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Create Fires and Fire Departments - Page 2

Ok. Any plans for Fire departments on MC2?
Best of regards, Wastelander (formerly Architecture), Overlord and Designated Leader of the Earth States.

I am not against having disasters in general for MC2. I think the disaster would need to depend on world type. For instance, on the Moon without atmosphere, I am not sure a fire would ever jump from one building to another so it might not be as serious of an issue. But suppose a meteor could hit on your moon, and not only causing damage, but also depositing some rare minerals that would otherwise not be on the world.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
I agree with your statement, @bastecklein. I think we should add stuff like that into MC2. Should we do it?
Best of regards, Wastelander (formerly Architecture), Overlord and Designated Leader of the Earth States.

@bastecklein is there going to be a fix for the regional bus system? Currently remote workers are capped at 950 regardless of population, and most of those remote workers do not end up being accounted for in neighbouring cities (e.g. jobs are still not being taken up). I've tried raising wages in peripheral cities twice or thrice that of the origin city, but it seems that colonists in the origin city would rather endure way lower wages and sky high unemployment rates than work in other cities

My origin city has at least 3 bus authority buildings beside every housing district, and there are road that directly connect to the adjacent city
I think the cap is based on number of bus stations if I remember right. So to increase the number of people using the system, you need to build more bus stops
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
bastecklein said:I think the cap is based on number of bus stations if I remember right. So to increase the number of people using the system, you need to build more bus stops

Unfortunately i don't think that's the case, after building 5 more bus stops in both the main city and the neighbouring one its still 950 remote workers despite the available jobs
@bastecklein I haven't got a response from you on this post.
Best of regards, Wastelander (formerly Architecture), Overlord and Designated Leader of the Earth States.

My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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