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[MOD] Zolarg Prime - Page 2

wow really nice work i'm impressed hush.. looks like iv'e some catching up to do ..

how do i create a full map .mct file like yours instead of individual buildings .mct files
Join the new world - Mars Congressional Republic
Charter code - cwMXoAZ9
It's the same process. In your tutorial you just modify textures to multiple elements rather than just one. Exporting the mct captures any and all changes.
so now i have altered a few items in game about 6 so when i click export it's not just 1 item then but every change i have made being turned into that mct file?
Join the new world - Mars Congressional Republic
Charter code - cwMXoAZ9
Anything with an override. Lander, hoops, sand, mailbox...
Yeah it was human error (me) sorted now .. thanks for the pointers appreciate it ;) also keep up the good work it looks really good
Join the new world - Mars Congressional Republic
Charter code - cwMXoAZ9
it is good one thing though the red crystals base looks to square like its growing on a box
even making it a octagon shape on the bottom would look better .
The rest looks really good I haven't used it yet but need to go download it for when I do .
still not wore out on the original stuff lol . My favert is the brown (wood looking thing the tall building .
mildly interesting: the red Crystal model is a recolor of the green cryatal with 3 spears of obaidian in each corner. Its all tied together. brown wood looking thing is a bee hive picture turned upside down. it is an upgrade of the ugly round thing that was supposed to be reminiscent of a paper wasp nest.
How do I download it
I just downloaded it and I realy like your idea of making the brew pits into honeypot ants that mix the food and water inside of them to make rum.
looks amazing
hope you keep updating it
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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