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Normal pavement for any type of colony

I suggest adding the normal, white pavement you get in red planet bases at the start of each type of colony, because some buildings have the normal pavement beneath them, and the steel pavement around them is kinda bad looking.
yes but that can work in the other sens
You mean vehicle speed? If so, why would that be such a problem?
no, 2 thing
-on the forest planet (for exemple) you have the wood path who cost nothing (only 1 wood) and the normal path who is very expansive if you begin on this world(you need to haervest a lot of wood to build a charcoal hut,the charcoal become ore with the charcoal compactor and it is very longue)so i don't understand why you can build a path and you haven't the ressource to build it

-and if i remember well some building have the same than texture the steal pavement

I think what akkupack is saying is that we should have a basic pavement that can be built on all worlds. Yes, wood path would be your first path on forest but there should still be an option for pavement that you can build once you get the ore. Every map allows the player to acquire ore at one point or another, and when the player has ore, no matter what map or race, they should be able to build pavement.

That's what akkupack is saying. I personally think that the fact that zolarg only have two types of roads is rediculous compared to the multiple types that humans can make, so having a pavement path of sorts and then having paste path be the next upgrade from pavement would work.
An antanium pavement would look cool and could be used with the Reps.
Dylan Carter
Conjurer in NOZ
Join the Nations of OZ!
An antanium pavement would look cool and could be used with the Reps.
Dylan Carter
Conjurer in NOZ
Join the Nations of OZ!
yes that add new thing to reptilian and can look good
Sorry for necro, but I still want this.

Here is what I mean: many buildings such as the large medical clinic or the consulate have the 1 ore pavement at their base, so they blend in with the 1 ore pavement. However, on regolith colonies, that pavement is not available so you gotta use hardened pavement as the closest thing. However the difference in color between hardened and 1 ore pavement makes abovementioned buildings not blend in with the surrounding pavement. Hope I was clear enough this time and apologies for the necro again.

My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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