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more terrible stuff

a robot bulldozer thing for digging
An underground ore vein (sometimes exposed by digging)
An underground gold vein
An underground storage (should extend 80 blocks underneath surface)
Boat enjoyer
Perhaps something that could go on the landing pad. Probably not.
Boat enjoyer
Deforest rover. Will be able to plant trees as well as cut them down.
Boat enjoyer

Bulldozer, but 2x2. A powerful excavator that can reshape the surface of your settlement or bore into the ground to find buried mineral deposits.
Boat enjoyer

Troop Carrier
A lightly armored vehicle that can carry up to 8 units across the barren regolith.
Comes with guns, too!
Boat enjoyer

Troop Transport
A durable vehicle that can shuttle 26 units into the heat of battle. Surprising agile for its size, thanks to hover pads that replace the conventional caterpillar treads.
Boat enjoyer
remodeled troop transport (to match the style and also just for an overall better model)

This surprisingly capacious vehicle can shuttle up to 30 units across vast distances, but someone forgot to put guns on it. Oh.

Boat enjoyer
Construction Quay for larger naval units

(without barge)
Boat enjoyer
I love these
If this forum isn't active, then ill make it active!
Small Vehicle Factory
A step up from the Construction Yard, the Small Vehicle Factory can manufacture larger and more advanced rovers while pumping out tons of Spare Parts during factory downtimes.
Boat enjoyer
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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