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Hello everyone, I have another My Colony update ready for you today, v0.96.0. This update is somewhat minor, but during last weeks major content update, I had inadvertently removed the Fish Hatchery from the game, which in turn caused a whole bunch of problems, including the build menu not working for Advanced Builder Bots on mobile. Not good!

So today's update brings back the Fish Hatchery, but sadly if your Fish Hatchery disappeared in the last update, you will have to re-build it again 👿. Sorry!

There are a couple of other small additions today. Now, if you click on somebody's username from the slide-out chat window, it will open up their My Colony profile (before it only worked if you clicked on their message in the notification area).

I have also added an in-game friends list. Now when you are looking at a user's profile window, there will be a new "Add Friends" button up in the corner. This button is used to both add a new friend, or accept a pending friend request.

There is a new section on the Statistics window for friends now. This will show all of your confirmed friends and incoming friends requests, and will show you if your friends are online or offline. Clicking on a friend will bring up all of their colonies.

Keep in mind that the friends list is for all of Ape Apps, not just My Colony, although My Colony is the first game to implement the feature. I plan on expanding it to other Ape Apps things as well though, from games to the website to the chat program.

So that is really it for today. I am sorry that the update is smaller this time, but I had to get that Fish Hatchery bug fixed because it was causing major problems on mobile! The update should be hitting all devices within the coming days, so be on the lookout. Also keep in mind that if you are using the Ape Apps Launcher, the update requires an update to the Launcher which should also be coming later today.

That's it for now, stay tuned for more and thanks for playing!
5y ago
I want to game with my friend, i make a new colony ONLINE and my question is, how my friend join in the game?😃
6y ago
I am in the process of adding a Friends List system to Ape Apps accounts that will allow you to easily see when your friends are online playing games like My Colony, or to invite them to a match in games like Death 3d. You can start testing the ability to add friends right now by using the Ape Chat desktop interface from your web browser (go to ) and right clicking on somebody's name in the user listing and selecting Add to Friends.

The only way they can accept right now is if they also right click on your name and select Add to Friends, but within the next couple of days this website will also have a list of your pending requests on your profile page and will allow you to accept or decline.

Friend management will soon be embedded into online games like My Colony also. For example, when you start a new colony, you will be able to pull up a list of your friends' charter codes. Or you can get notified when a friend is starting a new Colony Wars game lobby.

So anyway, it should be a cool new feature, and I will keep looking for neat ways to incorporate it into my various games!
5y ago
The Ape Chat server has just been updated with some new content which you can now take advantage if you are using the Ape Chat web app ( or the client that is built into the Ape Apps Launcher. Here is an overview of the new features.

Firstly, on the left chat sidebar that has the channel listing, you will now see two new sections for your Private Channels and your Private Conversations.

This helps you keep things grouped together nicely. And speaking of Private Conversations, there are private conversations now! Previously, you could send somebody a direct message using the @username switch, but the message would only be delivered if the user was currently in chat. Now, private conversations are persisted on the server as a personal one-on-one chat room. Private conversation chats can only be accessed by the two users involved, and are also voice-enabled channels for one on one voice chat.

In addition, if you right-click on a username from your private conversations list, you will see a new Private Window option. Clicking on it will open a new mini-chat window for your one-on-one conversation, so you can have multiple one-on-ones going separate from the main chat.

Eventually, if you install Ape Chat as a PWA on your system (which, by the way, you can now do in Chrome and new MS Edge), you will also receive desktop or mobile notifications when you get a new private chat message, even if you don't have Ape Chat open. This will also work by having the Ape Apps Launcher installed.

I have expanded Ape Apps Account friends list capabilities. If you open your Friends List from either the Ape Apps Launcher or clicking on the new 'Friends' icon at the top of the base Ape Web Apps website (, you will get the updated Friends List popup window, which will allow you to accept or reject friend requests, see who is online, view friends' profile, or open the private one-on-one chat window right from the friends list:

I plan on expanding Friend List management further, and also making the friends window accessible from the individual apps and games, but for now the best way to access it is by going to and clicking on the Friends List icon.

So that's it for this Ape Chat update. I still need to push the changes out to the Ape Chat Android application, but I plan to keep improving the Ape Chat service as time goes on, integrating it further into the Friends service and into the individual apps and games!
5y ago
I've been playing My Colony for nearly a year, and my colony has grown quite big. I do have one problem though. Over the summer I didn't play the game on account of having other things to do, but I've been getting back into it this fall. I formed 2 sub-colonies under my independent colonies before I took a break from the game, and when I came back, I pulled up one of my sub-colonies and saw it was out of water, so I went to send it water from my mother colony (Called Bilbo's Bag End). When clicking the 'commonwealth' button on my capitol, a blank white box appears. I thought it just needed time to load at first, but it wouldn't go away. I just thought that I'd deal with it later. But then a friend saw me playing the game and said he'd like to play as well. I was like "Hey, if you start under my charter, I can give you stuff!" But when he typed the code, it just said "Invalid Character!" I've tried it multiple times since then with the same result each time. I've typed it so many times I've got it memorized (mtKHKk4y). I also went to visit the my colony website and look at my coony's stats, but upon pulling up the webpage, it is blank and says all the totals for population and such are zero, and just states that it was founded under united earth. Brushing it aside for the time being, I went on my merry way, advancing my mother colony. I unlocked all the technologies exept for the next gen power production, and I needed crystaline for that. I thought "Ok, it'll be spendy but ill just put up a offer in the galatic board of trade." My money for the transaction dissapeared, but I got no crystaline. Im not that worried about the money, I can earn that back, but I think my colony is somehow broken, as in my charter wont work and I cant properly trade with other players. I cant obtain some recources at anything resembling a decent price now, becasue as we all know, the products from united earth are mighty expensive and I dont have that kind of money and saving time, as well as I cant have a charter for my friends to make their colonies under. Is there anything I can do to fix this?? If so I'd like to know becasue I can't properly advance my colony till it's fixed.
7y ago
Opps did not know that sorry .
have a friend who was not independent told him to ask ott for anex then remembered if i annexed him then kicked him out he would gain instant independence .
So asked him if he wanted it got a yes and did it .
But in my DEFENSE ott i then told him to send a diplomat building to you .
quite honestly you and nunez are the two who help the most and this guy wants a little to much help lol .
7y ago
no problem with the GBT, but same with the commonwealth issue. before this last update was fine. now shows no one. but know I have ones under me. Keep getting the message about collecting taxes from them. Talked to a friend at work that i under me and all he has is me.
7y ago
For the past month I have been busy traveling and working on other things, but I am now back ready to return to My Colony. First, over the next few days I am going to push out an Antiquitas update with some new structures from our friend @jova , and then it is on to v0.53.0 of My Colony. There are a lot of issues that need to be addressed in the update, plus some new stuff. Here is the current plan:
  • bug fixes
  • start adding the Reptilians
  • in-game chat for commonwealths
  • offline multiplayer
  • make it so the galactic emperor only gifts useful resources
Most of these are pretty self explanatory, but I wanted to just touch on the offline multiplayer part. This is multiplayer for games on the same LAN or WiFi connection. It is going to be a little different than the online multiplayer. There is no GBT or commonwealths or anything that requires a central server. What happens is the game searches for other players on your network and will allow you to bring up a list of those who are playing (looks like the diplomacy screen sort of, and kind of works like finding multiplayer games in minecraft PE), and then allows direct resource trading and messaging between these players. There are no real limits in offline multiplayer, since I don't really care if offline players cheat or not.

The offline multiplayer will be supported on all platforms, so if you are on your PC and your grandma is on her iPad or something, you should be able to do resource trades. For people playing in the web browser, it will require additional software to be installed, or you can just use the native client instead.

Eventually I will make it so that offline colonies on the same device can trade resources too, but that wont be in this update.

Anyway, that is what is coming for v0.53.0. Work will probably begin on Monday, with the focus this weekend being on Antiquitas. For you Antiquitas players out there, @jova has supplied me with 10 epic new buildings. The update is also getting the map editor feature and other engine tweaks from the last My Colony update, as well as new bug fixes that were not yet in the last My Colony update.

That's all for now. Stay tuned!
7y ago
My colony win10 store
ver. 0.52
I recently got a premium game copy from a friend of mine as a gift. Right after i activated My Colony however i wasn't able to create a new online world. Offline worlds can be created without problem but i simply don't get the option to choose a charter when i select "Online". The game just returns me back to the starting menu.
I tried relaunching the game, restarting my laptop, even reinstalling the game.
None of those work.
The browser version is fine and functions without problem but i would like to keep playing the win. store version.
Any ideas anyone?
7y ago
bastecklein said:I didn't think it was possible, but I just did a bit of research and I think it might be. I will look into it.

Thanks for the reply. It would mean the world to me (and possibly many other "Colonists") if you could come up with a 32bit version.
I have been playing My Colony for more than a year now and I think that is the only drawback. Otherwise, the whole game is amazing and genius, and that you my friend deserve some kind of medal or maybe a statue that we can built in-game for you.
7y ago
Bast can u take a look at the embassy button on the 32bit windows version.
I have an embassy request from my friend, but the "handshake button" at the bottom right is not clickable at all.
Also when I try to send an embassy request I get stuck on the resource information window. I cant click send only cancel.
7y ago
I've same problem. My workers never want to work, strange.
I have to click on show workers to be, for example, 0/10/250 on this screen, my workers wont work on my food building, and then, poor tourists died.
They also protest everytime for no reason. Strange thing. Please fix it, it's impossible to play with it, and my friend got same problem. (It could come from the repair building, idk, because everytime that a building is damaged, even for 1 dollar, workers get out of the building. Sad thing.
7y ago
I have commited more henious crimes than this boy, I who was banished by two leaders of federations, who I now consider friends, yet they forgave me, it takes time and patience, Dolphin needs to guide Mars and punish him at his own accords. We must leave this matter behind us and if he changes, *when he changes like I did we can potentially amend the btoken wounds. So I emplore you to leave this behind and let Dolphin deal with this, as a friend, as a enemy and as an average guy.
7y ago
The guppy is alive and he have talk
FearTheGuppy said:I have commited more henious crimes than this boy, I who was banished by two leaders of federations, who I now consider friends, yet they forgave me, it takes time and patience, Dolphin needs to guide Mars and punish him at his own accords. We must leave this matter behind us and if he changes, *when he changes like I did we can potentially amend the btoken wounds. So I emplore you to leave this behind and let Dolphin deal with this, as a friend, as a enemy and as an average guy.

i have exit of all the federation if you see well
(ps:Darkbaguette ne tienquiet pas je saurais remplir mes journées)
MaroutoutMars1 said:The guppy is alive and he have talk
FearTheGuppy said:I have commited more henious crimes than this boy, I who was banished by two leaders of federations, who I now consider friends, yet they forgave me, it takes time and patience, Dolphin needs to guide Mars and punish him at his own accords. We must leave this matter behind us and if he changes, *when he changes like I did we can potentially amend the btoken wounds. So I emplore you to leave this behind and let Dolphin deal with this, as a friend, as a enemy and as an average guy.

i have exit of all the federation if you see well
(ps:Darkbaguette ne tienquiet pas je saurais remplir mes journées)

You didn't need to. Remain in NUF and learn from the mistake
7y ago
Ok so i assume this has already been suggested lol. but i find that i am always running to the encyclopedia for the info of how much storage a building provides for a particular resource. there are little things like the fact that haunted houses store wood better than a lumber yard lol. yet this info is buried in the encyclopedia lol and honestly i only discovered it from a friend. my suggestion is to add storage info into the statistics of the buildings lol? to save us a step of running to the reference? would give us a bit more to go off of than the descriptions.

edit: if i am late on suggesting this or its already in the works-by all means remove this post and happy gaming :)
6y ago
In My Colony, I have become independent. I tried to create subcolonies and it didn't work. My friend tried the charter codes and it didn't work. When I looked at my website, it showed my colony with 100 population and still with UE, even though I am independent with 9000 people. Something is not right. What do I do?
6y ago
yes- all you need to do is go into a transmission hub ingame (if you do not know what that is see below)

click 'annex colony', and type in the other commonwealth's charter code

And yes, i will be your friend :)
6y ago
Once your colony has gained independence, your friend can make a new colony with your colony's charter code and become a member of your commonwealth. You will then be able to send resources to one another.
6y ago
come by the FFF as a friend if you want and just hang out with us and talk, you might learn some stuff to help you get where you want.
6y ago
After you declare independence are you able to join a new charter? I want to get under the charter that my friend is under so that we can help each other out.
6y ago
My experiences with My Colony:

Find the game "My Colony", suggested by a friend.
Installing it on my android phone.
Getting annoyed by the ad. How many ads do they think I am interessted in?
Buying the premiom version, as I am very sure that I would like the game.
Game crashes occasionally. Maybe due to mobile phone heat. Its not the best mobile phone.
Looking if there might be a PC version. There is one. Downloading it. Running it.
Advertisment frame appears.
Can I use my already Play-Store purchased premium version of "My Colony"?
Ok, buying it again. Also seeing some other interessting games in the shop.
Purchasing done. Advertisment frame disappears.
This game deserves financial support as its not expensive.
I receive a message of the gallactic imperial. I shall watch a video.
I receive ancient artefacts.
I receive a message of the gallactic imperial today again. Oh I need to watch the full video.
I cannot pause it, cannot unfocus it, cannot mute it.
Yes i already know i will buy some of the other games shown there.

Buying the game twice and still being f..... of advertisments because I don't want to dismiss the oil or ancient artefacts.

well, "gg", I hate you.
6y ago
This happened to me 8 times, and follows the "workers refuse to get a job" not explained by distance, colonists being unhappy, colonists being too rich to care for jobs(which I honestly think makes half the player quits because it has no warning message), or fire drills.

Once this sets in for long enough, the colony loses contact, the game cannot update from the windows green "click here to update" button, the web version is stuck at "loading" before I even login even with all firefox addons disabled or deinstalled fully, online colonies in the windows version can't save or can't load (either way they're dead and have never revived), and changing an account and rebuilding from scratch doesn't help unless you also change your real life ISP, which would change the IP.

I suspect some sort of auto-ban runs super-predictably often when trying to save the colony from the colonists refuse to go to work problem --- which may force some players to:

-Reload from backup, looking like a cheater for it?

-Complain a hell of a lot, causing a not-so-automatic ban?

-Make odd trades (selling high materials in large quantities because they're selling buildings colonists refuse to work in)?

-Making uneven trade as a friend is offering super cheap help to save the colony from the workers refuse to go to jobs problem?

-Have large colonies which may trigger not so much as an IP ban but more of a file size / bandwidth triggered stuck state (with the game trying to contact the server with enormous file every fraction of second because the server always refuses them), which triggers the IP ban proper?

In any case if the problem is hard to figure out, YOU NEED TO HAVE ANALYTICS TO KNOW WHAT TENDS TO HAPPEN BEFORE THIS PROBLEM TRIGGERS because re-building a colony to maturity from scratch 8 times, only to have the last time result in an IP ban, tends to aggravate people into quitting a game they otherwise would have loved.

P.S.: I am not going premium for regions until they have proven to be free of both late-game-destroying bugs:

1- the IP autobans(?) or server won't connect no matter what which affected me, my cousins, 3 friends, and basically everyone I know in real life. Considering quitting a year doesn't fix it, maybe it's more of a "game can't contact server for some other reason" problem.

2- the worker won't work even if I raze everything but some solar panels, a single houses, an entertainment facility that doesn't require colonists working it, and some simple jobs matching the number of colonists present, storage full of 10 million food and water, and wait real life 2 days for the colonists to find the job next to their house!! (starting with educated, healthy colonists, happy with 50 cash each with no-IQ-required jobs and solid government approval)

The solution to untrackable bugs is analytics, analytics, analytics!
6y ago
On my phone i can go to the trading place and send materials but i cant on my laptop. My friend plays on laptop and i cant send anything to him.
6y ago
csm0104 said:On my phone i can go to the trading place and send materials but i cant on my laptop. My friend plays on laptop and i cant send anything to him.

Yeah, the TCP networking was broken in the current release. It will be corrected in 1.19.0. Should be out by the end of this week.
6y ago
Hey, is there a way you could add multiplayer, were if you have a friend nearby to easily talk to you could invite him to your my colony world and then 2 people could work on the same world. Would that be cool, or will it be impossible?
6y ago

In the recent days, the FFF and NOZ has achieved an important milestone, in setting up of a summit , moving closer to proper discourse between 2 Federations. Also in light of that historic moment, we are looking for an individual from the FFF, to claim the inaugural Friend of NOZ Award

This person can be anyone that is a Guest here from the FFF, whom probably has become good friends with you, helped you with a trade or two, and is a great ambassador from the FFF. This person also should have given much effort for fair and great gameplay and conversations.

NOZ members, you can nominate a guest from the FFF by DM-ing The Grandmaster . The leadership will then release a poll for all to vote. Not only that, a bundle of My Colony Late Game resources await the winner!

Nominations are :
gkdkggl -FFF
Freedmoon - FFF
Sobeirannovaòcc- FFF
6y ago
My friend can't open the Gifts I sent. Upon clicking the gift icon, the gift modal does not show

Playing on both web and mac version
6y ago
Cause my friend alr has the product code
and steam updates automatically in the background which is what he wants
is that feature also avaliable for my colony?
6y ago
Was sitting there in Church today and during the sermon I was thinking of the code for My Colony, and I had an idea to add another gameplay mode of Multiplayer Regions. In my mind, it would be a slightly larger map than the current region file, and all of the high-level region data would be stored on the server, including the little thumbnail images that represent the individual city files. However, you could invite your friends to join your region, and they could pick a plot on the map and start building their own cities.

Instead of shared resources across the region like on current region maps, only atmosphere would be shared, although there would be a new regional warehouse type building where players can manually store resources that are shared across the region.

Also, instead of the whole region being one big city, it would be broken up into 'areas', like metropolitan areas, where each one of those would have a charter code/online presence as opposed to the region as a whole.

For example, if you start a city on the region at coordinate 20:20 (x:y), and you own no other cities touching that city, it would be chartered as a new colony on the server. If you then started another city right next to it as 20:21, it would be "linked" to the first city and they would become a metropolitan area with shared resources. However, if your friend started a new city in that region across the map at location 8:10 or something, then that would trigger the formation of a new "area" with a new charter code and its own resource pool.

My thought for this was that regions are so big anyway, the likelihood of a player filling one by himself is not very high. However a group of players could probably do it.

Anyway, that is kind of an idea I had, it's nothing solid right now, but I have (at least in theory) worked out a lot of the code needed and issues in my head, lol. I mainly wanted to throw this here and see if there is any feedback on it, to see if it is a feature anybody would actually be interested in, before spending time to implement it. I actually think that compared to a lot of things, it would be a pretty easy one to implement, since a lot of the work on Regions is already completed, it would be a similar experience except there are other parts on the map that are being filled out by other people. The only main difference to the player is the joint atmosphere, and the addition of the joint regional warehouse. You wouldn't really be able to load up other players' maps and play them, you would just see them on the main regional overview.

Let me know what you think of the concept, and if it is worth exploring further!
6y ago
I personally think that the ability to trade territories between players would be a great feature. I would say that in order for a territory to be sold from one colony to another, the buying colony needs to own territory adjacent to the territory being bought so that they can link up after the trade is made. The territory being bought would keep everything pertaining to it's individual map, except any capitals/consulates would represent their new owner.

Also, what if a colony could sacrifice one or more of it's maps/territories to invite another player into the region. The player would proceed to take over the territory(s) and it would become a colony all by itself. This could be useful if all space is taken up in a region, but one colony still wants to invite a friend. The map(s) would keep all of the data pertaining to themselves, structures, people, etc, and the new occupant could continue to buy more territories/maps from the other pre-existing occupants. Players should also be able to lend their colony out to other colonies in the same region, which could be useful if a player needs to go away for a while and needs someone to look after their colony. The lendee would be rewarded in some way for taking care of the colony, and then the lender could return at any time and cancel the lone. If you want i can make a thread for that idea in suggestions, since I have a lot of ideas for that potential feature.

Trade routes between two colonies on the same regions map could cost significantly less civics and could never require starships. I recall posting an entire thread devoted to this topic in the suggestions forum. Was a while ago though.

This last idea could be another benefit/risk of occupying the same region as other colonies. What if the entire region become loaded while just one of it's occupants is online? This would mean that all of the other colonies in the region would generate and consume resources even if only one colony is online. If everyone is offline, then the region unloads and no colonies produce or consume anything. This could be a blessing or a curse depending on a colony's situation.
6y ago
DragonCrypt said:My colony win10 store
ver. 0.52
I recently got a premium game copy from a friend of mine as a gift. Right after i activated My Colony however i wasn't able to create a new online world. Offline worlds can be created without problem but i simply don't get the option to choose a charter when i select "Online". The game just returns me back to the starting menu.
I tried relaunching the game, restarting my laptop, even reinstalling the game.
None of those work.
The browser version is fine and functions without problem but i would like to keep playing the win. store version.
Any ideas anyone?

Wait. You mean that you got premium version illegally? Or am I wrong maybe?
6y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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