Hello, folks! Welcome back, today I will be showing an suggestion for a future MC1 update. I will be presenting the
Regolith Refinery. The Regolith Refinery is an building that stores additional regolith for later use. These are the descriptions, stats and costs of the new building:
Regolith Refinery
An standard environment-balanced regolith refinery to store your regolith for future use! Requires power and workers to operate.
Regolith -1500
Helium 3 -200
Regolith +2500
Atmosphere +1 per 2000 ticks
With all workers: 400 ticks
I have not played My Colony in a long time, but I will make more future ideas and responses. Thank you for playing MC1! I also hope you played MC2!
Best of regards, Wastelander (formerly Architecture), Potentially Benevolent Overlord and Designated Leader of the Earth States.