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Power Storage

Got excess power? Want to store it for dire times when power is low? Why not put it into a power storage, which can be used when power is low. Also puts into use power plants that have employees and still generate the same amount of power, no matter how many employees are working.
Glory to the:
Soviet Union Empire
LES kingdom, with 10000% payroll assistance.
Batterie idea have been suggest
But the rescousse batterie for hard moment can be usefull it can look like for the small 1×1 an acumulator
Store 1000 power
For the médium 2×2 a more big
Store 5000power
And for the Giants model 4×4
Two tower with acumulator on the oposite side
When work the two tower touch
Them and do an power arc
Store 50 000 power
This is nice. Especially since I made a post about this before.
But I don't blame you this is a great idea :)
Cost of a battery:
500 ore
100 gold
50 steel
4 microchip
50 uranium
Store 100 power for 30 minute

Can be use in a battery centre
Which look like to an accumulator
batteries could be useful, but I wouldn't make them tradeable because you could send your subcolonies power if you wanted and that's sort of cheating because they are just mooching off of your power. I would also make battery storage very limited to make sure that people don't build up a huge supply and then live off of that supply for days without power.

After that we can just make a few buildings that consume batteries and produce power. The higher the tech, the more efficient the battery usage and power production becomes. They would default to deactivated once built and would only turn on once power reaches 0. Once the building detects that other power sources are back up, it shuts off again.

How does that sound?
it sound good for not tradeble and auto activation
so battery:
-cost more than they can product
-need a building to be use and an other to product them
-they can't be tradeble with other colony
-the hight tec of battery (3 tec,smal,medium,large) can't product more than they cost
-the building wich use battery active himself when energy runing out and use a battery to do it

Sure. I just originally meant a building which stores power, so that when you over build and power is low, instead of having all buildings not operate until power is back up, this will be like a buffer...
Glory to the:
Soviet Union Empire
LES kingdom, with 10000% payroll assistance.
MaroutoutMars1 said:it sound good for not tradeble and auto activation
so battery:
-cost more than they can product
-need a building to be use and an other to product them
-they can't be tradeble with other colony
-the hight tec of battery (3 tec,smal,medium,large) can't product more than they cost
-the building wich use battery active himself when energy runing out and use a battery to do it

sounds good to me.
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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