ok im loving regions but ive been noticing some problems as of late that seem to be getting worse with time and then others that i thought got fixed already.
The system for school is really, really broken. They get stuck in the schools and don't seem to leave. Whats stranger is when i poke around i notice that a colonist who has been registered to one of the school buildings for a while at some point leaves their housing by the school and starts wandering around until they die, never actually leaving the school to find a job or at the very least a house.
Its really apparent the school system is broken when you have a bunch of the Center for Artificial Learning buildings on a map. it seems that they cant go into housing because they aren't smart enough? Im not sure what the order of School, housing, entertainment, hospital is but maybe switching them around might help? Something like;
1) Look at available jobs, if job needs IQ find school
2) Find school, cool found school
3) Find housing within a certain distance from school
4) Get smart
5) Repeat step one
6) if job found, find close housing, found housing?, recheck if job is still there
7) if not enough IQ start from step one
Then sprinkle in the health and entertainment? Just a thought but there is definitely something going on with the education system right now.
i know it has been reported before but when using the Fire drill it has the chance to really mess up a colony. I have used it a few times recently and discovered that my colonists find a house and then find a job on the other side of the map. It really leaves me scratching my head, why not pick a closer job and find closer housing?
also the website that you can view your stats on is not reporting/recording the data for regions
The GDP isn't registering at all.
The amount per capital is also blank.
It's also not showing the colonies linked with the commonwealth.
also the population isn't registering right but when i was working with the maker of coloniae.space this popped up when we were trying to figure out why the population was off.

so i'm thinking that's why its wrong on the site too?