to get to work, which impacts it's land value/approval rating.

The approval/land value rating of a structure is based on how fully it's needs are met in those categories, with Crime soon to be added as well. When colonists look for new places to live, they will place priority on high value dwellings first, and only reluctantly fill in the slums if necessary. When crime is implemented, criminals will originate from slum areas of town, so the more low-value areas your colony has, the more crime will be generated. Crime in turn will further lower the value of the area.

With this new system, the colonist day/night cycle is gone. As long as approval/land value conditions are good, buildings will be operating at full capacity at all times, so there is no more sitting there waiting for workers to come back on duty.

Some people will not like this new system as the change is large and will probably render many existing city layouts ineffective. You now have to think about the macro-conditions of each area of your city, making sure that there is sufficient medical, education, and entertainment for all residential areas. Since these stats were largely underutilized before, most existing cities will probably have shortages right off the bat. I plan on introducing new education and medical facilities as I get further along on the v1.0.0 update, as they will probably be needed.

There are some positives that come along with this change. Firstly, save file size and memory usage is greatly reduced, as the game no longer keeps a reference table of all workers/buildings. The game no longer conducts the expensive job/medical/school/entertainment search routines for individual colonists, which involved expensive operations of sorting all in-game structures by distance from each colonist, and then weeding through destination candidates one by one.

I estimate that most colonies will see improved performance with this change, particularly on the high end. In addition, this new system will allow me to implement probably the most requested feature of the last 3 years - mass transit, which I tentatively plan on introducing in v1.0.3 with either a new subway or monorail system (depending on what I want to draw). Since the engine no longer has to figure out paths for each individual worker, it now only needs to make sure that a mass-transit system is fully connected to itself, and then figure out a building's distance to the overall transit network, making it's implementation much, much simpler and less performance intensive than trying to resolve mass transit paths for each individual colonist.

So I've written a book here, but the reason for the long write up is because this is probably absolutely the single largest engine change to the game since it first came out, and it represents a complete rewrite of one of the core mechanics of the game. I am trying to design it in a way that will not feel overly different to long-time players and will not be overly disruptive to existing games, but with a change on this scale, you know some people will be impacted.

If you have issues/observations with the new system, you can post them in this thread. I will be working on this particular part of the game for a few more days here. Be advised, that if you open a colony on v1.0.0 from this point on, the engine changes are sufficiently large that re-opening your game in a pre-v1.0.0 client may cause issues, as v1.0.0 deletes a lot of depreciated properties from in-game objects.
4y ago
The system behind isn't 100% clear. From the 1.0.0 update we don't have anymore individual colonists, but a new (far better) houses simulation system. Each house now have some stats based on the building surrounded (edu, ent, healt, each with different working distance).

So.. if a house with 1000 colonists, you will need 200 edu slots. with one Transcendent academy you will have 1000 colonist with +- 300IQ, but... if you have a lower IQ school, you can have some colonists using it, and will be a mess.

So.. the best is to use only the best IQ school available, or at least, don't make school with low IQ, if you need elevate IQ worker.
4y ago
Hi! So, I have an elementary school, and I pressed "show students". Nothing happened....
Build: 0.58.0
Device: Kindle fire
Bought on: Amazon appstore
Re-creation: Just..... Press show students.....
6y ago
I built a lot daycare, elementary,highschool and college, but no student at all. I wonder why, as the colonist IQ average at 75.

Are they too dumb and lost on the way to school?
6y ago
Cyberkayu said:I built a lot daycare, elementary,highschool and college, but no student at all. I wonder why, as the colonist IQ average at 75.

Are they too dumb and lost on the way to school?

At the moment, only unemployed people will be students. So you have to have more people than you have jobs for and then they will go. Hopefully there will be an addition in the next update to change this policy to be either "educate first" "educate/employee equally" "Employ first" or some similar method that gives the user control.
6y ago
I have the version 0.68.0 where I have schools. I have max amount of teachers in the elementary school, but no colonists go learning there. How do I get them to learn?
5y ago
The game is almost full documented.

In this site, you can read everything (building cost, tech, Requirements, build by, ecc), storage value, Resource transformed and produced every tick or minute.

For the Schools problems, i use a "real life" system, in a new colony: Some Sm. Elementary, after Hight School, after Sm. Community College (1-2, depend on the colony size), and after few day Transcendet Academy.
5y ago
Sorry if this is mentioned somewhere else on here (Im sure it is). I am having trouble with educating my people. My elementary, high school, and college are full and there are people working there, but they dont seem to get smarter. Can someone explain how the schools work? or maybe you have some tips? Please and thank you.
5y ago
Hey, I think my colony is around early-midgame (just unlocked GBT), but since the start of the game the IQ of my colonists have been staying low. I started out with around 75 and somehow got to raising it to an average of 85. I have an elementary, a high school and a community college, with teachers in all of them except for the college but the colonists just won't go and get educated no matter what. My colonists' concerns are 98% about education. Unemployment is quite low if that matters. What am I doing wrong? Help is appreciated.
5y ago
I totally agree we probably need a bigger elementary school. Serving 40 only is too few to meet the need.

Before speaking about producing more helium-3, thinking about more uses of helium-3 may be better, otherwise there’s no use for making tons of helium-3.

I do really like the idea of NXE. Alloys with high flexibility but also with high duribility is perfect for some amazing constructions which the traditional alloys cannot. Such as you can have it in certain shape that it can accumulate quantum energy.

If I guessed correctly, the particle compiler should be an upgrade of the quantum AI brain of my post.
Jazzknight, first remove all education buildings lower than University and Trans Academy. The game (as of now at least) only calculates the max IQ provided by a building, not the starting IQ. As such, you need not to provide the lower education buildings (Elementary, High School, etc), and in fact building them can be detrimental as they take colonists off from the higher education buildings, lowering their IQ below Converter requirement.

Secondly, when this happened, have you updated the game to 1.3.0? Before 1.3.0, University could not provide enough IQ for Research Converter, and as such the colonists will not staff the Converters even with highest priority slider as they are considered too dumb. They will just stay as unemployed.
4y ago
So they are currently listed as unemployed while they are a student, but that will be changing in a future update. Once they graduate they will try to find a job like normal, the only difference being is that there will now be more jobs available for them to choose from. If there are no high tech jobs, they can still work somewhere else. You can have a stereotypical college grad working at the Pub.

If they still have no jobs available they will try to find higher education. If they cannot find it, they will just be a regular unemployed person. But basically, if they graduate from High School and there is a high school teacher job available, they will fill that job before moving on to college. They only move on to more education if they need it to get a job.
6y ago
yea thing is colonists who are in school are being counted as unemployed EVEN when your stats show 0 unemployed this brings down rating .

If the rating falls much below 85 % it will just keep falling as more and more colonists get made and protest less and less are working creating a feed back loop .

The trick is get it OVER 85 % so hope you have coins lol . see pay them a stim package 200 at a pop this brings it back to over 90 % at the same time be sure you have lots of entertainment or the big park and pyramid .
Or just lots of other stuff .

Then set your work load to light and wate check once a hour when it falls to 85 % give them another 200 coins in a few hours it will stablis around 87 - 95 % .

the colonists in school have really made it twice as hard keeping the rating up but i have managed to get mine staying at 87 % slowly rising .
6y ago
I think there should be quite a few things added. There should be a policy forcing you colonists to have an education. Also, a cool mechanic would be having children in my colony. They could learn things faster, won't need a job until a certain age, and maybe can perform in a theater or something like that as another form of fun.

There should also be a way to see every student in every school without having to go to that school. And a way to demolish buildings faster. I was thinking something like a box that you can change the size of to get rid of many objects. There should be a similar mechanic for selling objects to. It takes way to long to get rid of objects now. There should also be some sort of way to see the stages of atmosphere in game. And there should be something besides just a tourist and colonist. There should be a inspector or something like that that will give you a boost in the number of tourists coming and how money they spend. Or lower the tourist number and the money they spend depending on what they think. I don't think it should be based off of how the colony looks though, but how well it's functioning.
i have been playing this game since v0.35.0 but recently i have had problems with the education system. i created a new colony and found that workers in a reasearch lab need an IQ of 100. i had only to people in my entire colony who met the requirements which meant research was ludicrously low. after 20 minutes of saving up research points i got basic education and built an elementry school. to my horror i found that it only brought up the IQ to 90. after doing some looking on references i found that to get 100+ IQ i need a high school which requires civiv and finance research (500+) research points what do i do as i only have 2 researchers?
6y ago
Mostly posting this so I can talk about the one hardship i currently experience with my human colonies on any world.


Since education became important, I have noticed a steady increase of protesters in colonies that previously had none. After some digging, I found out why.

In every case, i had just recently built up a bunch of research labs or one of the various stages of school buildings, and even after leaving the population be for several hours, those buildings (all of which require certain IQ levels) are still missing most if not all of their employees. Without realizing this at first I had waited until the population matched the jobs available and then expanded further so I can control who lives where and reduce commute times and fatigue.

Well, since the colonists were either too lazy to get their IQ up, or it seems to take an ungodly amount of time for it to get up, I have a pile of unemployed colonists who leap into working at that new microchip factory I just built 35 blocks away from their home instead of the lab/school that is literally 1 block away. Since this discovery I have just been more careful to let people get learned (Or die off and be replaced because they protest and refuse to see the many available doctors to heal and live) before I build anything after adding new IQ required buildings.
5y ago
I have just completed work on My Colony v0.72.0, which should be going out to all platforms over the next few days. This release contains a whole slew of general bug fixes, both region and non-region related, as well as a few new structures and a new change to unemployment.

Firstly, I think that I may have finally solved the long-standing "my rovers wont move" bug, which people have been complaining about for a year or so. Now that I have written this, there may well be 10 comments below proving that I have not solved it, but I am pretty sure that at least it is a lot better now than it was before. The issue is that some time ago, I added code so that the engine would save commonly used paths and re-use them again instead of going through the pathfinder every time, which saved a lot of cpu usage. Somehow though, I forgot to clear out those saved paths whenever new structures or terrain features were added to the map. So if a path was ever created, and then later on, a building got placed somewhere along the path, the game would go back and try to find a new path, but the engine kept giving out the old retained path over and over again. The retained path would eventually be killed if it failed enough times, but this was creating a constant loop where sometimes rovers would just sit there trying the same path over and over again, or if a ton of rovers were moving at once, they would completely lag out the game while they each tried to resolve the same broken path over and over.

So anyway, there is a better than zero chance that this issue is fixed now, but please (and I am sure you will) let me know if I am mistaken.

Next on the list, I have implemented a change in employment reporting. Before, if a colonist did not have a high enough IQ to take a job, they would become a student. If there were no schools available, they would just keep looking for an education until they could find one. This had a couple of effects. One, it could create lag on large colonies where colonists kept looking for schools over and over. Additionally, it created higher rates of unemployment while there will still jobs available. Players would wonder why colonists are not filling jobs when there are so many workers available, when the actual reason is that many of the colonists were too dumb to work in the jobs that were unfilled.

To address these issues, several changes were made. Now if a colonist cannot find a job, they will look for school once. If they can't find it they will either a) go to the bar and drink their woes away (find entertainment instead), or b) lose faith in your government and become a protester. Later on when they have become sufficiently happy again, or tired of protesting, they will retry their search for a job or school.

Next, the way unemployment is calculated has been changed. Before, unemployment was simply the number of colonists minus the number of filled jobs. Pretty simple. The issue was that since the simulated colonists (new colonists created after your population passes 2000) found jobs and lived their lives based on statistics from the non-simulated colonists, the unemployment rate in some cases would be artificially high as it was counting students and retired colonists as workers, and so simulated colonists were not finding jobs since their employment rate was coded to match the rate of the non-simulated population. Now, students and retired workers are no longer counted among the unemployed. These stats are now reflected on the statistics screen.

In addition, the unhappiness stats now account for colonists who cannot find an education. These stats were previously not accounted for, skewing the other statistics higher than they normally would have been.

In the coming updates, I want to add new colonist births, and also accelerate the rate of aging among the population. I then plan to include nonage and dotage into the population, where colonists will not work under the age of 16 or over the age of 70, or some other arbitrary numbers. Perhaps these numbers can be set in a new social policy.

For players of the desktop Native Client, all script errors should now be written to a .log file saved in the ~/Documents/My Colony folder on the device. Key word should.

Finally, the Reptilians got three new structures in this release. They finally have an embassy to establish diplomatic missions, the Foreign Outpost. In terms of regular structures, they get the Potters Den, which is a small housing unit which also creates pottery. Also they get a public housing structure, the Homeless Shelter, which also provides a mediocre education to those who live there.

One last word about the Android crashes before I wrap up here. From the stats I have gathered, it appears that over 90% of the crashes happen in offline games vs online games. I am wondering if this is related to the game scanning WiFi for nearby players to trade resources with. I have added some potential fixes related to the TCP/IP networking, but whether or not that have an impact remains to be seen.

That's all for today's update. Thanks for playing, and stay tuned for more!
5y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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