Search - friend request

Here is a sample code in Python/Flask, and how to avoid CORS problems :

@api_blueprint.route('/mc2report', methods=['POST', 'OPTIONS'])
def mc2report():
if request.method == 'OPTIONS':
resp = make_response('this is the response to OPTIONS call.')
resp.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
resp.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "Content-Type, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Authorization, X-Requested-With"
return resp
event = request.json['event']
sid = request.json['sid']
ses = request.json['ses']
cli = request.json['cli']
gid = request.json['gid']
aun = request.json['aun']
except KeyError:
data = request.json['data']
except KeyError:
data = {}
# do what you want
resp = make_response(jsonify({'success': True}))
resp.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
return resp

Maybe @bastecklein you can link your post for php as well as this post in the first post above for reference
GBT remake

How I would make a trade system:

1.You can only request items/resources. This is to force the player to create trades with good prices.
2.There is a trade AI. This AI always requests as much as you have. The price of the AI is orientated at the price player pay. To make it hard to manipulate and to stabilize prices, it would increase by one of a trade sells that costs more then it, and it would decrease by one if a trade sells this is below it. All AI prices will start at 10% of what a good price is.
3. whenever you request, your maximum price for that you request is limited by the highest priced deal that is on the market at the moment. You can only increase the price of the offer by 10-20%, but you can always request for lower prices.

Edit: When you have the max prices offer, you can't make a new one.
4. A limited amount of offers open/cancel offer button. To prevent ppl from spamming, you shouldn't be allowed to have more then 25 request open. But when you request, you have to pay 10% of the money you give for transport costs. Not civic anymore.
5. Only the 10 best priced offers are displayed, but there should be a button to show them all
6. You should see a graph that shows how the price behaved in the last 7 days or so.
7. another AI suggestion: if ppl are selling much stuff to the AI, the price will drop too.

6y ago
Hello everyone, I have another My Colony update ready for you today, v0.96.0. This update is somewhat minor, but during last weeks major content update, I had inadvertently removed the Fish Hatchery from the game, which in turn caused a whole bunch of problems, including the build menu not working for Advanced Builder Bots on mobile. Not good!

So today's update brings back the Fish Hatchery, but sadly if your Fish Hatchery disappeared in the last update, you will have to re-build it again 👿. Sorry!

There are a couple of other small additions today. Now, if you click on somebody's username from the slide-out chat window, it will open up their My Colony profile (before it only worked if you clicked on their message in the notification area).

I have also added an in-game friends list. Now when you are looking at a user's profile window, there will be a new "Add Friends" button up in the corner. This button is used to both add a new friend, or accept a pending friend request.

There is a new section on the Statistics window for friends now. This will show all of your confirmed friends and incoming friends requests, and will show you if your friends are online or offline. Clicking on a friend will bring up all of their colonies.

Keep in mind that the friends list is for all of Ape Apps, not just My Colony, although My Colony is the first game to implement the feature. I plan on expanding it to other Ape Apps things as well though, from games to the website to the chat program.

So that is really it for today. I am sorry that the update is smaller this time, but I had to get that Fish Hatchery bug fixed because it was causing major problems on mobile! The update should be hitting all devices within the coming days, so be on the lookout. Also keep in mind that if you are using the Ape Apps Launcher, the update requires an update to the Launcher which should also be coming later today.

That's it for now, stay tuned for more and thanks for playing!
5y ago
Bast can u take a look at the embassy button on the 32bit windows version.
I have an embassy request from my friend, but the "handshake button" at the bottom right is not clickable at all.
Also when I try to send an embassy request I get stuck on the resource information window. I cant click send only cancel.
6y ago
I have a few ideas after playing for a while. I think some of these are pretty good, some not that good. Feel free to give your own ideas or feedback. All ideas are meant to be standalone ideas and not all ideas will work with others as suggested.

1. Fixing Protesting: Too often I see colonists protesting for no reason, or because they won't fix the issue themselves. (Such as the colonist protesting about their low health while there's a medical facility with empty patient spots 5 tiles away.) I'd like to see colonists seeking out a way to fix their problems and only protesting as a last resort.

2. Quitting Jobs: Colonists should be able to quit jobs if they feel a new job will give them a better time. This can be for better pay or commute length. This goes with suggestion 1.

3. Personal Transports+Parking Lots: Colonists would be able to buy personal transports and drive them to work. They would drive from their house to a parking lot then walk to work, this walking distance becomes their commute length. This means a colonist who lives 120 tiles from his workplace can drive to a nearby lot and walk 5 tiles to work.

4. Commodity Resource
Commodity Workshop
Commodity Sweatshop
Commodity Shop

Commodities would be made at the production facilities and then used by tourist trap buildings, and commodity shops. This adds another way to make money from colonists and tourists buying commodities.

5. Military

Now this is the hard one since it's been said this isn't a war game. Unfortunately I think in this simulation game with different factions, nations, and empires, not having a war mechanic of any form would be missing out on a huge amount of potential for the game. Especially with these "Federations" that are rising. Having war would add a new level of depth to the game because it wouldn't be solely a war game. So, here goes.

New Buildings:

Arms Factory-Makes Weapon Parts
Ship Factory-Makes Vehicle Parts
Barracks-Produces Militia+Soldiers
War Factory-Produces APC+Light and Heavy Tanks
Shipyard-Produces all the ships.
Transport Pad-Sends ground troops to Transport Ships and vice-versa.

New Resources:

Weapon Parts-Used for Infantry
Vehicle Parts-Used for ground and space vehicles.


Light Tank
Heavy Tank
Patrol Ship
Transport Ship

Now, I'll explain how this works.

If you are a colony:

You can build all the buildings and access all the resources, but you may only build Militia, Soldiers, APC, and Patrol Ships. You have to have unemployed colonists to recruit them. You can't attack anyone at all. Your capitol is able to request units from you, you can only send Soldiers and APC's. Militia and Patrol Ships remain at the colony. Military is not a big focus if you aren't independent. This adds a military aspect without making it a "war game" as most of the players are colonies and not independent nations. Heavy war focus is reserved for a smaller number of players.

If you are independent:

You have access to all units unlike colonies. You can attack other players and the NPC factions. You can have alliances(Federations possibly too) with other commonwealths. You can also have a state of war where you're allowed to attack. Warfare and military is a larger focus here. You can request units from your colonies, they don't have to send them. You have to send Transport Ships to pick up or sent any units to/from your colonies. You can send Militia and Patrol Ships to you colonies and send them back. Units sent from your colonies can be sent to attack.
Your ships are meant for difference purposes.

Some units have special abilities.

Militia: They can be ordered by the local government to police protesters. This can help break up protests and get rid of protesters but can result in people being killed and damage being done.

Frigates: These have an advantage over Patrol Ships when attacking them.

Dreadnaughts: These can bombard the surface during the ground assault.

Stages of Battle:

Space Battle-The defending fleet fights against attacking fleet. If the attackers win we move onto ground assault.

Ground Assault-Defending ground forces fight against the attacking ground forces and any aerial bombardment. If the attackers win the planet is annexed. If the defenders win the attackers can break off or from a blockade.

Blockade-The blockaded planet can not import or export anything. They can not make or accept trade offers. They cannot send units, have units requested from, or be sent units until the blockade is broken or lifted. The blockaded planet can try to break the blockade or if only a colony, a capitol can also try to break the blockade.

NPC Factions:

United Earth, League of Independent States, and Zolarg Empire will always be at war. They will control territory with shifting fronts. Once the front moves past a commonwealth the faction may ask you for an alliance, declare war, or nothing at all. They won't attack players very often, even if you're part of an enemy NPC faction. They're more likely to if you are. They're also more likely to if your commonwealth is at war with them or you're allied to one of the other factions.

Being Annexed:

So let's say you get attacked and you lose, then what?

Colony: You lose population from bombardment and soldiers being killed. Buildings are damaged and you've been forcefully annexed to anther power. The attackers can demand up to a max of 5% of your total money as tribute. (only one time) The attackers can't impose any other tributes on you for 7 days and you can't request annexation by another commonwealth for 2 days.

Capitol: It's the same thing but before you're fully annexed you can also choose a new colony to be the capitol of the commonwealth or choose for the entire commonwealth to be annexed. Penalties and limitations are the same but colonies annexed along with a capitol can't be charged the 5% tribute.

In the grand scheme of things, I think military would add a new layer of depth to the game and not trying to would be refusing to utilize a massive amount of potential to make a good game even better. But, it would only help those who choose to participate in it. I know I don't have everything about it sorted out and there's holes in my idea but this is simply a skeleton of 1 possible system.

I think these ideas are all good in 1 way or another, feel free to leave a comment,

6y ago
So i have this embassy request from The New Replubic. I accept it and build it, but then it still shows the embassy request. And after 10 embassies it still says I have the same embassy request open. Also none of them are staffed.
6y ago
Dear all my colony players:

I have excessive on certain resources I would like to give away with minimum fees. I will announce here on what resources I would like to clear stocks from time to time here.

Please post your request in GBT

* Minimum purchase: 1 million unit
* Maximum purchase: unlimited for now
* Minimum price: will mention on the post below
* No need to PM me on your request, I will accept all in GBT as long as you fulfill the above
* I will login periodically to accept your GBT request.

PS: I cant generate fast enough to post my bulk sales on GBT, thats why I have this flash sales =]

6y ago
In this moment this windows can only give the buildings number and the materials need it for the construction.

I have some idea:

- The materials need it should use the same code used in the materials bar (K,M,B,T....) maybe just the full number only in case of "red" materials.

- Adding: Power request, Bandwidth request, worker request

- Adding: what the building actually do: the material need / processed every min, the production every min, storage value, of course not the "real" number, just a good summary, using the K,M,B,T.. numbers squeeze

- This is.. complicated, i know :D : the materials calculation should be able to calculate other buildings queue, or other type of material consumption.
5y ago

[Update] 2020.2.13 00:00 GMT 00

Steam Win10X64 Client

Native Win10x64 Client
Not test yet

Chrome Web
OK, but somehow still unstable, maybe is my network issue

Chrome App
OK, BTW, According to my understanding, Chrome App is mostly same as Chrome Web, but the overall stability and performance is much better than Chrome Web version and I still dunno why :P

Firefox Web
Freeze at Login in Server, and a pop-out tell me This web-page slow down the browser, asking me if I what to stop it. Log is as follow.

08:40:31.955 Failed to load ‘’. A ServiceWorker passed a promise to FetchEvent.respondWith() that rejected with ‘TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.’.
08:40:32.554 Loading failed for the <script> with source “”. my-colony:210:1
08:40:32.555 Failed to load ‘’. A ServiceWorker passed a promise to FetchEvent.respondWith() that rejected with ‘TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.’.
08:40:33.415 Use of the motion sensor is deprecated. frame-script.js:384:23
08:40:33.415 Web App Core Platform Init: web platform.js:93:17
08:40:33.436 set visibility frame-script.js:4927:17
08:40:33.437 no defered frame-script.js:4940:21
08:40:33.454 DOMException: "Permission denied to add a protocol handler for web+my-colony" frame-script.js:474:33
08:40:33.606 Use of the orientation sensor is deprecated. webappcore.js:29:15
08:40:33.833 register /appworker-351-1.3.0-sw.js webappcore.js:4315:21
08:40:33.841 app worker registered webappcore.js:4318:25
08:40:34.874 got ip: webappcore.js:1398:21
08:40:36.625 Storage access automatically granted for tracker “” on “”. my-colony:265:19
08:40:40.086 Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://localhost:12598/runcheck.html. (Reason: CORS request did not succeed).
08:40:40.086 Failed to load ‘https://localhost:12598/runcheck.html’. A ServiceWorker passed a promise to FetchEvent.respondWith() that rejected with ‘TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.’.
08:40:41.201 Storage access automatically granted for tracker “” on “”. my-colony:265:19
08:41:03.490 using pointers webappcore.js:716:21
08:42:20.589 pre-main prep time: 10 ms libtimidity.js:217:15
08:42:22.257 Ape Chat v2.2.1 script.js:21:13
08:42:22.719 The Notification permission may only be requested in a top-level document or same-origin iframe.
08:42:23.085 registration success script.js:353:25

active: null

installing: null

onupdatefound: null

pushManager: PushManager { }

scope: ""

updateViaCache: "imports"

waiting: null

<get active()>: function active()

<get installing()>: function installing()

<get waiting()>: function waiting()

<prototype>: ServiceWorkerRegistrationPrototype { update: update(), unregister: unregister(), showNotification: showNotification(), … }
08:42:23.085 sw install sw.js:18:13
08:42:23.085 [object ExtendableEvent] sw.js:19:13
08:42:23.086 Opened cache sw.js:24:21

data: {…}
channels: Array(6) [ {…}, {…}, {…}, … ]
current: Object { name: "Showhow", sessiona: "2788494", sessionb: "C47F8D48-5603-3F74-5AA7-CA5C98CB5BAE" }
full: Object { timesIgnored: 0, timesMuted: 0, userLevel: "N", … }
<prototype>: Object { … }

success: true

<prototype>: Object { … }
08:42:23.231 autojoin my-colony script.js:1809:25
08:42:24.112 Service worker event waitUntil() was passed a promise that rejected with 'TypeError: Cache got basic response with bad status 206 while trying to add request'. sw.js:21:10

4y ago
I would like to request you make one more project with scroll2D before you move on to making My Colony 2. I know this is a huge request but this idea will be loved by everyone. My idea is that you make a version of scroll 2d that has the building/recource/rovers/tech system from my colony, but has no actual content. Instead, the player can upload textures for buildings, rovers, or resources they with to create. This would allow us to create our own antiquitas or my colony style of game. The file with all the images and code that makes up the content (buildings and stuff) could be exported so other people could try it. We would define all the terrain types and species types. Each one would, like in my colony, generate a tech base which we could make rovers based off of. Each species/terrain combo we could define what buildings and vehicles start in the starting area. Each species/civilization would of course have a list of which types of terrain they could colonize (like the planets in my colony). We could have a checkbox option for the different features like crime and stuff, but we would have to define what buildings do. We could define how having different amounts of certain resources affects the terrain and build options, like the atmosphere in my colony. I understand this is a large request but I know for sure many people would like it. There would of course be an area where you play the game and an area where you create the stuff. I would recommend you allow us to define different terrain types, so like how there is normal land and water in my colony. This would allow for people to make really cool games and share them without having to learn a lot of complicated coding. Also, this would allow everyone to make their own games with scroll 2d without you having to publish the source code. It would be a lot of work but I think it would be worth it for you. You could charge between $5 - $20 for it, depending on how many of the features I said you actually added. @bastecklein .
4y ago
I want to game with my friend, i make a new colony ONLINE and my question is, how my friend join in the game?😃
6y ago
I am in the process of adding a Friends List system to Ape Apps accounts that will allow you to easily see when your friends are online playing games like My Colony, or to invite them to a match in games like Death 3d. You can start testing the ability to add friends right now by using the Ape Chat desktop interface from your web browser (go to ) and right clicking on somebody's name in the user listing and selecting Add to Friends.

The only way they can accept right now is if they also right click on your name and select Add to Friends, but within the next couple of days this website will also have a list of your pending requests on your profile page and will allow you to accept or decline.

Friend management will soon be embedded into online games like My Colony also. For example, when you start a new colony, you will be able to pull up a list of your friends' charter codes. Or you can get notified when a friend is starting a new Colony Wars game lobby.

So anyway, it should be a cool new feature, and I will keep looking for neat ways to incorporate it into my various games!
5y ago
The Ape Chat server has just been updated with some new content which you can now take advantage if you are using the Ape Chat web app ( or the client that is built into the Ape Apps Launcher. Here is an overview of the new features.

Firstly, on the left chat sidebar that has the channel listing, you will now see two new sections for your Private Channels and your Private Conversations.

This helps you keep things grouped together nicely. And speaking of Private Conversations, there are private conversations now! Previously, you could send somebody a direct message using the @username switch, but the message would only be delivered if the user was currently in chat. Now, private conversations are persisted on the server as a personal one-on-one chat room. Private conversation chats can only be accessed by the two users involved, and are also voice-enabled channels for one on one voice chat.

In addition, if you right-click on a username from your private conversations list, you will see a new Private Window option. Clicking on it will open a new mini-chat window for your one-on-one conversation, so you can have multiple one-on-ones going separate from the main chat.

Eventually, if you install Ape Chat as a PWA on your system (which, by the way, you can now do in Chrome and new MS Edge), you will also receive desktop or mobile notifications when you get a new private chat message, even if you don't have Ape Chat open. This will also work by having the Ape Apps Launcher installed.

I have expanded Ape Apps Account friends list capabilities. If you open your Friends List from either the Ape Apps Launcher or clicking on the new 'Friends' icon at the top of the base Ape Web Apps website (, you will get the updated Friends List popup window, which will allow you to accept or reject friend requests, see who is online, view friends' profile, or open the private one-on-one chat window right from the friends list:

I plan on expanding Friend List management further, and also making the friends window accessible from the individual apps and games, but for now the best way to access it is by going to and clicking on the Friends List icon.

So that's it for this Ape Chat update. I still need to push the changes out to the Ape Chat Android application, but I plan to keep improving the Ape Chat service as time goes on, integrating it further into the Friends service and into the individual apps and games!
4y ago
Opps did not know that sorry .
have a friend who was not independent told him to ask ott for anex then remembered if i annexed him then kicked him out he would gain instant independence .
So asked him if he wanted it got a yes and did it .
But in my DEFENSE ott i then told him to send a diplomat building to you .
quite honestly you and nunez are the two who help the most and this guy wants a little to much help lol .
6y ago
I have commited more henious crimes than this boy, I who was banished by two leaders of federations, who I now consider friends, yet they forgave me, it takes time and patience, Dolphin needs to guide Mars and punish him at his own accords. We must leave this matter behind us and if he changes, *when he changes like I did we can potentially amend the btoken wounds. So I emplore you to leave this behind and let Dolphin deal with this, as a friend, as a enemy and as an average guy.
6y ago
The guppy is alive and he have talk
FearTheGuppy said:I have commited more henious crimes than this boy, I who was banished by two leaders of federations, who I now consider friends, yet they forgave me, it takes time and patience, Dolphin needs to guide Mars and punish him at his own accords. We must leave this matter behind us and if he changes, *when he changes like I did we can potentially amend the btoken wounds. So I emplore you to leave this behind and let Dolphin deal with this, as a friend, as a enemy and as an average guy.

i have exit of all the federation if you see well
(ps:Darkbaguette ne tienquiet pas je saurais remplir mes journées)
MaroutoutMars1 said:The guppy is alive and he have talk
FearTheGuppy said:I have commited more henious crimes than this boy, I who was banished by two leaders of federations, who I now consider friends, yet they forgave me, it takes time and patience, Dolphin needs to guide Mars and punish him at his own accords. We must leave this matter behind us and if he changes, *when he changes like I did we can potentially amend the btoken wounds. So I emplore you to leave this behind and let Dolphin deal with this, as a friend, as a enemy and as an average guy.

i have exit of all the federation if you see well
(ps:Darkbaguette ne tienquiet pas je saurais remplir mes journées)

You didn't need to. Remain in NUF and learn from the mistake
6y ago

Would you be able to add a notification to say when a play as wants to join a federation?

Could you get it to show up the same way friend requests, trades and messages show up? It's just currently we need to go into the federation tab to check and most of don't check too often

Let me know what you think!
4y ago
Hello commanders.

Hopefully I can provide some ideas for Colony Wars Campaign!

You are a commander in Terra Nova, newly promoted as lieutenant at the outbreak of the civil war by Harold Franklin, the colonel of the colony.
Right after a short promotion process in such emergency, a LIS commander named Jackins D. Jones raid into the commander office you just receive promotion.
Harold pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Jackins, at the same time Jackins have his assault rifle pointed at Harold's chest.
You pulled out your pistol, originally pointed at Jackins and ready to pull the trigger.
But Jackins begin persuading you to join them - ‘Do you think killing more innocent people for the Union will make this corrupt world even better?’
At this moment, you begin hesitating.
‘You won't betray the Union, right?’ Harold, trying to pull you back.

At this moment, you choose the faction you wish to play.

If you choose United Earth, you'll save Harold by shooting at Jackins' arm, forcing Jackins to retreat, Harold will bring you to communications room to receive orders from Marshal Bradley R. Johnson.
If you choose LIS, you'll shoot Harold's leg, and leaving with Jackins. Jackins will bring you to the hideout, joining the resistance leader Beuford P. Tots.

United Earth
  • Emergency Retreat
    Congrats for the promotion commander, but we don't have the time to celebrate. An unknown resistance launched unexpected attack on our Space Marines dispatchment on this planet in a sudden, at this rate we'll lose all our men within hours. Here is your first task, defend the starport and evacuate all remaining Space Marines force as possible. We're counting on you!
    -Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    Mission objectives
    • Defend the starport for 5 minutes. The starport must not fall!
    • At least 3 full transport shuttles must be evacuated. (12 Space Marines)
  • Red Rocks and Red Blood
    Thanks for saving the Space Marines from Terra Nova, the soldiers are paying high respect to you. But as you see, the Resistance declared war on us. They call themselves Independent State. Though this is ridiculous, they are posing problems. Chaos begin stirring up the colonies around Terra Nova. More importantly, I am sending you to Crimson Rock, where our prototype weapon archives center lies. Our coordination officer Yoshihara will tell you more details.
    -Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    I have heard of your story in Terra Nova, it's a amazing work. Okay, here's the details. Garrisons reported strong Resistance activities in Crimson Rock. The archives center is relatively safe in suburban, here we need you to establish defense around the lab before the enemy notice the facility. Don't let the Resistance touch any documents, since these confidential weapon blueprints here will help us in the future battles. Eliminate the Resistance forces once you think the facility is secured. Good luck! Commander!
    -Yoshihara Minoru

    Mission objectives
    • Establish a base near the Archives Center.
    • The Archives Center must not fall!
    • Eliminate all LIS forces.
  • There are Crowbars in My Woods
    Hey, Commander. Nice to see you again. It's a honour to be praised as a hero in Terra Nova and get promoted as Captain… isn't it? Marshal is too busy to manage every battlegrounds, so now you are under my command again. Remember, always, remain, respect, to, your, officer.
    I need you in the jungles of Janiss-5. Resistance saboteurs broke into prison facility that I am responsible for, released some dangerous political prisoners. My force will lock the area down much as possible, while you'll search for these troublemakers soon as possible before they sneak away from us again.
    If you fail, both of our military career will be screwed up. Understand?
    What are you waiting for? Go!
    -Harold Franklin

    Mission objectives
    • Find all the Saboteurs and prisoners before the countdown strikes zero.
  • Who is the Traitor
    Good job, my commander. You have fulfilled your responsibility, as you should be. Just do one more thing for me, I'll consider submitting another promotion request for you.
    I have a rival, Ronnie. This man always gets into my way, ruining my good plans in battles. I am suspecting this bastard turned to the Resistance. Find evidence of his betrayal, and more importantly, destroy him!
    -Harold Franklin

    Mission objectives
    • Find Ronnie's base and infiltrate his radar.
    • Destroy the real traitor.
  • Operation ‘Kaiser’
    (Inspecting documents) …… I can't believe Harold betrayed the Union. The Resistance bribed him. I'm glad you are wise enough to identify who is friend or foe. You have proved your capabilities again, for this, you're promoted to Colonel.
    -Marshal R. Johnson

    (Incoming transmission)
    Marshal, our prototype weapons developed from blueprints in Crimson Rock proved effective against Resistance forces. Ronnie's forces just retrieved Fort-35 from the hands of our enemies using them.
    -Yoshihara Minoru

    Fantastic! Thanks to your blueprints, now we can plan a counterstrike on these troublesome Resistance forces. Speaking of that, now you're one part of Operation ‘Kaiser’. And you gotta take a important part of the operation. You'll lead one of our newly built tech forces to take Emper System back from our enemies. Make a wise use of them!
    -Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    Mission objectives
    • Capture the Fort Command. Do not destroy it.
    • Destroy all LIS bases and forces.
  • Dangerous Encounter
    (Video records)
    Do you see that? Is that a human sized ant… Wait, it has a gun!? Everybody find a cover!
    (Goes static after the soldier being shot by a gun)
    -A poor soldier, who encountered unknown being

    That's all available records of recent alien encounter incidents. Well, kind of... Unbelievable. Something that should only happen in manga stories now take place in reality.
    -Yoshihara Minoru

    It is likely Insectoids... But where did they come from?
    Oh, commander. Sorry for not noticing you are already here!
    I appreciate your great work in Operation ‘Kaiser’, you have made remarkable contribution to the Union. The General Assembly quickly agreed to promote you to General ranks. It is a big honour!
    I bet you'll be a great Marshal better than me, in a future not so far away! (Thumbs up)
    As you see, while we are having a hard time with the Resistance, there are aliens crawling on our flanks, with intension unknown. We need you to collect more information about those aliens. For this dangerous mission, you'll have one of our best Space Marines of the Union, Sarge. I'm very sure you will cooperate with him very well.
    -Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    Mission objectives
    • Keep Sarge alive.
    • Find and infiltrate the alien base.
    You need some Insecticides?
    Seriously, the Zolarg Empire of Insectoids allied up with the Resistance? THAT Zolarg Empire we just heard of its establishment recently?
    -Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    Yes, Marshal. And they sent a message to warn us - ‘Stop your action against the liberty warriors, or we'll officially declare war on you.
    -United Earth Diplomat

    Now everything just get complicated... And they call that not yet declaring war on us?
    Commander, you have just come at the right time. The Insectoids are standing on the enemies' side. Our flanks are in danger. There is one location you have to keep Insectoids away, Urano-6. We also have our strategic uranium mine here, we cannot lose this place to either Insectoids or the Resistance. Defeat the Insectoids there before they can further disrupt our battles with the Resistance. I'll send you a dispatchment of Hazard Squad to aid your mission.

    Mission objectives
    • Destroy all Zolarg bases and forces.
  • Interstellar Missile Crisis
    There is an emergency situation here, Commander. The Resistance developed their own warp-speed interstellar missiles while we got distracted by Zolarg's forces. The intel satellites just detected missile bases on New Bavaria. Wonder how far can the missiles reach? They can fly straight to the Solar System! Homeworld of the glorious human civilization will be under threat! Mobilise your forces now, you need to destroy their missile arsenal before they have launched any single one - each missiles carries a disaster warhead!
    -Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    Mission objectives
    • Destroy all missile silos before the timer strikes zero.
  • The Last Siege
    That was close, commander. But you have just saved the General Assembly from a deadly disaster. The General Assembly is pleased.
    Now the tide of war turns to our side. The missiles of Resistance can no longer threaten any of our strategic locations, while the diplomats managed to make Zolarg signed a ceasefire treaty with us, now we can at least push the Resistance back to where they can't do much harm to us.
    Here is task for you, commander. Probably the last task. We plan to destroy the Resistance's stronghold on Basilisk-55. Once this stronghold has reduced to rubbles, we'll have a strategic victory. Our first space strike batteries will be ready for devastating fire support.
    - Marshal Bradley R. Johnson

    Mission objectives
    • Destroy all LIS base and forces.
  • Aftermath
    LIS succeeded to break away from United Earth, marked the victory of them.
    Despite LIS' success, United Earth still achieved a tactical victory, pushing LIS to the barren ends that they can no longer threaten the great Union... At least for a while.
    Marshal Bradley represented United Earth to sign a peace treaty to end the civil war.
    However, the General Assembly is dissatisfied with the outcome. After the peacemaking meeting, Bradley resigned under the pressure of General Assembly, but recommended the General Assembly let you to be the next Marshal of United Earth.
    The General Assembly agreed to promote you to Marshal of United Earth.
    Zolarg Empire also withdrawn their forces as the announcement of end of war, returned to their homelands. The first interstellar alien civilization known to humans, but worries regarding this dangerous guest had spread across the public - would this Insectoid empire be another threat to the great Union?
    Anyways, you are now known as a war hero across United Earth, who had saved the Union from being disintegrated by LIS uprising. A bright future awaits... Maybe.

Later I'll update the post for LIS campaigns.
☭Welcome in the Great USSR!☭

Zdrastvujta'! It appears that you chose the right link clicking here. It seems that you are looking for some good commonwealth. You are probably lost in that all class struggle, and general mess. Don't worry, Uncle Stalin will help you in making the right choice.


• We have active, growing community, that is only waiting for YOU to join!

• We are the most innovative commonwealth here, scroll down for some Great Communism Ideas

• We have the most player-based community packs over here called Stalin 5 Year Plans. Just take a look:

• 1 Year- You just joined this game and want some help? Don't worry, the only thing that you need to do is post a request in a post here with a name of your colony. First pack includes:

100 000 ore to help you start out very fast
100 000 steel to help you out start even faster!
10 000 water and
10 000 food because rushing water pumps and greenhouses sucks
1 000 rum just for you!
10 000 $ (secret pension plan, shhh)

• 2 Year- You now have self-sustaining small colony, with 100 people. That means that you need more advanced resources!
30 000 gold for advanced buildings
20 000 microchips for some even more advanced buildings
1 000 rum. Another one.
50 000$ for having fun without spamming gold mints

• 3 Year- It seems that your 1000 colony could benefit from having a GBT. Sadly you need 400 wood for it. Don't worry, we have this, and some extra advanced atmosphere resources:

400 wood for your new GBT that you can now waste all your money on overpriced resources
10 000 clay some buildings need that one
50 000 bricks for building all that you want
10 000 aluminum as a premium
999 rum because I drunk one of them before sending
1 000 000 $ as a start-up for your new GBT oriented buisness

• 4 Year - Your 2500 colony is lacking some aluminum? Lack no more, I'm here to help with your aluminum problem!

20 000 aluminum just for you
1000 alien artifacts for building some alu gens earlier
30 000 wood for dig sites
998 rum, take one down, we still have 997 rum

• 5 Year - Your final pack. Congratulations for getting this one, it means that you have 5000 pops. You could probably left this commonwealth, but you decided to not do so.

30 000 uranium for some fancy quantum magic
10 000 alien artifacts, cause you need to spam Aluminum Generators
1 Golden, Highest Quality Russian Rum

These are not the only resources you will get here comrade, you can always request what you want here in thread or...

• In official First Future Federation Discord channel: . Ranks and fancy logo included. We also have our own Slavic channel there, for posting True Slavic Videos.

• We have dancing bears, водка, rum, smetana, kompot, Gopniks, borsch and pierogies. What are you waiting for?


Payroll assistance.

You: Can I have 100% payroll assistance?
Me: Best I can do is 200%...
You: What about 150%?
Me: 300%, take it or leave it.
You: Okay, seems fair to me.

Best Comrades Ranked By Pops:
1. Me, 67,857
2.British Socialist Republic, 2013
3. Aztecas, 1318
4. Russian Interstellar Federation, 1089
5. British Socialist Republic's Puppet of Newark, 116

Our Charter Code (spam this everywhere): QrbLvRu0

If you have ideas for our commonwealth, write them here.

Hey, stop it, join it already

Please, do it.

Ok, I give up, go somewhere else.
7y ago
You want crystal but have no storage ( untill storage is put in the way to get it is Request it on trades .
7y ago
funny that i have it then .
You can request any amount of a resource even if you dont have storage you cant just buy it out right .
As for the poster who makes fun I posted this in response to some who asked how not every one has played the game for months .
7y ago
Since v0.43.0 it seems I can neither sell nor request anything on the GBT. I'm able to post offers or request and the resource/money is taken out of my inventory, but the trade does not show up. I remember being able to see my own trades on the GBT in the past, although not being able to trade with myself. The trades are not there now.
I posted some really good trades and nobody seems to buy/sell, or I'm simply not receiving the resource/money after someone made the trade - I don't know. Before realizing something was wrong I had already posted trades worth of billions. It was mildy infuriating.
I have to add that I'm not quite sure if it's a bug or not because I can't check myself - I have only one colony. So I submitted a trade selling 100 gold for $ 123456789 per 100. I'd be grateful if anyone could check if the trade is there or not.
7y ago
colbya said:funny that i have it then .
You can request any amount of a resource even if you dont have storage you cant just buy it out right .
As for the poster who makes fun I posted this in response to some who asked how not every one has played the game for months .

Yeah, I can confirm that you can accept Gifts irregardless of how much storage you have available or not. I wonder where they put it all.
7y ago
When you get a annex request, and the colony who sent it got independent already (was dependent before), you cant delete it. it only says: "charter is already independent" or so
6y ago
Every time I accept a annex request the game freezes up completely for about 5-10 sec and then completely shuts down.
I have this problem for a while. But as the request starting to grow, I thought it was time to make a thread about it.

Open messages; click on annexrequest; click on annex

Platform: Win 10
Version: 0.47 (problem excists from .43. could be before, but i'm not sure)

Put a small video with replication (if allowed):
where nothing happens anymore is the freeze up
end of the video is where the game shuts down on its own

6y ago
I found out something not right with the GBT, so I went on and test several things.

Here are the findings:

1. GBT were empty, on every resources, nobody selling anything or requesting anything.
2. All my previous sales were cashed out.
3. All my previous requested were fulfilled.
4. I create new request, on all type of resources, in huge quantities at very low price. All requested were fulfilled in less than 1 minute.
5. I sell, on all type of resources, 100 each at bizarre prices. All resources were sold in less than 1 minute.

From the behavior above, I am sure this was not done by any players. Seems like a bug or something automated to accept all sales and request in GBT.

In the end of the test, I filled up all my resources to full, or at least billion of them for those are not restricted by warehouse size. Besides, I made quintillions (1+16 zero behind) in cash.

Ver: 0.49.0
Platform: Android 7.0
Phone: Huawei Mate 9

PS: If GM were like to balance the game, please let me know, I am fine to cut several zeros in cash or revert back to before the bug discovered.
6y ago
Within the FFF we have discussed about this and come up with the following:

Federations are groups of CW´s under the same flag, working together by sharing resources and knowledge. They have internal communication this can be with messages and discord or build in chat in MyC. Every federation has a Federation main building and a smaller building for its members. Joining the CW would be through annex. Only CWs can annex to federations. Dependent colonies are bound to the federation the leader is joined to.

Benefits a Federation could set up:
- They have a internal market that doesn't affect the normal GBT / mass driver market. Prices are defined on a per trade base like on the global GBT, but trades are only visible between Federation members and their subcolonies.
- They have a global warehouse which size is a percentage of all warehouses of all members. (Like 5%) Members can put ressources in that warehouse or it automatically get's put in there if the storage of the individual colony is full. Members can take out ressources which they need, but limited to a fixed amount per day or percentage of the global warehouse capacity or percentage of the ressources in the warehouse or percentage of the individuals storage capacity. That could be defined by the Federation leaders. Different ranks may have different permissions on what they can take out.
- Instead of a warehouse, a member colony could set up what and how much of the ressources it has can be given away for a fixed price (can by 0). Like I have 1m storage capacity and I define that when I'm over 900k of this ressource, everything above can be taken from me for that price.
1. Management is done with a building that can be shared by a minium of two CW's. They can accept or reject federation membership. They can give permissions to the members in the form of ranks.
Ranks are at least admin who have full control over the Federation and members who are part of it. Other ranks could be defined with different permissions. Like if they are allowed to accept new members and what they can do with the things mentioned above.

2. Same management, but not only with a building in the game, but with a special section in the apeappswebsite. This would require everyone to have a apeappsweb account and having it linked to the game. Request to join the federation is done through thw website, request is passed along to the inbox of the federation and accepted or rejected there. And that's passed along to the game. Thee buildings would only serve to see who is in the federation, same with capitol and consulate now. But wouldnt have management functions.

3. A intermediate between 1 and 2. Federation leaders get a section the apewebb for management, but requests to join are done in the game.


FFF Management
6y ago
I got an annex request I the mail, but when I click it I get a message saying invalid charter. I now have 1 annex request that is taking up space in my inbox for no reason.
6y ago
I don't think so though, since if they started a new colony on your charter they would have to build the colony up to gain independence, and they need your approval to be annexed, so they can't really do that right now unless they change their name every time they declare independence and then request an annex. That's why you never accept a request to annex without knowing who the person actually is. It's different when someone starts a new colony on your charter because your name is listed on the charter screen at random alongside all of the other commonwealths. However, if they are requesting an annex, there is a reason why they want to join your commonwealth, and it's your job to determine what that reason is. that way, even if they change their colony name, you know who they are and they can't trick you into thinking that your getting a different colony annexed.
6y ago
there is an annexation request that says invalid when I press it, it won't go away and now I am stuck with a mailbox notifying me that I have a new piece of mail, when in fact I have none.
6y ago
What happens if you make a request that is a multiple of 100? Say 734,000? 733,936 isn't a multiple of 100.

I was able to make a request for 734,000 aluminum with no problem and I see many, many requests on the GBT in excess of 733,936. Also using v0.69.0 on the Ape Apps Launcher.
6y ago
A few things:
1) you cannot annex an independent colony TO another colony
2) the request must start with the colony wanting to be annexed
3) the colony you want to annex to must be independent

To use your colonies for explanation:
Human colony cannot be independent (as in, should still be under another colony) and needs to send the request to the LIS colony. The LIS colony would need to be independent to accept another colony into its commonwealth.

Caveat: As I am not sure if a regional game is considered independent or not, some of this may not apply.
6y ago
DKpro said: ☭Welcome in the Great USSR!☭

Zdrastvujta'! It appears that you chose the right link clicking here. It seems that you are looking for some good commonwealth. You are probably lost in that all class struggle, and general mess. Don't worry, Uncle Stalin will help you in making the right choice.


• We have active, growing community, that is only waiting for YOU to join!

• We are the most innovative commonwealth here, scroll down for some Great Communism Ideas

• We have the most player-based community packs over here called Stalin 5 Year Plans. Just take a look:

• 1 Year- You just joined this game and want some help? Don't worry, the only thing that you need to do is post a request in a post here with a name of your colony. First pack includes:

100 000 ore to help you start out very fast
100 000 steel to help you out start even faster!
10 000 water and
10 000 food because rushing water pumps and greenhouses sucks
1 000 rum just for you!
10 000 $ (secret pension plan, shhh)

• 2 Year- You now have self-sustaining small colony, with 100 people. That means that you need more advanced resources!
30 000 gold for advanced buildings
20 000 microchips for some even more advanced buildings
1 000 rum. Another one.
50 000$ for having fun without spamming gold mints

• 3 Year- It seems that your 1000 colony could benefit from having a GBT. Sadly you need 400 wood for it. Don't worry, we have this, and some extra advanced atmosphere resources:

400 wood for your new GBT that you can now waste all your money on overpriced resources
10 000 clay some buildings need that one
50 000 bricks for building all that you want
10 000 aluminum as a premium
999 rum because I drunk one of them before sending
1 000 000 $ as a start-up for your new GBT oriented buisness

• 4 Year - Your 2500 colony is lacking some aluminum? Lack no more, I'm here to help with your aluminum problem!

20 000 aluminum just for you
1000 alien artifacts for building some alu gens earlier
30 000 wood for dig sites
998 rum, take one down, we still have 997 rum

• 5 Year - Your final pack. Congratulations for getting this one, it means that you have 5000 pops. You could probably left this commonwealth, but you decided to not do so.

30 000 uranium for some fancy quantum magic
10 000 alien artifacts, cause you need to spam Aluminum Generators
1 Golden, Highest Quality Russian Rum

These are not the only resources you will get here comrade, you can always request what you want here in thread or...

• In official First Future Federation Discord channel: . Ranks and fancy logo included. We also have our own Slavic channel there, for posting True Slavic Videos.

• We have dancing bears, водка, rum, smetana, kompot, Gopniks, borsch and pierogies. What are you waiting for?


Payroll assistance.

You: Can I have 100% payroll assistance?
Me: Best I can do is 200%...
You: What about 150%?
Me: 300%, take it or leave it.
You: Okay, seems fair to me.

Best Comrades Ranked By Pops:
1. Me, 67,857
2.British Socialist Republic, 2013
3. Aztecas, 1318
4. Russian Interstellar Federation, 1089
5. British Socialist Republic's Puppet of Newark, 116

Our Charter Code (spam this everywhere): QrbLvRu0

If you have ideas for our commonwealth, write them here.

Hey, stop it, join it already

Please, do it.

I would like to know if this is still active

Ok, I give up, go somewhere else.
5y ago
misteddawn said:A few things:
1) you cannot annex an independent colony TO another colony
2) the request must start with the colony wanting to be annexed
3) the colony you want to annex to must be independent

To use your colonies for explanation:
Human colony cannot be independent (as in, should still be under another colony) and needs to send the request to the LIS colony. The LIS colony would need to be independent to accept another colony into its commonwealth.

Caveat: As I am not sure if a regional game is considered independent or not, some of this may not apply.

I did this!!!!!
5y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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