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Diamond Crystal Reactor vs. Alien Power Tower

Since there is currently no way to produce Diamonds and Crystalline on the same planet you are obliged to use the Import function of the DCR or GBT to get either or both resources. While it DOES provide an unholy amount of power, 5 APTs = 1 DCR, keeping track of the fuel levels is distracting. Hence I prefer to use APTs... because I am lazy that way...
Commonwealth of Groddle
Groddle | Bell's Pyramid | Glitch
By the time you can get it you should have no trouble affording the cost .
In my Current colony I have ten diamond reactors
Cost 193 UR - 193 diamonds 193 crystals per timer .
Power provided 2,750,000 = to 61 Alien Power towers = 1098 colonists to run them and 244 squares vers ten squares for the other .
Even One alien enrichment plant would feed all ten but 1 have 20 .
As for diamonds and crystal over 2 million of each enough to last a year lol .
It also is one less thing my alien bots have to build .
If its a small colony of under ten k 3 alien power plants are fine my colony is at 169 k
the top guy has 11 million try running that much power with aline power lol
I'm the one with 11 million and I only use APT. 0 DCR.
DCR was just not available when I got big and when it came, you couldn't get Crystalline.

The pro of APT is just that you can store an unlimited amount of Regolith and just produce HE3 as needed. Downside: The amount of small HE3 extractors needed. A medium or even big HE3 extractor would be nice.
Humm well ether is cheep to run and ether even a few million in the resources will last well lol .
Blarg It would really be cool if you posted a video tour of the colony .
Been wanting to see it for ever .
I put a request in for an advanced he3 extractor a while back. I even included a photo and all of the numbers that would be needed to implement the building.
Both diamonds and crystals can be mined by the Zolarg on the ice planet. It may take a second independent colony but it only takes one.
hushush said:Both diamonds and crystals can be mined by the Zolarg on the ice planet. It may take a second independent colony but it only takes one.

But Zolarg can't harvest diamonds (yet).
Commonwealth of Groddle
Groddle | Bell's Pyramid | Glitch
They cannot harvest them. They can mine them(on any planet). My babies have 899,800 right now.
hushush said:They cannot harvest them. They can mine them(on any planet). My babies have 899,800 right now.

😕 How?
Commonwealth of Groddle
Groddle | Bell's Pyramid | Glitch
Through the unholy core mine the secrets of the planet are unlocked to us! (some research and idependence required. your workers put it together. hushush reminds you to always dig responsibly. this ad paid for by the Zolarg independent state of PV=nRT, id 56c2PT7i)
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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