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[API] GBT Contracts

Added a new public API for checking GBT contracts:

For All Resources

For Specific Resource

Returns active GBT contracts in JSON format. Example output:
[{"resource":"Antanium","seller":"Cyberkayu","sellercharter":"T0gtaz50","quantity":"150000","price":"87742500","expires":"2017-11-28 02:09:07","offerflag":"0"}]
Note: When you specify a resource in the API call, you do so using &r=x, where x is the id number of the resource. You can get the resource ID numbers from the previously documented GBT Prices API call which you can read about here:

Output Fields
  • resource: the name of the resource
  • seller: the colony selling the resource
  • sellercharter: the sellers' charter code
  • quantity: the size of the trade
  • price: total asking price of the trade. divide by 100 to get the lot price.
  • expires: server time that the contract will expire and be returned to the seller
  • offerflag: if this is 0, it is a resource sell. if it is 1, it is an offer-to-buy contract
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Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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