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Some new ideas... Internet industries!

Hello guys!
The name is Wadaling. (•ω•)

This is simply some ideas, with some concept arts.

For more and re-edited ideas, look into this post:
This account will not be under use. To indicate me, please refer to my new account - @GeneralWadaling .
Remarks: Data Interceptors are for LIS only.
This account will not be under use. To indicate me, please refer to my new account - @GeneralWadaling .
I really like it, and great drawings! You can also make the images in the correct format and if he likes it Bast will put it in the game.

How about like a sphere of influence, like the more influent you are the more data you get ? For example having embassies would help growing the influence and therefore the data you get. But it needs a drawback otherwise everyone will just make a lot of embassies...

However, it means adding two mor resources to the game, which already has more than 35.
Would cyber exchange be like a gbt or like a stargate ? (trade between player or game)
Creator of Coloniae
Admin of the MC2 translation project
you know the gbt for draco - say in desc hacks and stteals rss from other places (along those lines) imagine if there was a building that actually allowed you to do that - steal a randon trade off gbt for like half the price but if the hack fails you loose 2x the stolen trades worth in fines etc
Here comes the vol2!
This account will not be under use. To indicate me, please refer to my new account - @GeneralWadaling .
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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