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The Code of Law? New branch of Gameplay!

Hello guys!

Up to now, the way we unlock buildings is based on two ways, technology and atmosphere, respectively.

Indeed on such stranger planets, research and terraforming are vital for a colony to survive and develop.
But something we can question in My Colony - how people are maintained in harmony and order? And where do the services, institutes and policies comes from?

Here, let me introduce a new gameplay that would be added onto the current gameplay system - The Code of Law, i.e, legislation.
Similar to researches, but what it consumes would be mainly civics, what it unlocks would be mostly gameplay features and policies.

The Code of Law is available after you have researched colonial civics, and producing the first civics.
To unlock the policies you normally use in My Colony, some laws must be signed, costing civics.

For instance, the first law available would be ‘Governance Institutes’, unlocking Consulate and in-commonwealth interactions.
Another example would be ‘Financial Secretary’, unlocking the ability of auto-budget.
Further example would be ‘International Trade Regulation‘, unlocks GBT buildings.

Besides these stuff, there’ll be more extra (and some crazy) stuff like:
‘Child Labour’ law which expands labour force to lower age groups. Provides more workers, but your people will surely be unhappy.
‘Subdivided Housing’ law that increases all housing limit by 10%, rounded up.
‘Tourism Tax’ law which the colony will recieve extra income from each tourist’s arrival.

And more... which I’ll dump in the comments later!

Ideas? Feedbacks? (•ω•)
Comments please!
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Credits to @Luker124, the one who provide the idea (•ω•)
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ While me trying to expand it to make this a possible content in My Colony
You can help by EXPANDING IT.
More ideas!
  • ‘Labour Union’ - Increases happiness among employed population, reduces unemployment unhappiness effect.
  • ‘Militia Police’ - Security buildings provides 10 more jobs. Increases service range of security buildings. Excludes security station.
  • ‘Voluntary Medics’ - Public health provides 10 emtertainment capacity (ridiculous, right?). Increases service capacity by 15%, rounded up. Excludes medical clinic and first aid station.
  • ‘Recreational Forestry’ - Tree farms now provides 15 entertainment capacity. Yield per production cycle is reduced, but boosts production speed.
  • ‘Protection of Free Thoughts’ - Produces 1 research per minute for every 50 population.
  • ‘Recreational Farm’ - Sheep farms, hydroponic centres and vertical farming werehouses now provides 8 entertainment capacity. Yield per production cycle is increased.
  • ‘Technology Copyright’ - For each technology researched, you earns money of 15% of the research cost.
  • ‘Housing Self-Maintenance’ - Reduce housing repair cost by 30%.
  • ‘Birth Control’ - Unlocks birth control policy. Alpha Draconians aquire this law from the beginning.
  • ‘Goods Price Regulations’ - Reduces unhappiness effect of poverty by 15%. Colonists accumulates wealth slightly faster.
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More ideas:
  • ‘Intensive Workshop’ - Resources and Durable Goods buildings hires 15% more workers. Maxinum production rate increases by 15%.
  • ‘Intensive Office’ - Government, economy, research buildings hires 10% more workers. Maxinum production rate of these buildings raised by 10%.
  • ‘Intensive Wards’ - Medical buildings hires 10% more workers. Maxinum medical capacity increases by 10%.
  • ‘Intensive Classrooms’ - Eduction buildings hires 10% more workers. Maxinum education capacity imcreases by 10%.
  • ‘Intensive Jail Cells’ - Security buildings hires 10% more people. Maxinum jail capacity raised by 20%.
  • ‘Skilled Manufacturing Workforce’ - Resource and durable goods buildings now requires workers that are at least educated. Boosts these buildings’ productions by 20%.
  • ‘Professional Manufacturing Workforce’ - Resource and durable goods buildings now requires workers with higher education. Boosts these buildings’ productions by 50%.
You can help by EXPANDING IT.
Good Stuff!
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~ Creator of Leaderboard Colony "Bait" A Colony of the [{UNOB}]. ~

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My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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