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This idea would change the method of colony organization by maps for region colonies. Default style colonies with just one map would continue to be shown on the map as normal. Note that this idea is solely for premium features and would not impact the free to play aspect of mc.

I imagine a map with planets, not one planet per colony, but one planet that houses many colonies.


For online colonies, when a player starts a new colony, their choice of planet type will determine what planet they get added to. Each planet would have a square planetary map with procedurally generated oceans, land masses, mountains, and other terrain features that bast would like to add. The terrain features would be spread naturally across the planet. The planet would have a grid that would split the map into sections/regions that would house many colonies per planet. The player would be able to choose a region based on it's position to certain terrain features, and once they choose a region, a new region colony is formed. They will not be able to chose regions occupied by other colonies.

Yes, this means that multiple players would be able to make colonies on the same planet. All region colonies would contribute to the same atmosphere level, but their civics, power, research, antaura, money, and other resources would not be shared with other region colonies on the same planet.

This would pose a challenge for region colonies that would balance the game out and prevent paid gamers from having more of an advantage than free gamers, because they would need to work together in order to ensure that the planet is terraformed. So by working together, players will ensure that all players on a given planet are able to advance through the game. The advantages to this would be that each region colony would be able to set up trade routes with other colonies and regularly ship products to each other without the cost of civics, and would be able to communicate with each other without the communications array.

However, there is one setback that could happen with this idea. What if one of your fellow region colonies on the same planet doesn't play nice, refuses to contribute to the team, goes inactive indefinitely, or decides to isolate themselves from the rest of the regions. what do we do then? This is where the idea of exiling comes into play. All of the region colonies on a planet can vote together to remove a colony from their planet to free up a region for another colony to come in and take over.

However, exiling should take time to do, and the colony in jeopardy would have lot's of time to act and repent before they are exiled. I propose a merit system. Each colony will have a merit score that will go from -250 to 250. Everyone starts with a score of 0. Each day, that colony will be able to go through all of the other colonies on their planet and either add a +1 or a -1 to each colony's score. Since there would probably be about 36 region colonies to a planet, that means that the most that any one colony could ever be demerited in one day would be -35 points per day. That means that it would take a little over a week for that colony to be exiled.

The exiled colony would be moved to an orbiting moon of the same planet, and would still be able to trade freely with the region colonies on the planet, would still keep their terrain, and would still be categorized under tha planet in the galactic map, but would have to build up it's own atmosphere(albeit the amount of atmosphere needed would be decreased as the moon would be smaller.). Each planet can have infinite moons, and they wouldn't show up under the planetary map view, but would be hidden until a player wishes to search through them for an exiled player to trade with..


Now for offline players. I imagine a more campaign-like gameplay to keep things interesting for offline paid players.

Upon creating a colony, the player would need to pick a race. Once the race is picked, a solar system would be generated which would contain all of the planet types available to that race. The player must then choose where to establish their first colony in this new-found solar system. They would do this be selecting a planet, selecting a region of that planet to develop as the first colony based on the terrain features of each region, and then proceed to build up their first region. Once their first region is well established, they can proceed to colonize other regions and establish trade routes between each region of the same planet.

All regions of the same planet would share research, civics, and contribute to the planets atmosphere level. However, they will each have their own money and resource supplies, and the player would only be able to operate in one region at a time, and only in one map in that region at a time. So you can see how involved a player would need to be to make sure that their planet prospers.

Eventually, once the regions of the planet have been well established and have declared independence(civics requirement should be raised significantly to require the contribution of all regions on a planet). The player can proceed to colonize other planets. They will need lots of civics to organize the movement and research to develop new technologies, and they will need startships to be produced in order to send colonizers, and of course, with any good space endeavor, lots of money is involved.

Each planet would be able to set up trade routes with other planets, but with a regular cost of civics and money, and a very small but regular cost of starships. The resources of each planet would be able to be produced while on the solar system screen, albeit estimated and not real time. These would be based on the production rates of the entire planet right before the player last exited the planet. The downside to this would be that you wouldn't be able to tell if one of a planet's regions is starving just by looking at the solar system view. That is unless you add a small symbol that appears next to the planet name that would indicate that some parts of the planet are starving.

Through this feature, the player would be able to set up an empire that spans an entire solar system of planets. But if you wanted to take this even further, you could implement the use of multiple solar systems. This would be crazy in-depth. However, I doubt that any player would ever get to that level. It is a long process to develop a single region now, so an entire planet of regions would take ages, and a solar system of planets would take ages of ages to develop, so I wouldn't implement multiple solar systems unless you can come up with a way to let the player auto-generate cities on each map based on the player's needs, and then eventually autogenerating cities in every map of a region based on the player's needs, and then tying both of these to certain techs that would need to be researched. This would help the player to quickly be able to splash some resources at a region and completely develop it in a few minutes time, but only after they've spent lots of time developing their empire to be able to do that.

Just as a reminder, this would all be for premium players that play offline only.

I hope that this idea is understandable and helpful to the developing of my colony.
5y ago

So let’s see some even higher level utilizations of Gaiarium!

  • Advanced Gaiarium Usage
    Obtain access to Gaiarium usage under authorization of Secret Lab Authority, and research ways to use Gaiarium in your colony.

    After aquiring this technology, your colony will be able to use Gaiarium for more beneficial purposes.
    • Standard Gaiarium Authorization
    • Xenomaterials Research
    • 115000 Research
    • 25000 Civics
    • 200 Gaiarium
  • G-Dimension Science
    The power of the Gaiarium comes from its connection to dimensions, which opens the gate to the even-advanced dimensional theories - Which is the ultimate value of Gaiarium.

    Thanks to Gaiarium, UE is able to pioneer interdimensional powers - Which, it’s not just something like portals and warping beams.
    • Advanced Gaiarium Usage
    • Interdimensional Transportation
    • 50000000 Research
    • 100000 Civics
    • 5000 Gaiarium
  • Top-Secret Dimensions-Powered Manufacturing
    This will allow you to access one of the most confidential archieved secret blueprints of Secret Lab Authority - using the power of the dimensions to manufacture goods.

    Yes. Finally something valuable for improving manufacturing!
    • G-Dimension Science
    • Faster-Than-Light Travel
    • 500000000 Research
    • 450000 Civics
    • 10000 Gaiarium
  • Top-Secret Instant Remote Teleporting
    Teleporting now don’t even need portals. What you need is just a Gaiarium-powered teleport node to warp objects from place to place.

    You’ll think about logistics of goods, but UE has another way utilizing it...
    • G-Dimension Science
    • Transcendence
    • 500000000 Research
    • 450000 Civics
    • 10000 Gaiarium
  • Top-Secret Interdimensional Influence Theory
    Data from Gaiarium interdimensional observers has shown that by influencing the subdimensions, the reality can be influeced. What will this theory changes to UE?

    This. Will. Be. Interstin.
    • G-Dimension Theory
    • 58000000 Research
    • 450000 Civics

  • Interdimensional Observeration Lab
    An properly-disguised underground secret lab facility where secret scientists do dimensional observations using the Gaiarium interdimensional observers. While they are locked inside to keep them under strict overwatching, the relaxing, supervision-free living quarters are also built inside to accomodate them and provide them daily support. Generates a even vast amount of research using software, ancient instructions and Gaiarium, while also producing trash from accomodations...

    It’s an upgraded Standard Gaiarium Experiment Lab. Not just provides a stronger output of research from Gaiarium, it also provides accomodation and entertainment for keeping the scientists inside the lab - not just effectly reducing the chance of intelligence leak, they’ll be able to make themselves like home here.
    Requires G-Dimension Science.
  • Advanced Gaiarium Refinery
    Equipped with better alien artifact powered appratus to extract more Gaiarium using ore and crystalline, while the workers are fooled to produce ‘steel‘ here.

    A better facility to produce Gaiarium, for the later larger demands.
    Requires G-Dimension Science.
  • Secret Interdimensional Power Reactor
    Using the power of the dimensions to generate electricity is still a very new concept to the Galaxy... While the Alpha Draconian engineers scratching their bald head wondering the equation they need, the United Earth have already developed this prototype reactor in their secret backyard. Consumes software, Gaiarium and Helium-3.

    Requires G-Dimensional Theory.
  • Interdimension-Compression Alloy Forge
    By using the strong force of interdimesional compressions, alloys can be synthesized without strong heating - only by crushing aluminium, uranium and sugar, crumpling them together tightly. Uses some Gaiarium to trigger the reaction.

    Randomly produces antanium or triantanium, triantanium at lower occuarence.
    Requires Top-Secret Dimensions-Powered Manufacturing.
  • Secret Etherization Plant
    Now you won’t have to buy ether from others - bacuse you know how to create them - By accelerating the etherization using the effects of dimensions. The magic will happen inside this Consumes ant paste, Gaiarium and uranium.

    For game balance, it’ll produce ether slowly...
    Requires Top-Secret Dimensions-Powered Manufacturing.
  • Biocrystal Plantation
    When artificial crystalline fuses with biomasses under the effect of Gaiarium, what it results is a more fast-growing, aggressive biocrystals. Because biocrystals are dangerous, the plantation has to be built into the deep underground with all-time control to avoid disasters.

    It uses rum, water and a trace amount of Gaiarium to operate.
    Requires Advanced Gaiarium Usage.
  • Instant Arrest Centre
    Now, with the remote teleporting technologies, maintaining security no longer needs cops to catch the thieves. Now you just need security cameras everywhere, and a warp node to zap those criminals into this instant arrest centre - instantly.

    It requires less staff to operate. And with more jail cells.
    Requires Top-Secret Instant Remote Teleporting.
  • 4th-Dimensional Warehouse
    The fourth dimension is far larger than the third dimension we’re in - By making use of that, almost endless storage space can be provided.

    A very simple idea, isn’t it. Can be an exclusive warehouse upgrade for United Earth.
    Requires Top-Secret Dimensions-Powered Manufacturing.
  • Interdimensional Influence Brainwash Node
    The ultimate weapon of peace and order is never nukes and bombs. It’s actually the irresistible brainwashing... Unless having a tin foil hat.

    Generates a terrible amount of civics from brainwashing people... It gotta be terrible.
    Consumes software and very little Gaiarium for maintenance.
    Requires Top-Secret Interdimensional Influence Theory and Political Theatre.
  • Dimensional Manufactory of Knowledge
    Utilizing the power of the dimensions, not just sheets of research can be converted into various actual objects, even the pure traces of thoughts and knowledges can be converted into objects - Everything is possible.

    It’s something like an upgrade for Research Convertor... It’s just an idea anyway.
    Requires all three top-secret techs.
I was thinking about the retirement function in my colony and it's relatively underutilized. I believe that more needs to be done in this area. So I propose the creation of the "Retirement Plan" tech path. It could cost mere 10k-15k research, but if you want to be funny you could make it cost 401k money/civics/research, (personally I would want 10k research & 401k money). All of the following will require at least Advanced Building Technology (except small old folks hab). It will be in successive tiers starting from Eldercare Essentials and ending in Cryogenics I know this is exhaustive but I hope some of the features get implemented or can be built off of, as I think it would lead to a better simulation and make the retirees and the older age group in My Colony.

*The biggest feature would be allowing control over the retirement age, potentially bringing back stimulus, and most importantly having the policy of deportation come sooner then Level 7 Government… should be closer to Level 4-5.

Human Technologies: (The order is tiered meaning you need that tech to unlock the next)
- Eldercare Essentials (Early Game)
- Retirement Planning (Mid Game)
- Advanced Eldercare (Mid Game)
- Cryogenics (Late Game)

Humans Eldercare Essentials:[/u]

(Requires: 10,000 Atmosphere) (Colonists: 20, Jobs: 5 *unskilled*) (Size 2*2) (Colonial Finance Theory)

- Colonial Elks Club/Colonial Branch Office of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks:
A fun place to hang out where you can listen to your music from 60 years ago. Provides entertainment to the retired and a place for them to hang out so they don't get depressed. Requires a small rum and food to keep the party going.
(Requires: 10,000 Atmosphere, Power: 6) (Entertains: 25, Jobs: 5 *White Collar?*) (Colonial Finance Theory, Microgravity Brewing)(Size: 1 * 2)

- Old Folks Home: A nice housing unit that takes care of retirees like Grandpa and Grandma so they don't take up homes meant for workers. Requires a modest amount of money and food to keep them out of your way but produce some civics and cloth from all those quilts they make.
(Requires: 5,000,000 Atmosphere) (Colonists: 60, Jobs: 20 *Unskilled? Heals: 2) (Low Gravity Manufacturing, Colonial Civics, Low Gravity Masonry). *Building produces cloth based on the number of residences?* (Size: 2 * 5, 1-2 stories)

- Senior’s Living Chamber: A small housing unit for the retired that want a little privacy, costs little to no maintenance and prioritizes retirees over working citizens.
(Requires: 10,000 Atmosphere, Power:1) (Colonists: 4) (size 1 * 1)

- Humans (Retirement Plan):

- Slot Machine: An automated slot machine booth that will entertain your people for days while slowly pouring their money into your pockets. (Requires: 0 Atmosphere, Power: 4) (Tourist Traps, Eldercare) (Entertains: 2, Tourists: 2) (Size: 1*1) (Produces: 5-30 money per minute depending on use?)

- CAARP: The Colonial Auto & Home Insurance Program is here to insure your housing unit and rover against the dangers of colonial life. Generates Civics and Money by assuring citizens they won't lose it all.
(Requires: Atmosphere: 10,000, Power: 50, Bandwidth: 10) (Galactic Commerce, Eldercare, I.T,Low Gravity Manufacturing) (Jobs: 45) (Size: 4 * 2)

- 401k Consult: A quaint place to plan your future retirement. Using the power of software you can raise, or lower, the retirement cutoff to a certain extent. *This may be overpowered* *Maybe just produce civics or help lower the poverty line?* *may not be necessary*
(Requires: 10,000 Atmosphere, Power:35, Bandwidth: 25) (Galactic Commerce, Solar Governance, IT, Eldercare) (Jobs:35 *white collar*) (Size: 2*2)

Advanced Eldercare:

- Medium Old Folks Hab: A larger and better version of the Small Old Folks Hab. You can use it to shove dozens of retirees into the same space and make some money well your at it. Requires employees to oversee those who live there and ensure they are well taken care of. They might also use some software out of thin air by watching all those relatives on the net.

- Office of the Old: A new job sink for educated workers at low wages. Also used to give seminars to colonists over the age of 50 or retired, giving them an intelligence boost and a quiet reminder to go back into the workforce.
(Requires: 10,000 Atmosphere, Power: 60, Bandwidth: 35) (Self Government, Nationalism, Low Gravity Manufacturing). (Jobs:80 *Unskilled* *people with IQ over 90) (Size: 2*2)

- Golf Course: A place for people to have fun, hit a few holes, and make deals. A must-have for any self-respecting colony. Use the magic of aluminum golf balls and rum to make lots of money, civics, and keep people entertained. (Large size use… requires atmosphere)

- Integrated (Seniors) Living Chamber: Using the magic of software and robots, scientists have created an amazing house fully automated to provide premium assisted living. Seniors will likely spend all their time talking to their robot pals so you never have to call.

- Retirement Community: A large living complex suited especially for the retired population. Provides large entertainment, and produces pottery and paintings from all those art classes. Basically a human version of a Zolarg labor camp… but with pickling classes. (requires atmosphere and bricks to make… not sure of quantity).


Essentially allows you to extend the lifespan of citizens and improve health. Precursor to Nano-Clincs? Could use Cobalt, Crystalline and Ant paste as part of the storage process. *Maybe could effect food use*
1y ago
CodyStormz said:I was thinking about the retirement function in my colony and it's relatively underutilized. I believe that more needs to be done in this area. So I propose the creation of the "Retirement Plan" tech path. It could cost mere 10k-15k research, but if you want to be funny you could make it cost 401k money/civics/research, (personally I would want 10k research & 401k money). All of the following will require at least Advanced Building Technology (except small old folks hab). It will be in successive tiers starting from Eldercare Essentials and ending in Cryogenics I know this is exhaustive but I hope some of the features get implemented or can be built off of, as I think it would lead to a better simulation and make the retirees and the older age group in My Colony.

*The biggest feature would be allowing control over the retirement age, potentially bringing back stimulus, and most importantly having the policy of deportation come sooner then Level 7 Government… should be closer to Level 4-5.

Human Technologies: (The order is tiered meaning you need that tech to unlock the next)
- Eldercare Essentials (Early Game)
- Retirement Planning (Mid Game)
- Advanced Eldercare (Mid Game)
- Cryogenics (Late Game)

Humans Eldercare Essentials:[/u]

(Requires: 10,000 Atmosphere) (Colonists: 20, Jobs: 5 *unskilled*) (Size 2*2) (Colonial Finance Theory)

- Colonial Elks Club/Colonial Branch Office of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks:
A fun place to hang out where you can listen to your music from 60 years ago. Provides entertainment to the retired and a place for them to hang out so they don't get depressed. Requires a small rum and food to keep the party going.
(Requires: 10,000 Atmosphere, Power: 6) (Entertains: 25, Jobs: 5 *White Collar?*) (Colonial Finance Theory, Microgravity Brewing)(Size: 1 * 2)

- Old Folks Home: A nice housing unit that takes care of retirees like Grandpa and Grandma so they don't take up homes meant for workers. Requires a modest amount of money and food to keep them out of your way but produce some civics and cloth from all those quilts they make.
(Requires: 5,000,000 Atmosphere) (Colonists: 60, Jobs: 20 *Unskilled? Heals: 2) (Low Gravity Manufacturing, Colonial Civics, Low Gravity Masonry). *Building produces cloth based on the number of residences?* (Size: 2 * 5, 1-2 stories)

- Senior’s Living Chamber: A small housing unit for the retired that want a little privacy, costs little to no maintenance and prioritizes retirees over working citizens.
(Requires: 10,000 Atmosphere, Power:1) (Colonists: 4) (size 1 * 1)

- Humans (Retirement Plan):

- Slot Machine: An automated slot machine booth that will entertain your people for days while slowly pouring their money into your pockets. (Requires: 0 Atmosphere, Power: 4) (Tourist Traps, Eldercare) (Entertains: 2, Tourists: 2) (Size: 1*1) (Produces: 5-30 money per minute depending on use?)

- CAARP: The Colonial Auto & Home Insurance Program is here to insure your housing unit and rover against the dangers of colonial life. Generates Civics and Money by assuring citizens they won't lose it all.
(Requires: Atmosphere: 10,000, Power: 50, Bandwidth: 10) (Galactic Commerce, Eldercare, I.T,Low Gravity Manufacturing) (Jobs: 45) (Size: 4 * 2)

- 401k Consult: A quaint place to plan your future retirement. Using the power of software you can raise, or lower, the retirement cutoff to a certain extent. *This may be overpowered* *Maybe just produce civics or help lower the poverty line?* *may not be necessary*
(Requires: 10,000 Atmosphere, Power:35, Bandwidth: 25) (Galactic Commerce, Solar Governance, IT, Eldercare) (Jobs:35 *white collar*) (Size: 2*2)

Advanced Eldercare:

- Medium Old Folks Hab: A larger and better version of the Small Old Folks Hab. You can use it to shove dozens of retirees into the same space and make some money well your at it. Requires employees to oversee those who live there and ensure they are well taken care of. They might also use some software out of thin air by watching all those relatives on the net.

- Office of the Old: A new job sink for educated workers at low wages. Also used to give seminars to colonists over the age of 50 or retired, giving them an intelligence boost and a quiet reminder to go back into the workforce.
(Requires: 10,000 Atmosphere, Power: 60, Bandwidth: 35) (Self Government, Nationalism, Low Gravity Manufacturing). (Jobs:80 *Unskilled* *people with IQ over 90) (Size: 2*2)

- Golf Course: A place for people to have fun, hit a few holes, and make deals. A must-have for any self-respecting colony. Use the magic of aluminum golf balls and rum to make lots of money, civics, and keep people entertained. (Large size use… requires atmosphere)

- Integrated (Seniors) Living Chamber: Using the magic of software and robots, scientists have created an amazing house fully automated to provide premium assisted living. Seniors will likely spend all their time talking to their robot pals so you never have to call.

- Retirement Community: A large living complex suited especially for the retired population. Provides large entertainment, and produces pottery and paintings from all those art classes. Basically a human version of a Zolarg labor camp… but with pickling classes. (requires atmosphere and bricks to make… not sure of quantity).


Essentially allows you to extend the lifespan of citizens and improve health. Precursor to Nano-Clincs? Could use Cobalt, Crystalline and Ant paste as part of the storage process. *Maybe could effect food use*

I could really use this for Terra Nova ngl. I am starting to ramp up my old people population. Even some of my reptillian and insectoid immigrants are getting old lol. I hope that bast notices this.
Gonna post ALOT of my ideas for the Zolarg faction. As it stands, compared to say... United Earth, the Zolarg tech tree is VERY small.
You can reach it's end in under a day, while United Earth takes atleast a week if you suck sorta, or probly 4-5 days if you know what you're doing.

As it stands, there's currently alot of buildings that don't do much for a "late-game" colony, atleast not as much as it COULD. I will go through each one, and suggest an upgrade for each that currently doesn't exist in any capacity, if I'm wrong on if there's no better upgrade, then let me know!

Brew Pit.
This produces about 2 rum per second, according to my stats page, so that's an estimate, however even with 91 fully staffed and operating, it doesn't equal enough rum to make more than 1 crystalline patch.

Suggested upgrade: Unholy Brew Tank. At the cost of Antaura, Water and Food, this could produce well up to 50 rum per second, and be just as large as a Brew Pit, with probly about 6 workers. Likely could cost Antanium, Antaura, Wood, and Ant Paste, maybe Civics as well.

Suggested Upgrade: Brew Ravine. At the cost of some sugar, water and food, this produces less food than the Unholy Brew Tank and takes up more space, being 1x3 diagonally top right, to bottom left length-wise, but also takes less workers, only 3. Could cost antanium, alot of Civics, Tons of ant Paste, Gold, and maybe Wood.

Supply Pile.
Ofcourse, it increases storage of literally everything, but just by a little bit.

Suggested upgrade: Unholy Pit of Stuff. Would be 2x2, but would store at least 4 times more things than 4 supply piles, since it'd look like a mystic-inspired, cool hole in the ground filled with stuff, and holes hold more than piles.
This wouldn't cost Antaura to run it, but could cost Antaura to build, but less amounts of other resources compared to a money pit, since you've got basically magic doing most of the digging.

Suggested Upgrade: Sugar Matrix of Supply. Could be just as big as a Supply pile, but would contain more, being a tall sugar-powered silo that uses sugar power in ways to miniaturize the contents. (or could be a constant Antaura draw maybe?) Would require workers to keep running, and maybe 50-100 power.

Shrine of Mystics.
Produces Antaura.

Suggested Upgrade: Unholy Temple of Mystics. Would be 3x3 or 4x4, but produces WAY more antuara than a Shrine of Mystics. Needs more workers also, but also could be a tech-required building for other researches.

Suggested Upgrade: Monolith of Mystics. Would remove the worker cost of Shrines, but would cost power and produce more Antaura than a Shrine. It would cost ALOT of antanium, Antaura and Civics to produce, but no Wood whatsoever. Or it could cost no Antaura.

Gives 200 population room and produces a decent amount of food per second.

Suggested Upgrade: Unholy Mound of Whorship. Would be a 3x3 building that would likely contain atleast 2 times more, and would produce Antaura instead of Food as an addition.

Suggested Upgrade: Hive. Would be just as large, just a taller structure, and would cost primarily Antanium, Ant Paste, Civics, and Aluminum.

Aluminum Mine
Essentially an endless source of Aluminum, provided you have the time, effort and resources to keep placing them.

Indirect Upgrade Suggestion: Unholy Core Mine. This would be much larger, but uses Antaura to power itself along with alot of power. This could also be an upgrade to the Mining Operation, it could take WAY more workers, but produces a little bit of everything one could get from the ground.

Synthetic Crystalline Patch
A placeable patch of Crystalline, you can get 400 of it from this.

Indirect Upgrade Suggestion: Crystalline Growth Pit. Would be a 3x3-ish structure that costs alot of Rum to run, but produces Crystalline. Would cost Crystalline and Rum, maybe also Aluminum and Ant Paste. Would use Power to increase the growth rate of Crystalline, maybe 200 power?
Could also cause

Indirect Upgrade Suggestion: Crystalline Growth Node. Would be a 1x1 structure that costs Antaura and power to run, requires no workers, but ends up creating Crystalline patches near it that regenerate and expand at a rate needed for high crystalline demands.

Mega Tree
A really big tree that gives 800 wood.

Indirect Upgrade suggestion: Unholy Chamber of Growth. Clones colonists, and produces a bit of everything gained from plants, so wood and sugar mainly. Costs Antaura and power to run alongside a steady supply of water and a decent workforce. Dunno on costs and size.

New Building Suggestion: Pit of Terraforming. Burns wood and Ant Paste consistently in order to produce atmosphere.

Alt Idea: Antauran Utopian Pillar. Costs alot of Antaura to consistently produce atmosphere up to 11 million atmosphere. Or 16 million, either way it produces it up to a point and either temporarily turns off once that point is reached,

New Building suggestion: Gross Shape. Uses Antaura to absorb atmosphere above smog-levels, but looks really gross and wrong. Just a big ball of concentrated pollution. Could produce Pollution as a physical resource.

That's all I can come up with, sorry for the huge wall of text, I just really enjoy Zolarg, and want more to be added, so I'm doing my part as best as I can!
7y ago
That's a good idea, but there's already a tall bank building that offeres a lot of jobs. Build a bunch of those and you would be able to make good money and civics and provide a bunch of jobs. Bast would not be likely to add another skyscraper that makes money because the tall bank makes money and civics and doesn't consume any resource at all except power.

Now if you replace money with civics and call it an Administration tower, that would employ a lot of people and make tons of civics needed to make big trades in the billions. Mostly, if we want Bast to use our ideas, they have to fill a certain need where other buildings don't.

Make sure to include the resource costs, building size, and the production and consumption rate. Also, if you include a picture from inkscape, bast will be likely to add it if he thinks it fills a need that other buildings don't.
6y ago
The civics costs are ridiculous on the gbt, I can't afford the cash price for stuff most the time and the civics on top of that just kills me. I normally only have around 15-25k civics and am always saving for research stuff.
6y ago
So far the best way I have found for producing civics is of course investment bank, but I also just spammed a bunch of low-level capitols. I am trying to get 100 million civics for Transcendence research in the United Earth tech tree. What are other ways for producing a mass amount of civics in the later game?
6y ago
Dear My Colony devs,

I think the ability to share civics, research, and buildings would be a great feature. It would be more realistic(accept for the buildings sharing), give a use of research and civics for those who have so much and don't have anything to do with it, and would make the game more fun. The building sharing could be limited in someway, like it is where you need the builder that would build it to build the shared building. For the civics and research sharing, maybe both parties need the transmission hub, which would give it a great use. The building sharing could use a special building, which you have to research. I would love to see this in the next update.

Thank you,
5y ago
H3110 guys!

There’s a way to give more playability to the gameplay - By implementing the unpredictability. It not just give challenges to the gameplay, it also makes the entire gameplay more exciting and fun (maybe...)

Here’s my idea,
The Random Events.

When you’ll see your first random event? That will appear shortly after your consulate is built in your colony. Don’t worry about these events are difficult to overcome, all events have their trigger conditions. Every event will come in a constant manner, about every 30 minutes of gameplay.
In every random event you may need to make important choices, and some may not need.
And if choices are required to be made, you might have to face the consequences after making a choice.

Okay, here are part of my proposed events!

  • Roaming Trader
    A freelance trader will try to make a little deal with your colony.
    The trade will require a small amount of resource, one kind only. Successful trade will yield money and reputation, and will also bring in better traders later.
    Unsuccessful or rejected trade will bring no impacts.
    Trigger condition: Gov. level ≥1
  • Colonial Investment (Small)
    The colonial finance advisor have proposed an investment campaign for your colony, and now it only require your permission to perform it.
    Costs $1500.
    If permission is granted, there’s a 55% chance to profit $2500 (returns $4000), 25% chance to earn nothing (returns $1500) and 20% chance to loss $500 (returns $1000).
    Successful investment will also brings in higher yield investments.
    Rejection will have no impacts.
    Trigger condition: Gov. level ≥1<3 or 0 times of success in Colonial Investment (Small)
  • Pirate ATTACK! (Small)
    Code red! A small group of pirates are approaching!
    This event stands for 50 security threat (this will be explaind in Security and Crimes MKII).
    If your security is strong enough (remainding security point ≥50) , your colony suffers no loss and reputation is earned.
    If the colony don’t have enough security strength to defend, you have two more options:
    All colonists defend the colony together. This might cause casualties (at least one deaths), but earns little reputation.
    Evacuate all colonists and have 60% loss of all resources. Buildings will be damaged.
    Trigger condition:
    Gov. level ≥1<2
  • Rumors about the Government
    There’s rumors about the colonial government spreading in your colony.
    You have the following choices:
    Do nothing and have tempoary decrease in approval rating (-10%) and happiness (-10%).
    Launch a campaign to tell everybody it’s a fake news without evidence (Costs civics, amount = 0.5 × total population ).
    Trigger condition:
    Gov. level ≥1.
  • Visit of Commonwealth Officer
    The colony officer of your commonwealth is visiting your colony for evaluating your newly established colonial government, and you have limited time to prepare everything to welcome him before he comes. Try not to give a rude impression on other colonies and your host commonwealth.
    This event is an non-rejectable quest (Quests will be explained in Quest & Orders part), time limit is 20 minutes, you'll need to prepare 500 food, 15 rum and 50 civics in time so you can earn 500 civics and 1000 money with 50 reputation. If you failed to prepare... relationship with ALL commonwealth members get a temporary decrease of 65%.
    This is the FIRST event after you have established a government through the consulate and only take place once.
  • Birthday of Imperial Noble
    Under the name of Galactic Emperor, an Imperial Noble is celebrating the birthday and your colony is asked to prepare a 'small proportion' of gift, if you are willing to.
    This event is a quest, time limit is 15 minutes. Requires 150 civics to reject it; If you accepted you have to prepare 1500 rum, 2000 gold, 50000 food and 200 money. If you failed to prepare the present on time your colony will have -5% relationship with the Galactic Empire (Will further explain in Galactic Diplomacy).

Stay tuned for further updates!
More ideas are coming!
This idea is simple, to develop a way to use bandwidth and software to make large amounts of money and civics.

The data mining mainframe consumes lots of software and takes up a large amount of bandwidth and produces money and civics. You could consider it an upgrade to the investment bank. Costs tons of resources to build, but would award you with absolutely tons of money and civics. This building is for humans.

Tower of endless thinking: A zolarg data miner, same functions, although you might want to tweak some of the rates and construction costs.

Collective Slave Maitrix: The reptilians have learned how to use organic insectoid minds to process raw binary data. The insectoids need food and water in order to continue operating, but this drastically reduces the bandwidth the building takes up and the consumption rate of software, and generates much more money and civics. Those reptilians always know how to achieve great feats, even if they are committing mass-genocide in the process.
4y ago
This would be a good time to produce a building that specifically brings in one type of race, like maybe an upgrade to the slave gate that allows immigration from the Zolarg Empire. Then there could be jobs that could be specific to one race...arbiters and brewmasters could be draconian only, or jobs could be set to only allow certain races as workers, that way it makes more sense for insectoid housing to exist, and for insectoid specific jobs to exist. It's just an idea, something I've thought should be in place for a while.
Regardless of if bast does that or not, what about:
Insect Fattener- It turns out if you overfeed your insects, they will start to vomit up sugar and ant paste as they get sick from overeating. Collect both these resources from the poor bugs! Consumes Food to keep those insects fed, and water to clean up the gross insectoid germs!
Slave Labor Camp- Using state-of-the-art insectoid technology, create your own Labor Camps for those insects to work! Creates many valuable resources for your colony! (This is the draconian version of the labor camp like they have their own version of the mining pit too). Requires a couple of Reptillian supervisors to make sure those insects don't slack off!
Drunken Market- It's a well-known fact that tourists and citizens alike act much dumber when they're drunk. Here you can get people drunk and sell them terrible knockoffs for high prices while their inhibitions aren't in the way! Transforms 2 rum, 1 pottery, 1 painting into $3000, and creates unhappy people! Can entertain 30 tourists (I'm not sure how many it should entertain, 30 seemed reasonable).
Plastic Polymerizer- I'm sorry, I couldn't come up with something clever for this one. Uses bandwidth, power, 1 oil and 1 water to make 80 plastic.
Hacker's Den- Tired of how all that coding work nets you so little software? How about having that code be used to steal other people's programs instead! That coder will bring in much more software now! Uses much more bandwidth and a bit more power to net you much more software.
Triantanium Impactor- Using antanium, uranium, and helium, you can create a decent amount of triantanium to use to usher in the newest age of technology. Uses 1 u, 1 an, 1 he to make 40 triantanium. Requires bandwidth, power, and software as utilities.
Robomaker's Den- Provides housing and job(s). Uses aluminum, software, microchips, and crystalline to make robots.
Cell Phone Factory- Tired of hearing your younger citizens complain about the slow postal system? Want to make the elderly colonists feel stuck in the past? Well, start making and selling cheap cell phones that will stop working as soon as the warranty ends! (Warning: small chance phones may explode!) Produces civics as a byproduct of people feeling the illusion of being able to contact customer service (even if they are always on hold). Transforms 1 microchip, 1 plastic, 1 software into $200. Uses power, robots, and bandwidth as well.

New Tech- Next-Gen Technology: Costs 30 million research, 3 million civics, $8 million, 5k plastic, robots, and triantanium. (Can modify costs, just what I thought of based on other draconian techs) Needed for everything after this point:
Next-Gen Chip Transporter- Tired of how slow the normal transporter is? Using plastic and other state-of-the-art materials you can upgrade those last-gen transporters into the future! Now requires bandwidth, but produces 30 microchips per round in return. (or alternatively, produces chips at the same conversion ratio, but at a drastically increases speed).
Ultra-High Frequency Node- Are your people complaining about not having enough internet access? Does it feel too slow for you? Well never fear! Using next-gen fiber optic technology, you can make superior nodes to provide all your people with bandwidth!
Deep Space Hacker- Using next-gen data-stealing technologies, upgrade your deep space interceptors to hack even the most secure transactions and communications! (not sure how much of an upgrade it should be, but should definitely give you more money and research, but should now also get you civics from hacking into secure government databases halfway across the universe).
Next-Gen Triantanium Impactor- Using next-gen technology you can create massive amounts of triantanium! Creates 140 triantanium from 1 an, 1 u, 1 he. Utilities: robots, bandwidth, and power
Next-Gen Polymerizer- you know the words by now, using next-gen technology, blah blah blah :P. Produces 160 plastic per round using same components as original polymerizer.
Next-Gen Microreactor (upgrade from hybrid microreactor, because I thought of this idea but don't want to step on wadaling's toes)- Using the power of next-gen technology, create absurd amounts of electricity! Uses bandwidth, triantanium, and helium to make power. Also requires water to stop from overheating.
Next-Gen Materials Extractor- Uses crystalline and helium to make 50 of each of the raw materials instead of 15.
Actual Reality Gaming Station- Using next-gen "virtual reality", make video games so realistic they are actually happening! You can drop blocks on insectoids in Antetris, crush them with candy in Sugar Crush, stomp Sectoombas like your favorite video game characters Drario and Druigi, and best of all, play first-person shooters like Crush of Insects: Drac Ops as yourself! Requires sugar to keep those "virtual" insects fed, as well as software and robots to add that extra realism to the game! Produces money that draconians have mooched from their parents, as well as civics for helping the draconian military crush any insectoid rebels. Provides entertainment for citizens and tourists.

I'll add more ideas if I think of them, just had a couple of immediate ones and I wanted to post them.

Welcome to the first ICG Event!

The ICG is a community driven event to bring the players together in one space to have fun with the game in various unique and interesting ways! The Intergalactic Colonial Games (or ICG) is our branding of the many events and activities that NOZ will be hosting! With a wide variety of events and prizes, we will be hosting ICG events every weekend!

For more information, including the rules to these events, please visit before continuing.

The first event we will be hosting is... a race!

Now, what exactly is the race we have in mind you ask? Well, as the informational thread I linked above describes, a race means that participants will start an entirely new colony and race to a certain milestone to win the grand prize. The race for this event will be the collection of Civics!


There are three player groupings, with each being more challenging than the last to complete.

  • Group 1 is 0-250,000 population on your largest colony. The Goal will be 250,000 civics by the end of the event period.
  • Group 2 is 250,000-1,000,000 population on your largest colony. The Goal will be 5,000,000 civics by the end of the event period.
  • Group 3 is over 1,000,000 population on your largest colony. The Goal will be 50,000,000 civics by the end of the event period.
The event period will be 1 week long from the time it starts.


These goals may seem daunting, but I assure you, they are all possible. As impossible as they may seem, there is an equally great reward! This event will not only be for fun, players may win unholy amounts of resources to the colony of their choosing by winning. So let's see some competitive spirit in here!

As described in the informational thread, each tier can have up to and including 3 winners. First place will receive 3 packages of their choosing, second will receive 2, and 3rd place will receive 1 package of their choosing (each package is a large sum of one resource).

Group one may choose between the following prizes:

25,000,000 Ore
25,000,000 Regolith
25,000,000 Aluminum
25,000,000 Microchips
25,000,000 Gold
25,000,000 Steel
25,000,000 Alien Artifacts

20,000,000 Wood
20,000,000 Charcoal
20,000,000 Oil
20,000,000 Helium
20,000,000 Ant Paste
20,000,000 Robots
20,000,000 Antanium
20,000,000 Pottery
20,000,000 Bricks
20,000,000 Uranium
20,000,000 Crystalline
20,000,000 Cloth
20,000,000 Toys
20,000,000 Clay
20,000,000 Sugar
20,000,000 Wool
20,000,000 Software
20,000,000 Diamond
20,000,000 Wheels

15,000,000 Alien Relic
15,000,000 Alien Instructions
15,000,000 Obsidian

5,000,000 Triantanium
5,000,000 Ether

Group two may choose between the following prizes:

200,000,000 Ore
200,000,000 Regolith
200,000,000 Aluminum
200,000,000 Microchips
200,000,000 Gold
200,000,000 Steel
200,000,000 Alien Artifacts

150,000,000 Wood
150,000,000 Charcoal
150,000,000 Oil
150,000,000 Helium
150,000,000 Ant Paste
150,000,000 Robots
150,000,000 Antanium
150,000,000 Pottery
150,000,000 Bricks
150,000,000 Uranium
150,000,000 Crystalline
150,000,000 Cloth
150,000,000 Toys
150,000,000 Clay
150,000,000 Sugar
150,000,000 Wool
150,000,000 Software
150,000,000 Diamond
150,000,000 Wheels

100,000,000 Alien Relic
100,000,000 Alien Instructions
100,000,000 Obsidian

30,000,000 Triantanium
30,000,000 Ether

Group three may choose between the following prizes:

1,000,000,000 Ore
1,000,000,000 Regolith
1,000,000,000 Aluminum
1,000,000,000 Microchips
1,000,000,000 Gold
1,000,000,000 Steel
1,000,000,000 Alien Artifacts

800,000,000 Wood
800,000,000 Charcoal
800,000,000 Oil
800,000,000 Helium
800,000,000 Ant Paste
800,000,000 Robots
800,000,000 Antanium
800,000,000 Pottery
800,000,000 Bricks
800,000,000 Uranium
800,000,000 Crystalline
800,000,000 Cloth
800,000,000 Toys
800,000,000 Clay
800,000,000 Sugar
800,000,000 Wool
800,000,000 Software
800,000,000 Diamond
800,000,000 Wheels

600,000,000 Alien Relic
600,000,000 Alien Instructions
600,000,000 Obsidian

300,000,000 Triantanium
300,000,000 Ether

As you can see, the prizes are well worth your time and are designed to be a great boost to anyone in the game. The top prizes are difficult to get, but they are possible.

How to enter?

It's simple! Just comment your name in game here and tell us you want to enter! You are also required to join our dedicated events commonwealth in order to enter. The charter code for the commonwealth will be revealed when the event starts. We need to know what your colony name you will be registering as will be in advance. You may put [ICG] in your colony name as, though this is not required, it will make our jobs easier when running the event.

When we know the name of the participant, we can give you a small boost just to get started with to avoid the tedium of the early game. Players will receive all of the following:

5,000 Ore
4,000 Steel
3,000 Gold
2,000 Microchips
2,000 Wheels

This event will begin on the 16/11/2019 so we will accept applications to join until then! Once more, the event duration will be 1 week from the starting date.

Upon completion the event goal, comment that you have done so on this thread. We will then review your colony history before acknowledging you have completed the event.

Of course all rules and regulations must be followed by all participants. These may be found in the informational thread

Contact us!

Though not a requirement to participate in the events, I encourage everyone who is interested in the events to drop by the NOZ discord server for a great My Colony community. NOZ has a lot of very experienced players, whom are also very active in game. To learn more about us, please join us here at

Good luck with the events, and may the odds be ever in your favour.
4y ago
I was accumulating civics in an offline (region) game. I had just reached stage 2 and was harvesting trees. I look down and all of my civics were completely gone.

I went to the statistics and it said I was only generating 280 and there was no expenditures. I went back to my civics-producing city and within seconds I had accumulated over 2k, which was normal.

It is strange to suddenly lose all of a resource while the game was idle for 5 minutes.
4y ago
Hello guys!

Up to now, the way we unlock buildings is based on two ways, technology and atmosphere, respectively.

Indeed on such stranger planets, research and terraforming are vital for a colony to survive and develop.
But something we can question in My Colony - how people are maintained in harmony and order? And where do the services, institutes and policies comes from?

Here, let me introduce a new gameplay that would be added onto the current gameplay system - The Code of Law, i.e, legislation.
Similar to researches, but what it consumes would be mainly civics, what it unlocks would be mostly gameplay features and policies.

The Code of Law is available after you have researched colonial civics, and producing the first civics.
To unlock the policies you normally use in My Colony, some laws must be signed, costing civics.

For instance, the first law available would be ‘Governance Institutes’, unlocking Consulate and in-commonwealth interactions.
Another example would be ‘Financial Secretary’, unlocking the ability of auto-budget.
Further example would be ‘International Trade Regulation‘, unlocks GBT buildings.

Besides these stuff, there’ll be more extra (and some crazy) stuff like:
‘Child Labour’ law which expands labour force to lower age groups. Provides more workers, but your people will surely be unhappy.
‘Subdivided Housing’ law that increases all housing limit by 10%, rounded up.
‘Tourism Tax’ law which the colony will recieve extra income from each tourist’s arrival.

And more... which I’ll dump in the comments later!

Ideas? Feedbacks? (•ω•)
Comments please!
Region map or classic map?

Try to open the civics windows (statistics > Resources > Clic on Civics), and see if you have some consume. I don't remember if the insect have building able to consume civics.
4y ago
Having same problem. Statistics does not report anything consuming civics. I increased civic production and what ever consumes the civics continues to take ALL the civics no matter much I produce.
3y ago
I hope you are all having a great today! Today I am releasing My Colony 2 v0.12.0, which includes quite a bit of new content. I have also submitted this build to both the Google Play store and the Amazon App Store so that I can start getting better feedback on mobile performance and UI! MC2 is really starting to shape up into a real game now, so let's take a look at what is new in this release!

First, you may notice that My Colony 2 now has a proper title background image instead of a blank grey screen, which of course looks a lot nicer. Modders can obviously customize this to be whatever they want.

I started adding in the interface for the in-game encyclopedia, which you can see from the main slide-out menu. The only section so far is the in-game credits, which are automatically generated based on username data attached to game data and .vpp files. Check it out if you want to see who has all helped on the game so far! The neat thing is that the credits will be different when you activate a mod, so that you can see information on the mod creator as well.

Since the game is starting to get more resources, I made a change to the resource readout bar. It will appear static as normal until your resource list takes up more space than can fit on one line, then it will begin scrolling like it does in My Colony 1.

Speaking of resources, I added two new ones to this release, Rum and Sugar! I always thought that Rum in MC1 should have been made out of sugar instead of food, so that is how it works now in My Colony 2. Sugar is obtained through the new Sugar Extraction Lab which extracts trace sugars from your excess food. Rum is naturally made as the new Distillery. Unlock these structures with the new Microgravity Brewing tech.

As you may have noticed in the background of the above picture, the Solar Tower from MC1 has returned. You can unlock it using the new High Density Solar Panels tech.

Some good new structures pulled from @GeneralWadaling 's voxel batch have been added, including the Regolith Processing Plant, and Greenhouse Park, and the Trading Depot.

The Regolith Processing Plant is a superior version of the Regolith Compactor on Lunar maps. The Greenhouse Park is sort of like the Green Dome from MC1, except it will produce some food as well. The Trading Depot currently only generates a bit of cash, but is eventually going to be used to facilitate trade between players on the same world. So stay tuned for that.

You can now start generating Civics using the new Civic Center! The Civic Center is unlocked with the Colonial Civics tech. Civics in MC2 are slightly different from MC1, in that they are stored at the settlement level and are not shared between settlements, even if you have a logistics center. Civics are going to determine the "city level" of a settlement, and be a factor in deciding what sort of government options a city has available.

I have made a lot of fixes to pavement rendering in this release. In addition, Pavement is now slightly depressed into the ground once built. It is fairly subtle, but you can notice it when the lighting is right.

In addition, the engine can now automatically generate brick road patterns for pavement, which I demonstrate in this release with the addition of the Solar Road. I also want to add checkered pavement generation, which will probably be coming in the next update or so.

There are more little changes here and there, and you will see them as you play. For now though, I want to thank everyone for playing, leaving feedback, and helping with content! The next few updates are all going to be big on content, so stay tuned for more!

3y ago
You know children? Yes, those gremlins that take up worker housing early game. Well, I got an extensive idea on how to solve that (The first tech for it being right after colonial finance, so that it comes into effect right when it is needed). I call it: Childcare! These techs and buildings were inspired by another suggestion for eldercare.


Basic Daycares

Prequisite Techs: Basic Education, Colonial Finance

Tech Cost: 150 research

Desc: Colonial Analysis has predicted a massive baby boom! Prepare for it by building Daycares for children!

Needed by: Small Daycare, Children's Home, Large Daycare, Children's Arcology, Child Insurance

Child Insurance

Prequisite Techs: Basic Daycares, Colonial Civics, Advanced Nuclear Physics

Tech Cost: 2k research, 100 civics

Desc: Now that you got Childcare, it is time to make a profit off of it!

Needed by: Small Child Insurance Agency, Large Child Insurance Agency, Child Repossesion Agency

Child Protection

Prequisite Techs: Galactic Governance, Basic Daycares

Tech Cost: 16k research, 500 civics

Desc: Let's face it: there are terrible people around. We need an agency to keep these terrible people away from children!

Needed by: GBCS Colonial Office, GBCS National Office, GBCS Imperial Office

Child Labor

Prequisite Techs: Child Protection, Child Insurance, Self-Governance, Ancient Alien Manufacturing

Tech Cost: 100k research, 5k civics

Desc: With the recent boom in industry, we need all hands on deck! Luckily, with a few law changes, we can raise or lower the minimum working age at our whim!

Needed by: Department of Child Labor, Child Workplace Insurance Agency, Department of Bribing GBCS to Turn a Blind Eye Towards Our Use of Child Labor


Small Daycare


Built by: Builder Bot

Cost: 1k ore, 50 steel

3 Power

Jobs: 1 [Teacher]

Child Capacity: 20

Desc: This Daycare will hold children inside, leaving housing room for workers!

Tax Value: $1

Large Daycare


Built by: Megabot, Megabot Deluxe

Cost: 5.5k ore, 3k steel, 1.6k gold, 50 microchip

30 Power

Jobs: 15 [Teacher]

Child Capacity: 120

Desc: Cram large amounts of children in one area, leaving the other cramped housing free for workers!

Tax Value: $15

Small Child Insurance Agency


Built by: Adv. Builder Bot

Cost: 10k ore, 1.5k steel, 10 microchip, 15 software

15 Power, 10 Bandwidth

Jobs: 20 [White Collar]

Desc: Children are the darndest little things, getting into all sorts of trouble. They surely need insurance to make sure that nothing happens to them... Right?


Money × 50 (4000 ticks [1000 ticks fully employed])

Tax Value: $30

Child Repossesion Agency


Built by: Megabot, Megabot Deluxe

Cost: 15k ore, 5k steel, 3k gold, 200 aluminum, 50 microchip, 50 software

45 Power, 20 Bandwidth

Jobs: 30 [White Collar]

Child Capacity: 360

Desc: When parents do not pay their child insurance, they surely do not care about their children. Those poor tots must be repossesed and put into more caring hands...

Tax Value: $40

The rest of the buildings are up to you, Bast.
I always sell very large bundles for a higher price than smaller amounts because the service, that my colony offers is to generate the civics, so the customer doesnt have to. My whole colony is specialized on civics generation. The customer doesnt only pay the goods, but the 10 million civics too. That makes the deal fair. And its otherwise pretty hard to get bundles of 100 million to 2 billion units of aluminum - so it works :)
6y ago
It was - but it's all earned through normal trades at the Galactic Board of trade. I focus on civics production and buy large amounts of ressources, bundle them and sell them at even larger chunks for a higher price. The service is, that i pay for the civics and offer amounts, that no one else offers. So people are able to overstock by buying my ressources without having to generate the civics for it.
6y ago
Usually, it costs 1 civic per 100 units but now it has gone up to 100. This may be a bug.
edit, it recently moved up to 200 civics. Does the number of civics you have to pay rise the more you trade?
6y ago
Ok, so here would be my idea of how to add this building. So, make it an upgrade to the fl arc, so it would still require an empty plot of land. Then, the building would look like a big space elevator, only with a gigantic station at the top. This station would also support massive amounts of immigration and tourism, would produce large amounts of money and civics, and would produce enough food, power, entirtainment, and jobs to support itself with a good amount of each left over to support other structures.

I would make it consume several more resources, or at least most of the durable goods since this thing would not only support lots of housing, but it would be the center of commerce. So, water, oil, uranium, he3, steel, antanium, gold, aluminum, chips, pottery, toys, cloth, rum, robots, plastic, charcoal, atmosphere. In order to build and support this thing, you would have to have built up all of those production areas. I would mak certain productions of the space station halt when certain resources are depleted. For instance, a lack of water will hault food production, a lack of uranium or he3 would halt power production, a lack of cloth would halt money production and reduce tourist space to zero, or a lack of rum would do the same but also halt civic production. These are just several examples. Even if every needed resource is depleted, housing will never be disabled as long as the power grid can still support the station when the station stops producing power. I think that this would be easily hard coded for this particular structure, so the engine should be able to run it just fine.

I would only allow up to eight to be built, but i would make it produce enogh and house enough to be totally worth building. You could also make several upgrade choices that would cause the station to focus on a particular area. I would make 10 choices: residential station focuses food and housing, commerce station focuses tourism and money, administration station focuses civics and money, funland station focuses tourism and entertainment, support station focuses power and food, luxury station focuses housing and money, data warehouse station focuses power and civics, warehouse station focuses raw and durable goods storage, research station adds and focuses research production and a lunar station allows you to gain access to the planet’s moons and terraform and annex them for additional space(this one may not be possible).

I would change the name to “orbital Space station.” The whole point of this building would be to consolidate several functions and resource productions into one single space to provide more room for bigger colonies.
6y ago
To all the players who already have a civics-production oriented colony, do you have some tips? What are the most effective buildings to produce civics?
I've thought about it but couldn't find a proper strategy yet

Thanks for the help :)
6y ago
After you get the builder bot, you can construct the small County Jail for 1000 ore. Hires 1 police officer and can hold one criminal.
- When colonists protest, they can be arrested and sent to a jail.
After unlocking Colonial Civics and Basic Education, you can unlock Basic Justice. This tech unlocks the Small Prison and the Police Academy.
- Small Prison 2*2
Needs- 100power
2500 ore
1500 steel
1000 gold
100 civics

Employs 3 officers and holds 10 prisoners

- Police Academy 3*3
Needs- 50 power
3000 ore
2000 steel
1500 gold
250 civics

Employs 10 teachers and trains 50 officers. Holds 5 detainees.
Tell me what you think about this
6y ago
Spam anything that makes civics. You'll need civics later on in the game as well.
6y ago
I have been playing for a month and I really want independence. It takes forever just to save up 20k civics :l It would be great if independance could be a bit cheaper for lower level people and slowly advance as level is gained. ALSO there should be a way to gift civics.
5y ago
Okay so pretty much this is some tools to help with building.

Bulldozing an area - Costs money based on the size of an area you want to bulldoze.

Favourites - There is another category in the build menu which you can add and remove buildings, this way you don't have to search for buildings you use a lot

Schematics - You can build something and use this to copy it. Costs civics based on the amount of resources the buildings cost (Your bots still have to build them and it still costs you resources) Maybe this could be an endgame research?

Teleport bots in buildings - There is a button next to the 'Return to center' button which teleports all bots that are inside buildings to the closest open space to the center (within 10 tiles). If there are no open spaces nothing will happen.

Airport - Requirements: faster than light travel, tourism - Some tourists will come from airports, a little immigration, and airports can transport rovers to any other airport for 1 starship per 100 rovers (across cities on region maps aswell, but for double price) - Uses: 50 wheels/min, 100 civics/min, 300 oil/min, 1 starship/min, 5 robots/min, 5,000 power, 400 workers - Produces: 30,000 money/min - Cost to build: 10 million oil, 5 million aluminum, 500 starships, 100 million money, 10 million civics, 25 million steel, 750 thousand robot, 25 thousand triantanium, 1 million charcoal, 1 million regolith, 500 thousand wheels - Built by construction drone
5y ago
These are just a few ideas that may be obvious things that bast has already decided he will implement, but hopefully some of these ideas may help. And Before you start blasting me about how bast won't ever put a pvp element into my colony, you should check the updates and announcements page under update 75, since bast includes the possibility of a pvp element with federations.

The ideas below represent an entire concept when applied together. This is how I would implement pvp between federations in my colony, but like all of my other concept ideas, it's mainly here to present new thoughts to the developer on how certain concepts could come together, and I don't expect him to just take this entire concept and put it in the game.

First off, I think that any pvp feature should be optional, just as bast said. But I do think that there should be some risk involved with enabling pvp and joining in federation wars/rivalries. I don't think that the risk should be catastrophic, but being attacked by someone else should come with some major disadvantages.

I think that in order for a rivalry/war between two federations to continue, a certain percentage of the federation should be regularly and actively involved. This way, people have to be actively participating in the rivalry in order for it to continue, so time and effort would need to be put in. While a rivalry is going on, all colonies in those federations are given buffs that increase income and production speeds of certain resources, so a rivalry would be good for business, as it also is in real life.

However, those that chose not to participate in a rivalry will not benefit at all from any benefits that come about by attacking enemy colonies, only active colonies do. This way there will be no freeloaders. I also think that there should be a cooldown timer that forces players to remain pvp active for a while after they've attacked another colony. This way colonies can't attack other colonies and then quickly disable pvp mode to avoid retaliation. However, if you accidentally enable pvp and haven't attacked anyone, you can immediately disable pvp. I also think that each colony should only be able to have one debuff affecting them at a time, but they could have multiple buffs in effect. Any further attempts to double-debuff an enemy would result in the attacker wasting a debuff chance and using resources that they could have used on another target.

Now, here comes a system of buffs and debuffs that I think would fit the pvp feature nicely. With these status effects, each colony could specialize in a certain kind of attack, or take on a certain support role in a rivalry, thus adding a bit of an rpg element to this system, but shouldn't need to get too in depth or complex with it. Below is a system of classes, point systems, and buffs and debuffs that a player can cast on other friendly or enemy colonies. Bear in mind that in order to receive a buff or debuff, you need to be in pvp mode. All buffs and debuffs require certain buildings in order to be unlocked and improved, and the best status effects require more complex buildings.

There would also be four different scores attributed to each colony that tell what kind of contribution that colony makes to the war effort and what their specialty/class is. Each class would be specified by a certain building, and only one of six of these buildings can be constructed at once in a colony. Whichever building is built determines the war class of the colony and what it specializes in. The buildings can be upgraded in tiers, giving more and more unique advantages for each tier, but also becoming more expensive. The classes are as follows:

A vanguard heads straight in and attacks the enemy headlong, splitting their focus between offense and defense. They can be capable attackers and defenders, but would more often than not pose as a distraction to the enemy, spreading their attacks and defenses onto multiple colonies at once with the splitter cast, and protecting themselves with the feedback loop cast. They focus on collecting offense and defense points.

Unique advantages: the vanguard's unique advantages focus on reducing the durations of all debuffs that they are targeted with, reducing buff/debuff cooldowns, increasing the amount of targets that a vanguarde can hit with the splitter cast, and on the highest tier, enabling the vanguard to attack an enemy and "taunt" them, thus forcing them to target the vanguard for their next attack. The taunt can also be used in combination with splitter to affect multiple enemies, forcing them all to wait on each other to take turns attacking the same vanguard before they can target another colony.

An empowerer is good at preparing their allies for an initial attack on an unsuspecting enemy. The buff their allies to strengthen them for the battle to come, and they join the ranks of vanguards in attacking and distracting the enemy. The Empowerer can counter some debuffs with buffs, but it proves to be a very inefficient counterer and can easily be picked out by an assassin if it causes too much bother in the heat of battle. It's best for this class to do all of it's buffs before battle and save the debuffs until the heat of battle. An empowerer will rack up offense and utility points, with relatively few defense points.

Unique advantages: The empowerer's unique abilities focus on buff potency, the amount of targets that splitter can reach, duration reduction to any debuffs that it experiences. And on the highest tier buildings, Empowerers gain a 1 in 5 chance to apply a buff to themselves automatically if they cast that same buff onto an ally without negating a debuff or being negated by a debuff. This allows the Empowerer to easily empower themselves while they are empowering other colonies in preparation for a battle, but doesn't help the empowerer during the heat of battle.

An assassin makes calculated strikes. Their attacks are very potent and can be made even more potent thanks to the charge cast. They are often supported by vanguards that strike before the assassins to get the initial attention from the enemies. They need not worry about protecting themselves in battle because of this. Even if they are attacked, they can retaliate quickly by using the dimensional reflection buff, thus giving their enemy a taste of their own medicine. An assassin can be good at countering buffs with debuffs, but not as effectively as they can attack an unprotected enemy. This class will have mostly offense points, with a little bit of silencer points as well.

Unique advantages: the Assassin's unique advantages focus on debuff potency and cooldown, dimensional mirror cooldown and cost reduction, increased potency and decreased cooldown on a buff affected by the charge cast, and on the highest tier, giving the assassin the ability to attack an enemy with an "evasive" attack, thus forcing the enemy to not be able to retaliate against the assassin for a certain amount of time. The enemy can target other colonies during that time though, just not that particular assassin.

The counterer focuses on offense and defense. They use their casts to negate a buff or debuff. They use the splitter and feedback loop buffs to cast negating buffs and debuffs onto themselves and other allies. The assassin might target a counterer with a potent attack at just the right time, during the counterer's cooldown time, if the counterer becomes a bother to it's enemies. So learning when to take action to help your allies and when let up for a while to lose attention from enemy colonies is a must for this class. The counterer gains equal amounts of defense and silencer points.

Unique advantages:The counterer's unique advantages focus on cooldown and resource cost reduction to all buffs and debuffs, increasing the amount of extra targets that splitter can give you, and on the highest tier, a counterer can "silence" an enemy, preventing them from attacking or defending any target for a duration, if they successfully negate that enemy's debuff or buff. The silence effect has a 1 in 5 chance of happening for each successful counter.

The healer is solely a supporter and defender, defending colonists by negating debuffs with their buffs and using buffs on allies just as utilities to boost their performance. The healer gives potent buffs and defenses to other players and is the pillar that holds up the federation in the war. They can use the charge cast to further increase the potency of a buff, which they would use to further strengthen allies. Assassins will target these the most to slow them down so the enemy will be without support, and counterers can also silence Healers by negating their buffs with debuffs. But healers are really good at empowering all of the other classes, which in turn will retaliate if one of their healers is attacked. The healer focuses on collecting defense and utility points.

Unique advantages: The healer's advantages focus on buff potency and cooldown, increased potency and decreased cooldown effects of the charge buff on all buffs, and on the highest tier, if they successfully counter a debuff with a buff, that buff's cooldown is reduced by 75%, allowing them to deal large amounts of counters in rapid succession as long as their buffs aren't re-countered/negated by an enemy.

The Commando is like an empowerer in that it buffs allies in preparation for battle, but instead of joining in the frontline assault like empowerers, commandos hide under cover of distraction and take out enemy defenses with tactical casts. They are extremely efficient with countering buffs with debuffs, yet they can't defend allies against debuffs. The commando is the hardest class to play as their position on the battlefield is an awkward one. And while they are really good at ripping enemy defenses away and preparing allies for battle, they themselves can't directly attack or defend anyone. Only choose this class if you're experienced with the pvp feature and your federation needs people of this class, otherwise you'll find yourself having a really bad experience with the pvp element.

Unique advantages: The commando looses the ability to buff people that are already affected with a debuff and the ability to debuff an enemy that's not protected by a buff, and debuff potency and duration is set to 0 so that if a commando successfully negates a buff, the debuff doesn't affect the enemy as an attack like it regularly would. This forces the commando into it's role turns debuffs solely into a means of breaking defenses instead of attacking directly. The commando also gets cooldown reduction to all debuffs, buff potency, increased splitter targets, and on the highest tier structure, the commando has a 1 in 5 chance of completely removing a buff or debuff's cooldown after casting it successfully. This means that the commando can hit many more targets than any other class in a period of time, allowing it to somewhat carpet-bomb enemy defenses or empower massive amounts of allies before the battle.

Major Benefits in participating in PVP: As factions war against each other, the colonies contributing to the war effect will share in the spoils of war. In order for Federations to start a war, both Federations must fromt a certain amount of money, and then each week after that start of the war, that same amount of money must be paid by each federation. Each week, a tally would be taken of how many successful attacks and counters were dealt by each federation. Both numbers are added together to get the Federation's battle score, and the federation with the highest score wins all of the money from all participating federations for that week. This can be used in a free-for-all war that includes multple federations as well as just a regular rivalry between two federations, and the war can continue as long as the federations want it to continue, provided they have enough money to put forward. The winning federation is required to split the winnings among it's participating colonies, but how much a percentage of the win that it keeps to itself is optional. Just bear in mind that nobody will participate if there is not a big enough reward.


Benefits of debuffing enemies: When you debuff an enemy that doesn't currently have any status effects without being negated, you permanently gain a small amount of potency towards the debuff you casted and you get offense points that go to your offense score, which can be seen by other members of your federation. If you successfully negate a buffed enemy with a debuff, you gain silencer points towards your silencer score that other members can see and you permanenty gain a very small percentage chance of not being negated each time you cast a debuff or buff, even if your buff or debuff was countered correctly by a defending enemy(this also applies to buffs/debuffs casted with feedback loop). Finally, if you successfully negated a buff or debuff that negated your original buff/debuff on the same enemy, you will gain 2x silencer points and you get 2x more percentage added to your negation-block chance.

Brownout: Forcefully syphon energy from your enemy to temporarily add to your power capacity. Is negated by the Syphon buff but can negate the repair nanites buff. Casting this debuff successfully without having it negated will permanently add a 2% increase to the caster's power capacity that scales with their power capacity.
Category: Techno-warfare

EMP Blast: Blast your enemy with EMP waves that temporarily damage power producing buildings, causing a complete power blackout. the effects of the emp blast are shorter in duration than the brownout, but cannot be countered by simply increasing power production like brownout could. Negates the Syphon Buff but is negated by the repair nanites buff. Successfully casting this debuff without negation would award the caster with a permanent 2% faster build speed on all power producing buildings.

Plague: Inflict an enemy with a nasty plague that lowers the health of it's colonists over time. By treating the population of that colony like guinea pigs, you gain a boost towards research production. A plague will never kill a colonist directly, the lowest that a plague would bring a colonist would be 5%. This is avoid any colony from dying out because of warfare. Negated by the healing nanites buff but negates the probiotic bursts buff. Successfully casting this buff without negation will grant the caster a 2% increase in build speed of hospitals and scientific structures.

Famine: Target your enemy's food supply and reduce the amount of food they produce for a time. Negated by the probiotic bursts buff but negates the healing nanites buff since people can't heal without eating food. Successfully casting this buff without negation will grant the caster a permanent 2% increase in food storage.

World eater: You release a rare silicon-based life form that eats stone and metal into your enemy's colony. The creature quickly reproduces and infests all of the enemy's ore mines, viciously attacking the miners.. The enemy suffers a substantial reduction in production rates from any structure that relies on holes in the ground, including excavation sites, core mines, regolith extraction co.s, fracking plants, etc. The world eaters are trained to build storehouses for the ore they collect and share it with their masters. Successfully casting this debuff without having it negated will permanent multiply the attacker's total storage capacity for raw resources by 1.02, thus adding an extra 2% capacity in relation to the capacity they already have. This scales with resource capacity and applies to all resources that come from the ground, including alien arts, ore, gold, ura, alu, rego,
Category: Geo-warfare

Tectonic disruption: Pummel your enemy with earthquakes that make working in tall buildings extremely hard. The target suffers reduced work productivity depending on how potent your attack is and can't build or destroy any buildings during the duration of the debuff. Successfully casting this buff without negation will grant the caster 2% faster construction of any structure that classifies as a tall building.
Category: Geo-warfare

Splitter: A very costly and high tech buff that allows you to direct your buffs and debuffs toward two targets at once. In order to successfully target two allies/enemies with a particular status effect, you need to cast splitter on both targets in rapid succession(casts are no more than 5 minutes apart), otherwise the splitter buff/debuff would be wasted on only one target and the caster would have to wait the long cooldown in order to cast it again.
Category: Offensive Warfare

Malicious Sanctioning campaign: you target an enemy with a campaign to invite it's population to immigrate to your colony, thus leaching population away from them. Requires tons of civics to cast and a colony would have to be well established in order to have access to this attack and would need to have tons of space for new colonists. Negated by the repopulate buff but negates the Friendly sanctioning buff. Once a caster's housing space is filled up, the campaign will be ended, thus avoiding any homeless people. Successfully casting this debuff without running out of housing space or being negated will grant the caster a 2% increase in build speeds on all housing structures.
Category: Political Warfare

Purge: Purge your colony of any overly complacent colonists, forcing them to immigrate to your enemy. These colonists will immigrate to the enemy regardless of whether they have housing room or not. If the enemy doesn't have housing room, the immigrants because homeless and detract from their happiness score. This buff requires a lot of civics and would have a huge cooldown. Successfully casting this debuff would grant the caster a 2% increase in build speeds for all tourism structures.
Category: Political warfare

Blockade: Block and enemy's trade via gbt and all import/export/immigration buildings other than the Stargate. is negated by the subspace detour buff but negates the hyperspace transport buff. Requires starships to cast. During the blockade, the prices of all of the import/export stuctures besides your highest tier import/export building(stargate for humans) are reduced by 20% and the rewards gain from the exports are increased by 20%
Category: Economic Warfare

Subspace disruption: Disruption your enemy's Stargate connection, rendering their most advanced immigration and trade building useless. Negates the subspace detour buff but is negated by the hyperspace transport buff. During a disruption, your highest tier import/export building gains a 20% import price reduction and a 20% export reward increase.
Category: Economic Warfare


Benefits of buffing allies: There are good benefits to turning your colony unto a support colony that buffs it's allies. When you successfully negate a debuff, you permanently gain a small amount of resistance to the debuff that you negated, and you get defense points that go to your overall defense score that other members can see. When you cast a buff onto an ally while they aren't affected by any status affects, then you gain points towards your utility score, which other members can see as well, and you gain a potency increase to that buff.

Syphon: You temporarily sacrifice a portion of your power to add to an ally colony's power levels. Designed to negate the brownout debuff as long as the caster has enough extra power to successfully supplement that colony's needs as well as the extra demand for power that the brownout debuff adds. Unfortunately, the emp burst debuff negates this buff.
Category: Techno-warfare

Repair nanites: sends a swarm of nanites to repair any damage in an ally's technology caused by an EMP blast, immidiately negating the debuff. The brownout debuff destroys these nanites as the high electric demand causes electronics to overheat, vaporizing the nanites as they try to fix the damage. One side effect of getting hit with this buff is that they repair damage caused by other means, thereby repairing building infrastructure by a significant percentage.
Category: techno-warfare

Healing nanites: you send a swarm of healing nanites to an ally colony to heal it's occupants. Completely negates the plague debuff, but is negated by the dyson sphere debuff. Hospitals also heal sick colonists faster depending on buff potency.
Category: Bio-warfare

Probiotic bursts: gives an ally colony rapid food production for some time. This buff requires a large amount of food and water to charge, but when casted onto an ally colony, it releases massive clouds of genetically modified probiotics in the atmosphere, which help crops grow fast. negates the dyson sphere debuff, but is negated by the plague debuff.
Category: Bio-warfare

Ultrasonic resonance: Blast your ally with ultrasonic waves that purify the earth of any world eaters. Obviously this counters the world eater debuff. The resonance shakes ores and minerals loose from the rocks for easier collection. This adds a significant boost to production in all buildings that rely on holes in the ground. However, this buff does nothing against the tectonic disruption debuff.
Category: Geo-warfare

Cryonic infusion: calm an ally's planet down with the freezing power of cryo-science. Negates tectonic disruption, but world eaters are impervious to the extreme cold. The severe cold causes blue crystalline to grow on the surface of the planet, no matter what planet it is, and there is a percentage chance for each lava tile on a lava map to instantly turn into obsidian. Both of these benefits depend on buff potency.
Category: Geo-warfare

Repopulate: you sacrifice a portion of your population to save an ally from dying off by repopulating their colony. No resource or tech requirements. Not designed to negate any debuff, but designed to prevent any colony from dying off. This is a very low tier buff, and would be the first buff to be unlocked, so it really shouldn't be possible to kill off an enemy colony to where they can't recover, since they could always get reinforcements from allies. In fact, I could see some colonies specializing in this buff by increasing their population size way beyond their population requirements. Negates the sanctioning campaign debuff but people won't want to move to that colony if it been afflicted by a purge from another colony.
Category: Political Warfare

Friendly Sanctioning campaign: Help your ally by welcoming all of their homeless into your colony. The buff only stops when either the caster runs out of housing or the target runs out of homeless. negates the Purge debuff but is negated by the Malicious sanctioning debuff.
Category: Political Warfare

Subspace detour: Allow your ally to connect to your gbt via their stargate, thus allowing them to make trades. This negates a blockade debuff, but is negated by the subspace disruption debuff. Side effects from this buff include a reduced cost in civics for each gbt transaction and the reduction of cost and increase of reward from importing/exporting from the stargate or highest tier import/export building, depending on buff potency.

Wormhole: You create a wormhole above your planet that links to a wormhole above your allie's planet. Because of this, allies can travel more effectively without the need of a stargate. Negates subspace disruption but is negated by blockade. Has the same effect on gbt as subspace detour, but applies the cost and benefit modifiers to every tier other than the top tier import/export building.

SOS: This buff can only be applied to the colony casting it. It's basically a cry for help. Other allies can see a list of SOS reports for their federation and see the colony being attacked and identify the attacker. Afterward they can proceed to buff their ally in danger, or retaliate against the attacker with a debilitating debuff. There is no requirement or cost to cast this buff, you just have to have a communications device, consulate, or capital.
Category: Defensive Warfare

Feedback loop: Can only be applied to the caster, casting requires large amounts of power and the tech required with be pretty high to unlock this buff. Once this buff is casted, the caster can target themselves once with any buff, essentially being able to defend themselves instead of having to rely on another colony for counters. The feedback loop would come with a large cooldown, so the caster would have to choose wisely on.
Category: Defensive Warfare

Dimensional reflection: Reflect a buff or debuff back onto an enemy or ally, thus negating any effect on the caster completely and immediately. A high tech and a lot of resources required to cast this buff and comes with a long cooldown. This buff doesn't prevent an attack, you have to cast this buff during when you are experiencing a buff or debuff.
Category: Defensive Warfare

Charge: cast this buff before casting another buff or debuff to multiply the potency by 5. This also increases the cooldown of the buff being affected by 5. The most expensive buff in the game and comes with the highest cooldown.


Now with all of that out of the way, I want to remind everyone that I'm not expecting this whole beast of a concept to be plopped into the game. I hope that bast at least takes a consideration of the concept and uses pieces and parts from it, but I mainly just want to see the game grow to become more popular and hopefully some of my ideas play a part in making that happen. I will be making changes to this post to constantly refine it based on what I learn about what is feasible to do and what bast's plans are, so stay tuned.
5y ago
i have bought every tech i can. i am good on food and wood and everything i can collect. i have every worker bug and vehicle i can make, i have build every building i can build. i thought maybe i just need to get indepence....
i have 30 advanced command posts (they are worth the most civics) and i still only have 70 k civics. i feel like i am missing something, like a way to get civics faster or more efficiently. when i bought the last set of tech i can buy it said it would open up alot of alien tech and buildings... but no new building options showed up. im not sure what to do. the game also made me buy this tech and one other 4 times (every time i would log back in it was in the research tab again even though i never got the research or the alien artifacts back)
5y ago
I play an online game in WIN 10, I have several charters as well, so its a public colony, single city. I spent several hours to gain enough civics to get the trancendence research. As soon as I got the research completed, I saved the game and i was at only 22K on the civics. I then shutdown the laptop and went home, once I restarted the game, much to my surprise, I had all my resources returned. The research was still completed. I find that this is a Huge bug (although it was much in my favor). My civics is all the way back up to 101mil.
5y ago
Hello guys!
(I’m the same person as @Wadaling)

Firstly and most importantly, I am presenting a big thanks to @bastecklein, for adopting my ideas from the following posts (written using my old account, @Wadaling):
• Human based ideas and other basis:
• Insectnoid based idea:

Okay let’s go straight into the topic.

As @bastecklein mentioned in his release notes for v0.90.0 update:
bastecklein said:To go along with the new utility, there are new IT related structures (and a new Information Technology build category) for each race, although most are early/mid-game Human structures at the moment. The next updates will build out the tree for the other races and add later game content as well.

bastecklein said:The next update will be Part 2 of the IT update, and will probably be mostly Zolarg and Alpha Draconian. Then there will probably be a Part 3 to top it off.

(for full notes, check it on )

Definitely, Bast and his epic team has lots of stuff to do on this new utility.

Prototype artworks here!

Technology / Research
Multimedia Infranstructure - Learn how to use internet utilities to establish a colony-wide multimedia broadcast system.
Insectnoid Mind Network (Zolarg) - Make use of the internet utilities to transfer...... thoughts. Allowing more efficient communication, governance, and management.
Proxy Servers (LIS) - The best way to perform secret activities without the need for cleaning browser history, while avoid tracking by the galaxy-wide internet secuity system of United Earth.
Mass Data Management - Learn how to improve internet utilities to manage more data, as well utilize it for more efficient industrial management purpose.

Official News Station - Keep your colonists informed. Paid to subscribe the home commonwealth channel, generating more civics than ordinery civic centres.
Imperial Propaganda Office - Direct upgrade of Official News Station... still broadcasts some news, but also broadcasts a very wide range of propagandas to influence your people... Generates lotta of civics, but costing more money, and it also consumes little amount of chips.
Sports Streaming Station - When you can’t have a stadium in your colony, why not just establish a sports event streaming station on a empty ground, and let your colonists spectating the exciting matches through the screen. Snacks and rums are provided to the spectators.
Cinema - This cinema will fetch all kinds of movies around the galaxy through the internet, and play them to the colonists (paid for the tickets)!
Semiautomatic Software Complier - Develop lots of software efficiently using AI technology.
Large Server Building (UE only) - When bandwidth demand in your colony grows, you definitely need a larger and more efficient server to meet the needs.
E-Sports Stadium - E-sports is definitely one of the most exciting sports event all-around the galaxy! This stadium provides the venue for all sorts of e-tournaments.
Online Black Market Office (LIS) - This upgraded black market bazzar can manage a larger amount of trade, while fetching more smuggled goods into the colony!
Electronics Chop Shop - Old scraps of electeonics are put here and recycled into microchips, to meet the demand for internet maintainence.
Hacker Camp (LIS) - Where professional gangs of hackers hide and launch viral attacks to steal software, intelligence, and most importantly, evil money.
Proxy Server Building (LIS) - Large servers are easily tracked by United Earth. Although provides less bandwidth than ordinery one it does provides a much safer internet services.

Zolarg / Insectnoids
Mound of Scholars - (Although not related to the internet directly,) This mound will teach the broods all kinds of professional industrial skills for all sorts of advanced industrial production and research, as well internet utilities.
Insectnoid Hologram News Station - Believe what? Insectnoids somehow steal the hologram technology from Alpha Draconians and simplified their designs. Keep the broods informed with newest Zolarg propagandas and news, generating civics while consuming national subscription fees and microchips.
Interstellar Mind Connection Node - Contact the antennas on their head with the wires and connect to the communication network. That’s the way Insectnoids communicate with their cousins lightyears away, without any signal jamming.
Hologram Theatre - This entertainment facility makes use of multiple hologram projectors to play freshly uploaded amazing theatres from Zolarg Prime.
Vaults of Galactic Investment - Insectnoids cannot just rely on mints to get the money they need. It’s time to connect to the interstellar investment markets and earn big.
Mind Council of Scholars - Where scholars’ minds meet and discuss innovations and conduct researches using thoughts and resources from the mind network. Generates research, along with education services.
Insectnoid Computer Array - Yes, I’m not kidding. Insectnoids did built their own computer for research.

(More ideas coming soon! Stay tuned!)

More ideas?
Please comment!

Or access to and have some discussion!

I don't know if this is the correct section to post this, but whatever. As the new update added some buildings, there is bound to be some issues. This time it is a typo I discovered while reading the description for the Integrated Civis Center. As the text for the Integrated Civic Center says: "It's still in inefficient government building, but utilizes software to more efficiently produce civics for the people." It probably should say: "It's still an inefficient government building, but utilizes software to more efficiently produce civics for the people."
Thanks for reading.🙂
5y ago
In my previous post, I mentioned how it'd be nice to have wider content instead of deeper content. So here are some ideas for that content (still only human ideas except where otherwise noted):

Black Hole Synthesis: Requires Alien Quantum Physics.

Bluebot: Premium only. A faster version of Adv builder bot.

Large Recycling Center: An upgrade to Medium Recycling Center. Produces plastic. Also produces one of pottery, aluminum, and toy. Requires Tall Construction, Advanced Chemical Synthesis.

Alga-Oil, Inc.: Produces Oil from trash in small-ish quantities. Requires Advanced Chemical Synthesis.

Food Disposal Center: "Just in case you ran out of trash". Turns food into large amounts of trash.

Charcoal Scrubber: Consumes Atmosphere and turns into charcoal (removes CO2). Weaker than Atmosphere scrubber.

Triantantium Mine: "When you really, really, need Triantanium, that's when you start making black holes". 5x5 top secret building which has a black hole in the center. Converts Steel and Uranium into Triantanium by dropping it into a black hole and catching what comes back out. Consumes Ether to stabilize the black hole. Much better than the other refineries. Requires Black Hole Synthesis.

Center for Black Hole Studies: Consumes ether and turns it into research. Worse than Center for Artificial Learning

Five-Star Restaurant. Premium only. Gold plated version of Restaurant. Consumes more food and produces much more money.

Mega Resort: 7x7 Building housing tons of tourists. Makes an actually large amount of money. Consumes pottery, toys, cloth, food, water, rum, and robots.

Large Space Port: Consumes Starships, brings in 100s of tourists at a time.

Bureau of Regulations: Upgrade to Bureau of bureaucracy, has 1000 jobs and produces 5x the civics.

Customs House (Human): Charge $100 from tourists who enter. A way to start actually making money from tourists. Just surround space ports with these so they have to go in.

News Station: Consumes software. Provides entertainment and civics.

Reeds, Giant Sequoia: Fir tree reskins.
Banana Tree, Apple Tree, Orange Tree, Grape Vines: Palm Tree reskins.

Complaints Processing: Early Game building which produces a few civics and has basic policy such as Fire Drill and Lottery. Requires that you don't have independence.

Solar Furnace: 5x5 building which is one of these: Fills the gap between Solar Towers and Nuclear Reactors.

That's all I can think of for now. Maybe I'll make a Vol 2. What do you think?
5y ago
H3110 guys!

Here are my few ideas regarding governance.

  • Promotion Campaign
    Slightly increase happiness and approval rating by less than 10% instantly, consuming civics and money. Cooldown 30min.
  • Extra Rations
    Distribute a double-ration immediately to all colonists to increase approval rating instantly. Cooldown 1hr.
  • Public Forums
    Run public forums for extra civic outputs (30% of colony production) but continuously consumes money and wood (for making papers).
  • Colonial Festival
    Launch a colonial public festival event that consumes rum, food, water, money, civics and potteries to greatly bring your colonist happiness and increase approval rating significantly. The cost is proportional to number of colonists.
  • Protest Sweep
    Get all people protesting back to work or their home. Costs civics and some approval rating drop.
  • Tourism Taxations
    Make every tourist visiting your colony yield more money. However high tax may decrease tourism. The higher tourism prestige you have, higher taxation you can set.
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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