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Updates and Announcements - Page 20

IMPORTANT - My Colony Server Maintenance

Edit: Server maintenance is now complete and everything should be back up to normal now. Thank you for your patience!

This afternoon, the My Colony server will be migrating over to new hardware and may be going online/offline several times. There may be resource/GBT data loss during this time. I would suggest playing only offline games until the migration is complete.

My Colony v1.4.0 Released

I am now putting the final touches on My Colony v1.4.0, which should be going out to all platforms over the coming days. This is Crime/Nanite Update Part 2, and includes a few other changes, as well as a somewhat unfortunate change to how the game will be distributed on the Windows Store. Read on for more details!

My Colony v1.3.0 Released

Hello everyone, and welcome to another exciting edition of the My Colony Patch Notes! Today I am releasing v1.3.0, which should be hitting all platforms over the coming days. There are a handful of changes in this release, so let's take a look at everything that's new!

My Colony v1.2.0 Released

Today the finishing touches are going into My Colony v1.2.0 and the patch should be hitting all platforms and app stores over the coming days. Although this is v1.2.0, it's really more like v1.0.0 Part 3, as it mainly features more cleanup from the fallout of the major engine changes introduced in the v1.0.0 patch. It is my hope that, with this patch, the engine changes are mostly stabilized and I can finally move on to some more interesting updates. That said, there are also some new structures and features coming along for the ride in this patch, so let's take a look at what is new!

How to Access My Colony Beta

Tomorrow (Jan 6) I plan to begin work on the My Colony v1.2.0 patch, as there are still outstanding bugs related to the recent major engine changes. For this next patch (and with all patches going forward), the Web version of My Colony no longer defaults to the latest in-development beta code.

Web will now be a "stable" branch release like the other platforms My Colony is available on. In addition, the web app service worker has been updated and improved to where, after you've played the web version once, you shouldn't even need an active internet connection to load the game and play offline.

For those who do wish to test out the latest Beta code, that option is still there on the web. You will now have to access My Colony in your browser at the following URL:

Finally, if you are playing on either the Web or Windows 10 (Store) client, the non-beta app will have a new menu option at the bottom of the slide-out menu titled "Try Beta" when there is currently beta code in development. This button will automatically bring you to the above link.

Linkback References

My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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