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These are just a few ideas that may be obvious things that bast has already decided he will implement, but hopefully some of these ideas may help. And Before you start blasting me about how bast won't ever put a pvp element into my colony, you should check the updates and announcements page under update 75, since bast includes the possibility of a pvp element with federations.

The ideas below represent an entire concept when applied together. This is how I would implement pvp between federations in my colony, but like all of my other concept ideas, it's mainly here to present new thoughts to the developer on how certain concepts could come together, and I don't expect him to just take this entire concept and put it in the game.

First off, I think that any pvp feature should be optional, just as bast said. But I do think that there should be some risk involved with enabling pvp and joining in federation wars/rivalries. I don't think that the risk should be catastrophic, but being attacked by someone else should come with some major disadvantages.

I think that in order for a rivalry/war between two federations to continue, a certain percentage of the federation should be regularly and actively involved. This way, people have to be actively participating in the rivalry in order for it to continue, so time and effort would need to be put in. While a rivalry is going on, all colonies in those federations are given buffs that increase income and production speeds of certain resources, so a rivalry would be good for business, as it also is in real life.

However, those that chose not to participate in a rivalry will not benefit at all from any benefits that come about by attacking enemy colonies, only active colonies do. This way there will be no freeloaders. I also think that there should be a cooldown timer that forces players to remain pvp active for a while after they've attacked another colony. This way colonies can't attack other colonies and then quickly disable pvp mode to avoid retaliation. However, if you accidentally enable pvp and haven't attacked anyone, you can immediately disable pvp. I also think that each colony should only be able to have one debuff affecting them at a time, but they could have multiple buffs in effect. Any further attempts to double-debuff an enemy would result in the attacker wasting a debuff chance and using resources that they could have used on another target.

Now, here comes a system of buffs and debuffs that I think would fit the pvp feature nicely. With these status effects, each colony could specialize in a certain kind of attack, or take on a certain support role in a rivalry, thus adding a bit of an rpg element to this system, but shouldn't need to get too in depth or complex with it. Below is a system of classes, point systems, and buffs and debuffs that a player can cast on other friendly or enemy colonies. Bear in mind that in order to receive a buff or debuff, you need to be in pvp mode. All buffs and debuffs require certain buildings in order to be unlocked and improved, and the best status effects require more complex buildings.

There would also be four different scores attributed to each colony that tell what kind of contribution that colony makes to the war effort and what their specialty/class is. Each class would be specified by a certain building, and only one of six of these buildings can be constructed at once in a colony. Whichever building is built determines the war class of the colony and what it specializes in. The buildings can be upgraded in tiers, giving more and more unique advantages for each tier, but also becoming more expensive. The classes are as follows:

A vanguard heads straight in and attacks the enemy headlong, splitting their focus between offense and defense. They can be capable attackers and defenders, but would more often than not pose as a distraction to the enemy, spreading their attacks and defenses onto multiple colonies at once with the splitter cast, and protecting themselves with the feedback loop cast. They focus on collecting offense and defense points.

Unique advantages: the vanguard's unique advantages focus on reducing the durations of all debuffs that they are targeted with, reducing buff/debuff cooldowns, increasing the amount of targets that a vanguarde can hit with the splitter cast, and on the highest tier, enabling the vanguard to attack an enemy and "taunt" them, thus forcing them to target the vanguard for their next attack. The taunt can also be used in combination with splitter to affect multiple enemies, forcing them all to wait on each other to take turns attacking the same vanguard before they can target another colony.

An empowerer is good at preparing their allies for an initial attack on an unsuspecting enemy. The buff their allies to strengthen them for the battle to come, and they join the ranks of vanguards in attacking and distracting the enemy. The Empowerer can counter some debuffs with buffs, but it proves to be a very inefficient counterer and can easily be picked out by an assassin if it causes too much bother in the heat of battle. It's best for this class to do all of it's buffs before battle and save the debuffs until the heat of battle. An empowerer will rack up offense and utility points, with relatively few defense points.

Unique advantages: The empowerer's unique abilities focus on buff potency, the amount of targets that splitter can reach, duration reduction to any debuffs that it experiences. And on the highest tier buildings, Empowerers gain a 1 in 5 chance to apply a buff to themselves automatically if they cast that same buff onto an ally without negating a debuff or being negated by a debuff. This allows the Empowerer to easily empower themselves while they are empowering other colonies in preparation for a battle, but doesn't help the empowerer during the heat of battle.

An assassin makes calculated strikes. Their attacks are very potent and can be made even more potent thanks to the charge cast. They are often supported by vanguards that strike before the assassins to get the initial attention from the enemies. They need not worry about protecting themselves in battle because of this. Even if they are attacked, they can retaliate quickly by using the dimensional reflection buff, thus giving their enemy a taste of their own medicine. An assassin can be good at countering buffs with debuffs, but not as effectively as they can attack an unprotected enemy. This class will have mostly offense points, with a little bit of silencer points as well.

Unique advantages: the Assassin's unique advantages focus on debuff potency and cooldown, dimensional mirror cooldown and cost reduction, increased potency and decreased cooldown on a buff affected by the charge cast, and on the highest tier, giving the assassin the ability to attack an enemy with an "evasive" attack, thus forcing the enemy to not be able to retaliate against the assassin for a certain amount of time. The enemy can target other colonies during that time though, just not that particular assassin.

The counterer focuses on offense and defense. They use their casts to negate a buff or debuff. They use the splitter and feedback loop buffs to cast negating buffs and debuffs onto themselves and other allies. The assassin might target a counterer with a potent attack at just the right time, during the counterer's cooldown time, if the counterer becomes a bother to it's enemies. So learning when to take action to help your allies and when let up for a while to lose attention from enemy colonies is a must for this class. The counterer gains equal amounts of defense and silencer points.

Unique advantages:The counterer's unique advantages focus on cooldown and resource cost reduction to all buffs and debuffs, increasing the amount of extra targets that splitter can give you, and on the highest tier, a counterer can "silence" an enemy, preventing them from attacking or defending any target for a duration, if they successfully negate that enemy's debuff or buff. The silence effect has a 1 in 5 chance of happening for each successful counter.

The healer is solely a supporter and defender, defending colonists by negating debuffs with their buffs and using buffs on allies just as utilities to boost their performance. The healer gives potent buffs and defenses to other players and is the pillar that holds up the federation in the war. They can use the charge cast to further increase the potency of a buff, which they would use to further strengthen allies. Assassins will target these the most to slow them down so the enemy will be without support, and counterers can also silence Healers by negating their buffs with debuffs. But healers are really good at empowering all of the other classes, which in turn will retaliate if one of their healers is attacked. The healer focuses on collecting defense and utility points.

Unique advantages: The healer's advantages focus on buff potency and cooldown, increased potency and decreased cooldown effects of the charge buff on all buffs, and on the highest tier, if they successfully counter a debuff with a buff, that buff's cooldown is reduced by 75%, allowing them to deal large amounts of counters in rapid succession as long as their buffs aren't re-countered/negated by an enemy.

The Commando is like an empowerer in that it buffs allies in preparation for battle, but instead of joining in the frontline assault like empowerers, commandos hide under cover of distraction and take out enemy defenses with tactical casts. They are extremely efficient with countering buffs with debuffs, yet they can't defend allies against debuffs. The commando is the hardest class to play as their position on the battlefield is an awkward one. And while they are really good at ripping enemy defenses away and preparing allies for battle, they themselves can't directly attack or defend anyone. Only choose this class if you're experienced with the pvp feature and your federation needs people of this class, otherwise you'll find yourself having a really bad experience with the pvp element.

Unique advantages: The commando looses the ability to buff people that are already affected with a debuff and the ability to debuff an enemy that's not protected by a buff, and debuff potency and duration is set to 0 so that if a commando successfully negates a buff, the debuff doesn't affect the enemy as an attack like it regularly would. This forces the commando into it's role turns debuffs solely into a means of breaking defenses instead of attacking directly. The commando also gets cooldown reduction to all debuffs, buff potency, increased splitter targets, and on the highest tier structure, the commando has a 1 in 5 chance of completely removing a buff or debuff's cooldown after casting it successfully. This means that the commando can hit many more targets than any other class in a period of time, allowing it to somewhat carpet-bomb enemy defenses or empower massive amounts of allies before the battle.

Major Benefits in participating in PVP: As factions war against each other, the colonies contributing to the war effect will share in the spoils of war. In order for Federations to start a war, both Federations must fromt a certain amount of money, and then each week after that start of the war, that same amount of money must be paid by each federation. Each week, a tally would be taken of how many successful attacks and counters were dealt by each federation. Both numbers are added together to get the Federation's battle score, and the federation with the highest score wins all of the money from all participating federations for that week. This can be used in a free-for-all war that includes multple federations as well as just a regular rivalry between two federations, and the war can continue as long as the federations want it to continue, provided they have enough money to put forward. The winning federation is required to split the winnings among it's participating colonies, but how much a percentage of the win that it keeps to itself is optional. Just bear in mind that nobody will participate if there is not a big enough reward.


Benefits of debuffing enemies: When you debuff an enemy that doesn't currently have any status effects without being negated, you permanently gain a small amount of potency towards the debuff you casted and you get offense points that go to your offense score, which can be seen by other members of your federation. If you successfully negate a buffed enemy with a debuff, you gain silencer points towards your silencer score that other members can see and you permanenty gain a very small percentage chance of not being negated each time you cast a debuff or buff, even if your buff or debuff was countered correctly by a defending enemy(this also applies to buffs/debuffs casted with feedback loop). Finally, if you successfully negated a buff or debuff that negated your original buff/debuff on the same enemy, you will gain 2x silencer points and you get 2x more percentage added to your negation-block chance.

Brownout: Forcefully syphon energy from your enemy to temporarily add to your power capacity. Is negated by the Syphon buff but can negate the repair nanites buff. Casting this debuff successfully without having it negated will permanently add a 2% increase to the caster's power capacity that scales with their power capacity.
Category: Techno-warfare

EMP Blast: Blast your enemy with EMP waves that temporarily damage power producing buildings, causing a complete power blackout. the effects of the emp blast are shorter in duration than the brownout, but cannot be countered by simply increasing power production like brownout could. Negates the Syphon Buff but is negated by the repair nanites buff. Successfully casting this debuff without negation would award the caster with a permanent 2% faster build speed on all power producing buildings.

Plague: Inflict an enemy with a nasty plague that lowers the health of it's colonists over time. By treating the population of that colony like guinea pigs, you gain a boost towards research production. A plague will never kill a colonist directly, the lowest that a plague would bring a colonist would be 5%. This is avoid any colony from dying out because of warfare. Negated by the healing nanites buff but negates the probiotic bursts buff. Successfully casting this buff without negation will grant the caster a 2% increase in build speed of hospitals and scientific structures.

Famine: Target your enemy's food supply and reduce the amount of food they produce for a time. Negated by the probiotic bursts buff but negates the healing nanites buff since people can't heal without eating food. Successfully casting this buff without negation will grant the caster a permanent 2% increase in food storage.

World eater: You release a rare silicon-based life form that eats stone and metal into your enemy's colony. The creature quickly reproduces and infests all of the enemy's ore mines, viciously attacking the miners.. The enemy suffers a substantial reduction in production rates from any structure that relies on holes in the ground, including excavation sites, core mines, regolith extraction co.s, fracking plants, etc. The world eaters are trained to build storehouses for the ore they collect and share it with their masters. Successfully casting this debuff without having it negated will permanent multiply the attacker's total storage capacity for raw resources by 1.02, thus adding an extra 2% capacity in relation to the capacity they already have. This scales with resource capacity and applies to all resources that come from the ground, including alien arts, ore, gold, ura, alu, rego,
Category: Geo-warfare

Tectonic disruption: Pummel your enemy with earthquakes that make working in tall buildings extremely hard. The target suffers reduced work productivity depending on how potent your attack is and can't build or destroy any buildings during the duration of the debuff. Successfully casting this buff without negation will grant the caster 2% faster construction of any structure that classifies as a tall building.
Category: Geo-warfare

Splitter: A very costly and high tech buff that allows you to direct your buffs and debuffs toward two targets at once. In order to successfully target two allies/enemies with a particular status effect, you need to cast splitter on both targets in rapid succession(casts are no more than 5 minutes apart), otherwise the splitter buff/debuff would be wasted on only one target and the caster would have to wait the long cooldown in order to cast it again.
Category: Offensive Warfare

Malicious Sanctioning campaign: you target an enemy with a campaign to invite it's population to immigrate to your colony, thus leaching population away from them. Requires tons of civics to cast and a colony would have to be well established in order to have access to this attack and would need to have tons of space for new colonists. Negated by the repopulate buff but negates the Friendly sanctioning buff. Once a caster's housing space is filled up, the campaign will be ended, thus avoiding any homeless people. Successfully casting this debuff without running out of housing space or being negated will grant the caster a 2% increase in build speeds on all housing structures.
Category: Political Warfare

Purge: Purge your colony of any overly complacent colonists, forcing them to immigrate to your enemy. These colonists will immigrate to the enemy regardless of whether they have housing room or not. If the enemy doesn't have housing room, the immigrants because homeless and detract from their happiness score. This buff requires a lot of civics and would have a huge cooldown. Successfully casting this debuff would grant the caster a 2% increase in build speeds for all tourism structures.
Category: Political warfare

Blockade: Block and enemy's trade via gbt and all import/export/immigration buildings other than the Stargate. is negated by the subspace detour buff but negates the hyperspace transport buff. Requires starships to cast. During the blockade, the prices of all of the import/export stuctures besides your highest tier import/export building(stargate for humans) are reduced by 20% and the rewards gain from the exports are increased by 20%
Category: Economic Warfare

Subspace disruption: Disruption your enemy's Stargate connection, rendering their most advanced immigration and trade building useless. Negates the subspace detour buff but is negated by the hyperspace transport buff. During a disruption, your highest tier import/export building gains a 20% import price reduction and a 20% export reward increase.
Category: Economic Warfare


Benefits of buffing allies: There are good benefits to turning your colony unto a support colony that buffs it's allies. When you successfully negate a debuff, you permanently gain a small amount of resistance to the debuff that you negated, and you get defense points that go to your overall defense score that other members can see. When you cast a buff onto an ally while they aren't affected by any status affects, then you gain points towards your utility score, which other members can see as well, and you gain a potency increase to that buff.

Syphon: You temporarily sacrifice a portion of your power to add to an ally colony's power levels. Designed to negate the brownout debuff as long as the caster has enough extra power to successfully supplement that colony's needs as well as the extra demand for power that the brownout debuff adds. Unfortunately, the emp burst debuff negates this buff.
Category: Techno-warfare

Repair nanites: sends a swarm of nanites to repair any damage in an ally's technology caused by an EMP blast, immidiately negating the debuff. The brownout debuff destroys these nanites as the high electric demand causes electronics to overheat, vaporizing the nanites as they try to fix the damage. One side effect of getting hit with this buff is that they repair damage caused by other means, thereby repairing building infrastructure by a significant percentage.
Category: techno-warfare

Healing nanites: you send a swarm of healing nanites to an ally colony to heal it's occupants. Completely negates the plague debuff, but is negated by the dyson sphere debuff. Hospitals also heal sick colonists faster depending on buff potency.
Category: Bio-warfare

Probiotic bursts: gives an ally colony rapid food production for some time. This buff requires a large amount of food and water to charge, but when casted onto an ally colony, it releases massive clouds of genetically modified probiotics in the atmosphere, which help crops grow fast. negates the dyson sphere debuff, but is negated by the plague debuff.
Category: Bio-warfare

Ultrasonic resonance: Blast your ally with ultrasonic waves that purify the earth of any world eaters. Obviously this counters the world eater debuff. The resonance shakes ores and minerals loose from the rocks for easier collection. This adds a significant boost to production in all buildings that rely on holes in the ground. However, this buff does nothing against the tectonic disruption debuff.
Category: Geo-warfare

Cryonic infusion: calm an ally's planet down with the freezing power of cryo-science. Negates tectonic disruption, but world eaters are impervious to the extreme cold. The severe cold causes blue crystalline to grow on the surface of the planet, no matter what planet it is, and there is a percentage chance for each lava tile on a lava map to instantly turn into obsidian. Both of these benefits depend on buff potency.
Category: Geo-warfare

Repopulate: you sacrifice a portion of your population to save an ally from dying off by repopulating their colony. No resource or tech requirements. Not designed to negate any debuff, but designed to prevent any colony from dying off. This is a very low tier buff, and would be the first buff to be unlocked, so it really shouldn't be possible to kill off an enemy colony to where they can't recover, since they could always get reinforcements from allies. In fact, I could see some colonies specializing in this buff by increasing their population size way beyond their population requirements. Negates the sanctioning campaign debuff but people won't want to move to that colony if it been afflicted by a purge from another colony.
Category: Political Warfare

Friendly Sanctioning campaign: Help your ally by welcoming all of their homeless into your colony. The buff only stops when either the caster runs out of housing or the target runs out of homeless. negates the Purge debuff but is negated by the Malicious sanctioning debuff.
Category: Political Warfare

Subspace detour: Allow your ally to connect to your gbt via their stargate, thus allowing them to make trades. This negates a blockade debuff, but is negated by the subspace disruption debuff. Side effects from this buff include a reduced cost in civics for each gbt transaction and the reduction of cost and increase of reward from importing/exporting from the stargate or highest tier import/export building, depending on buff potency.

Wormhole: You create a wormhole above your planet that links to a wormhole above your allie's planet. Because of this, allies can travel more effectively without the need of a stargate. Negates subspace disruption but is negated by blockade. Has the same effect on gbt as subspace detour, but applies the cost and benefit modifiers to every tier other than the top tier import/export building.

SOS: This buff can only be applied to the colony casting it. It's basically a cry for help. Other allies can see a list of SOS reports for their federation and see the colony being attacked and identify the attacker. Afterward they can proceed to buff their ally in danger, or retaliate against the attacker with a debilitating debuff. There is no requirement or cost to cast this buff, you just have to have a communications device, consulate, or capital.
Category: Defensive Warfare

Feedback loop: Can only be applied to the caster, casting requires large amounts of power and the tech required with be pretty high to unlock this buff. Once this buff is casted, the caster can target themselves once with any buff, essentially being able to defend themselves instead of having to rely on another colony for counters. The feedback loop would come with a large cooldown, so the caster would have to choose wisely on.
Category: Defensive Warfare

Dimensional reflection: Reflect a buff or debuff back onto an enemy or ally, thus negating any effect on the caster completely and immediately. A high tech and a lot of resources required to cast this buff and comes with a long cooldown. This buff doesn't prevent an attack, you have to cast this buff during when you are experiencing a buff or debuff.
Category: Defensive Warfare

Charge: cast this buff before casting another buff or debuff to multiply the potency by 5. This also increases the cooldown of the buff being affected by 5. The most expensive buff in the game and comes with the highest cooldown.


Now with all of that out of the way, I want to remind everyone that I'm not expecting this whole beast of a concept to be plopped into the game. I hope that bast at least takes a consideration of the concept and uses pieces and parts from it, but I mainly just want to see the game grow to become more popular and hopefully some of my ideas play a part in making that happen. I will be making changes to this post to constantly refine it based on what I learn about what is feasible to do and what bast's plans are, so stay tuned.
5y ago
Within the FFF we have discussed about this and come up with the following:

Federations are groups of CW´s under the same flag, working together by sharing resources and knowledge. They have internal communication this can be with messages and discord or build in chat in MyC. Every federation has a Federation main building and a smaller building for its members. Joining the CW would be through annex. Only CWs can annex to federations. Dependent colonies are bound to the federation the leader is joined to.

Benefits a Federation could set up:
- They have a internal market that doesn't affect the normal GBT / mass driver market. Prices are defined on a per trade base like on the global GBT, but trades are only visible between Federation members and their subcolonies.
- They have a global warehouse which size is a percentage of all warehouses of all members. (Like 5%) Members can put ressources in that warehouse or it automatically get's put in there if the storage of the individual colony is full. Members can take out ressources which they need, but limited to a fixed amount per day or percentage of the global warehouse capacity or percentage of the ressources in the warehouse or percentage of the individuals storage capacity. That could be defined by the Federation leaders. Different ranks may have different permissions on what they can take out.
- Instead of a warehouse, a member colony could set up what and how much of the ressources it has can be given away for a fixed price (can by 0). Like I have 1m storage capacity and I define that when I'm over 900k of this ressource, everything above can be taken from me for that price.
1. Management is done with a building that can be shared by a minium of two CW's. They can accept or reject federation membership. They can give permissions to the members in the form of ranks.
Ranks are at least admin who have full control over the Federation and members who are part of it. Other ranks could be defined with different permissions. Like if they are allowed to accept new members and what they can do with the things mentioned above.

2. Same management, but not only with a building in the game, but with a special section in the apeappswebsite. This would require everyone to have a apeappsweb account and having it linked to the game. Request to join the federation is done through thw website, request is passed along to the inbox of the federation and accepted or rejected there. And that's passed along to the game. Thee buildings would only serve to see who is in the federation, same with capitol and consulate now. But wouldnt have management functions.

3. A intermediate between 1 and 2. Federation leaders get a section the apewebb for management, but requests to join are done in the game.


FFF Management
6y ago
This post is basically like my old post(link below) but some of the ideas below were outdated and had to be refined, so here we are.

Firstly, before I present any new ideas, I want to say that I am supportive of bast's focusing on game quality over content. I also don't expect any of these ideas to just be copied and pasted into the game as is, although it would be nice. The main reason for why I create these posts full of ideas is so that bast has a lot of ideas to think about and gain inspiration from when developing his own ideas for mc. I'm going to try my best to generalize my ideas without trying to name specific buildings and units to be added, as it's bast's job to think of the specifics. Now with that out of the way, let's begin.

The rigidity of MC's atmospherics:
My colony is one of my favorite games to play, so I mean no offense in saying this, but I have to say it. My colony is very rigid when it comes to how the planets respond to terraforming. For most planets, you get from 0 to 5 mil atmosphere and then the planet is fully terraformed, and stays that way even if you run out of atmosphere or accumulate 500 mil atmosphere. There's no consequence for failing to manage the atmosphere, and the terraformation process is very short, in fact, it's so short that you can terraform the planet relatively quickly just with industry alone. You should not be able to do that, and the journey of terraforming a planet should be much much longer than it is now, especially for regions. In real life, it takes hundreds of years, an unimaginable amount of money, and countless workers to terraform a planet. While I'm not saying it should take hundreds of years to terraform a planet in mc, I do think a significantly larger amount of effort, resources, and time should be required than what is now. Also, another way that mc is rigid is that it only takes into account atmosphere when there are other factors to consider, like heat, moisture/sea level, gravity, radiation exposure, Planetary core condition, ozone level, etc. This thread will discuss all of these factors as well. Now, with all of that out of the way, let's talk about some general atmospheric dynamics.

General Dynamics:

Step one: In order to get a good start on smoothing out the rigidity of mc's atmospherics, we need to start by raising the atmosphere requirements for each atmosphere stage.This elongates the journey of terraformation. For instance, stage -2(microbial stage) could be at 1.25 mil atmosphere, stage -1(plant stage) could be at 5 mil, and stage 0(earthlike) could be at 25, so we would be making the process 5 time longer. Now some would say "but that's boring, if it lasts longer, we'd just be doing the same thing for much longer," and I would agree with you. That's why I've come up with some ideas of different features to add to each stage to make each stage feel like a giant leap for your colony, but we will talk about those later.

Step two: We need to add upper limits to each stage that must be met in order to be in that stage. The upper limit for each stage is equal to the lower limit of the stag above it. This ensures that if you drain your atmosphere, you will also digress through the stages until you eventually end up with a barren planet, no matter what planet you start on. if you have any buildings that require a certain stage greater than -3, those should deactivate once their requirements are no longer met. This is what I was talking about regarding consequences for not managing your atmosphere, but since industry always aids in increasing atmosphere, and since the stages are much further apart, it would also be 5 times easier to maintain that it currently is, and currently it's very difficult to keep atmosphere between 5-15 mil in end-game, however, keeping atmosphere between 25-75 mil is a different story.

Step three: add the upper stages. These stages determine what happens when atmosphere get's too high. Stage 1 could start at 75 mil and would cause any buildings with stage 0 requirements to shut down. Stage 2 would be at 150 mil mil and would cause any buildings that require stage -1 requirements to shut down. Stage 3 is the highest atmospheric stage and could start at 500 mil and would shut down any buildings with stage -2 requirements. So think of the stages as a bullseye, with nested rings. the closer you get to the center, the more buildings you can build and the more earthlike a planet is, but the farther away you are to each side, the more barren a planet is. So all buildings will have 1 out of the following four requirements: -3 or 3(barren stages), -2 or 2(microbial stages), -1 or 1(plant/fish stages), and 0(animal stage/earthlike). Additionally, the upper stages could add haziness in increasing density to simulate a dense atmosphere. So you could tell the difference between a barren planet with no atmosphere and a barren planet with too much atmosphere.

Step four: add in special effects. Each stage should look different that all of the others. In a way, mc already does this by changing the ground texture, but I believe that more differences should be added. For instance, the dry lake-bed terrain that I've spoke of several times could come in handy here. in stages -3 and 3, these tiles will resemble dry lakebeds, but in any other stage, these tiles turn into water. it's the same for water that is already added to some planet types, if you were to drain waterworld of its atmosphere or overload it with atmosphere, the entire map should dry up and leave you free to walk about and build where the water used to be. In stages -2 and 2, plants cannot exist, so trees would disappear and most farms would become inoperable. upon entering stage -1 or 1, trees could be generated around the map and would be left to spread around the map. That's really all that I have for this step for now, but I have an even bigger idea coming up soon.


This section discusses ways that we could implement a heat aspect to the terraformation process to make reaching an earthlike state more challenging. I'd like you to remember the bullseye example that i talked about earlier, but now instead of a 1D line, going from left to right(atmosphere), add a second line going up and down(heat). This system creates an imaginary grid that your planet's status is on. Not only can your planet be hot and high and low pressure, but it can be high heat with low pressure, or low heat with high pressure, or vice versa. This greatly increases the factor of choice when it comes to terraforming your planet. This illustration is just to show you how these two factors of terraforming can be tied together.

The combination of heat and atmosphere exponentially increase the possibilities for new planet types. There would be consequences for not maintaining heat as well, along with rewards for keeping heat and atmosphere at an optimal medium. New structures would be needed in order to manage heat levels, as well as buildings that take advantage of colder or warmer climates. In fact, heat could also be a biproduct that's released by all buildings that release atmosphere as a biproduct. This would simulate a more accurate global warming effect. As for special effects, I wouldn't go too far out, but maybe give the lighting a dark red hue that grows denser as heat increases, and a light-blue hue as heat decreases. Obviously these should have limits, or else the entire screen could turn opaque red if too much heat is gained. Maybe some black particles for ash can be seen falling on hot planets at a certain heat level, while snow, which already has its own particle effect, could fall on cold planets at a certain heat level.

If atmosphere is low, heat will slowly decrease, if atmosphere is high, heat will slowly increase.


This section talks about a sea level feature. This third element adds a 3rd dimension to the bullseye diagram, creating yet exponentially more options and outcomes. Bast can choose how to display or organize these three factors. It really doesn't matter how they are displayed, even if it's just in the form of three separate status bars, the bullseye illustration is just to show you how all three of these elements tie together

The basis for the effect that sea level has on a planet revolves around 3 additional terrain types, high ground which is mountainous territory, middle ground for hilly territory, the main mc ground that we build on now would be known as low ground, which is optimal sea level. And finally, when sea level depletes, a new lower level is revealed, called the dry lakebed level, and the water eventually disappears, leaving a ground of dried lake bed in it's place. However, if sea level grows too much, it'll become level with middle ground, then high ground, and then eventually the entire map/region will be covered in water. When water covers a level, everything on that level is utterly destroyed except for any buildings that are supposed to be in the water, and vice versa, if a water building is built on water, but then the sea level recedes, and the tile that it was built on becomes land, it will also be destroyed.

Obviously we would need buildings that can manage sea level and buildings that can take advantage of high or low sea level. If heat is low, water will become ice, if heat is high, sea level will slowly boil off and recede.


Gravity should be a less-important feature to mc, but I still think it would enhance the terraforming system. Each planet starts off with the same atmosphere, heat, and sea level depending on planet type, but regardless of planet type, gravity should be randomized upon planet generation, creating a different result for each new game. This simulates how planets can be of the same type but vary greatly in size and mass. Too much gravity reduces colonist tolerable commute distance and increases heat due to more volcanic activity, not enough gravity will lower colonist maximum health and slowly drain the atmosphere. Certain buildings cannot be built when exposed to certain gravity levels, and some end-game solutions to undesired gravity level should be available.

radiation, core condition, and ozone levels:

Radiation should be fixed in it's amount depending on the planet type. This could allow for more planet type varieties. Radiation isn't like all of the other factors; instead of there being a happy medium for radiation, no radiation is good, so in perfect conditions, a planet has no radiation. Radiation at any level will damage colonists over time. Now, there are two ways to solve the radiation proble, and both methods are naturally used on earth:

Raise ozone level: In real life, the ozone layer of our atmosphere protects us from some radiation, but not all types of radiation. Perhaps you could add buildings that consume atmosphere and other resources to produce ozone, and then the higher the ozone layer, the less radiation exposure you have.

Secondly, in real life, our molten iron core creates a magnetic field that gaurds from most kinds of radiation. You can accomplish this in mc simply by adding more buildings that benefit from the deep digging tech and consume heat and steel to increase core health. The high the core health, the lower the radiation level.

Whichever way is simplest to you. Just know that certain buildings shouldn't be available when radiation goes over certain points. higher radiation should leech away atmosphere and increase planetary heat.


This section will be more complicated than the former sections. Biospheres adds a very dynamic feature to terraforming, and this feature makes each stage of terraforming feel like it's an accomplishment. First off, let's do a quick description. Biospheres is all about living organisms and how they interact and support each other and the environment. This system would allow you to create and customize(to an extent) the appearance and abilities of the organisms and have them spread over the map. The system would have two main categories, land and sea, and would have four sub-categories under that for microbes, plants, herbivores, and carnivores. Each organism produces support for the next tier of organism based on the abilities you give it, and can also be given abilities to affect the environment in certain ways. Each creature has a maximum amount to the abilities that you can give it, and the more abilities you give to an organism, the more support it requires from organisms from the tier below. Some organisms will be hardier than others, and some will need more support than others. The support system goes like this:

Microbes don't need to rely on support and provide support for plants.
Plants need support from Microbes and provide support for herbivores.
Herbivores needs support from plants and provide support to carnivores. Carnivores need support from both herbivores and other carnivores., as their support adds to the same type as herbivores.

The way that we will apply this system to each stage will be by requiring different atmosphere, heat, and sea levels for each catagory of organism. Seeing unique looking trees and grass spreading across the map and seeing creatures roam about the land would be amazing, especially if it happened in stages.

In stage -3 and 3, the planet is barren, but in stage -2 and 2, you can start utilizing microbes to produce many different resources and terraform, and in stages -1 and 1 you can start using plants, which opens up many different possibilities for resource production, since you should be able to farm your own custom plants for different resources. Then in stage 0, you gain access to animals, which you should be able to farm your own unique animals for different resources.

each organism, whether on land or in the sea, needs to be maintained. You must have enough land slots in order to create a new land organism, and the same applies to sea organisms and slots. Slots are given by structures that maintain the organisms, and more advanced structures have more slots. This prevents a player from easily amassing creatures that can quickly produce a certain resource or terraform the planet quickly. Each organism also has a health percentage that determines how well it's species is doing. If the percentage reaches 0, the species goes extinct and it's slot is freed up for another organism, but the higher the health percentage, the more support a species produces, the more effective you can be at exploiting it for resources, and the more effect it has on the planet. The health percentage has no upper limit, but it depends on how much support it has and how suitable the environment is for it.

Hopefully I've described this system well, but i believe that this system can bring life to mc and make it a more dynamic game and should increase it's value as a game.


To wrap this up, I think we all have witnessed how rigid mc's terraforming system is and I think that these ideas would expand the possibilities for more planet types and would make the game more of a journey to terraform than just a waiting game. I hope everyone else feels the same, but once again, I don't put these ideas out there just for people to agree with me or for every detail to be copied and pasted into the game, I do it to provide ideas for bast to think about when he runs out of them.
5y ago
I had my colony at 120k once, but got hit with a strange bug that had me with 7k unemployment no matter what I did with it, it wouldnt go away. I reverted back to an old save where i had just 109k and no unemployment issues. Brought it back to 120k and the issue came back. Got back to the old save again and decided to just let everyone die and start over with new population. A few days I got it back at 124k no problems with unemployment at all, always more jobs than population. Today for unknown reasons suddenly i got unemployment without building anything. Small at first, only a few hundred. I saw health dropping so I decided to build some hospitals and parks. Build some homes to fill the gap between population and total jobs. Suddenly the unemployment went to 1200 then, to 300, 1200 again, 400 back and forth like that. Suddenly it was 8k. I decided to a firedrill and it dropped to 1200 and now its just back and forth between 1200 and 3k. Approval rating is 100%.

Any ideas on what might be the cause of this?

I play on the chrome webbrowser version 0.61.0
6y ago
I have just completed work on My Colony v0.72.0, which should be going out to all platforms over the next few days. This release contains a whole slew of general bug fixes, both region and non-region related, as well as a few new structures and a new change to unemployment.

Firstly, I think that I may have finally solved the long-standing "my rovers wont move" bug, which people have been complaining about for a year or so. Now that I have written this, there may well be 10 comments below proving that I have not solved it, but I am pretty sure that at least it is a lot better now than it was before. The issue is that some time ago, I added code so that the engine would save commonly used paths and re-use them again instead of going through the pathfinder every time, which saved a lot of cpu usage. Somehow though, I forgot to clear out those saved paths whenever new structures or terrain features were added to the map. So if a path was ever created, and then later on, a building got placed somewhere along the path, the game would go back and try to find a new path, but the engine kept giving out the old retained path over and over again. The retained path would eventually be killed if it failed enough times, but this was creating a constant loop where sometimes rovers would just sit there trying the same path over and over again, or if a ton of rovers were moving at once, they would completely lag out the game while they each tried to resolve the same broken path over and over.

So anyway, there is a better than zero chance that this issue is fixed now, but please (and I am sure you will) let me know if I am mistaken.

Next on the list, I have implemented a change in employment reporting. Before, if a colonist did not have a high enough IQ to take a job, they would become a student. If there were no schools available, they would just keep looking for an education until they could find one. This had a couple of effects. One, it could create lag on large colonies where colonists kept looking for schools over and over. Additionally, it created higher rates of unemployment while there will still jobs available. Players would wonder why colonists are not filling jobs when there are so many workers available, when the actual reason is that many of the colonists were too dumb to work in the jobs that were unfilled.

To address these issues, several changes were made. Now if a colonist cannot find a job, they will look for school once. If they can't find it they will either a) go to the bar and drink their woes away (find entertainment instead), or b) lose faith in your government and become a protester. Later on when they have become sufficiently happy again, or tired of protesting, they will retry their search for a job or school.

Next, the way unemployment is calculated has been changed. Before, unemployment was simply the number of colonists minus the number of filled jobs. Pretty simple. The issue was that since the simulated colonists (new colonists created after your population passes 2000) found jobs and lived their lives based on statistics from the non-simulated colonists, the unemployment rate in some cases would be artificially high as it was counting students and retired colonists as workers, and so simulated colonists were not finding jobs since their employment rate was coded to match the rate of the non-simulated population. Now, students and retired workers are no longer counted among the unemployed. These stats are now reflected on the statistics screen.

In addition, the unhappiness stats now account for colonists who cannot find an education. These stats were previously not accounted for, skewing the other statistics higher than they normally would have been.

In the coming updates, I want to add new colonist births, and also accelerate the rate of aging among the population. I then plan to include nonage and dotage into the population, where colonists will not work under the age of 16 or over the age of 70, or some other arbitrary numbers. Perhaps these numbers can be set in a new social policy.

For players of the desktop Native Client, all script errors should now be written to a .log file saved in the ~/Documents/My Colony folder on the device. Key word should.

Finally, the Reptilians got three new structures in this release. They finally have an embassy to establish diplomatic missions, the Foreign Outpost. In terms of regular structures, they get the Potters Den, which is a small housing unit which also creates pottery. Also they get a public housing structure, the Homeless Shelter, which also provides a mediocre education to those who live there.

One last word about the Android crashes before I wrap up here. From the stats I have gathered, it appears that over 90% of the crashes happen in offline games vs online games. I am wondering if this is related to the game scanning WiFi for nearby players to trade resources with. I have added some potential fixes related to the TCP/IP networking, but whether or not that have an impact remains to be seen.

That's all for today's update. Thanks for playing, and stay tuned for more!
5y ago
(replace 0hZgBkjn with desired charter code)

Returns JSON formatted data on specified colony, as well as mother colony and list of child colonies.

"name":"EMERALD CITY",
"civilization":"United Earth",
"maptype":"Red Planet",
"founded":"December 16, 2016",
"independence":"December 18, 2016",
"lastactive":"2017-04-28 09:42:03",
"mothercolony": {
"name":"United Earth",
"childcolonies": [
  • charter: charter code
  • name: colony name
  • civilization: what civ they are playing as, like United Earth or Zolarg Empire (so far)
  • race: what species they are.  so far there are human and zolarg.  eventually there may be more than one civilization per race
  • maptype: what map they are playing, like Red Planet, Lunar, etc
  • founded: when the colony was founded
  • independence: when they gained independence, or "0" if they are not independent
  • population: their population
  • gdp: their total gdp
  • unemployment: unemployment rate, times 100, ie  5% would be 5 and not .05
  • mapstage: what their atmosphere level based stage is
  • playson: what platform they last used, like web, android, ios, windows, desktop 
  • lastactive: timestamp of when they last played
  • theme: the theme color they chose in their colony website options
  • screenshot: if they uploaded a screenshot, the url will be here
  • website: the url to their colony website
  • sector: the x,y coordinate of what sector their colony is located in
  • location: the x,y coordinate of where they are located within the above sector
  • rrr: the RRR index of the colony ( )
  • name of their mothercolony
  • mothercolony.charter: charter for their mothercolony
  • mothercolony.population: the population of their mothercolony
  • mothercolony website
  • mothercolony.relations: the relation percentage the colony has with their motherland, times 100, ie 95% = 95, not .95
  • mothercolony.sector: the x,y coordinate of the sector their mother colony is in
  • mothercolony.location: the x,y coordinate the mother colony is in within their sector
  • mothercolony.rrr: the RRR index of the colony ( )
  • childcolonies (array, from largest to smallest):
  • childcolonies[x].name: name of child colony
  • childcolonies[x].charter: child colony charter code
  • childcolonies[x].population: child colony population
  • childcolonies[x].website: website for the child colony
  • childcolonies[x].relations: percent relation that the child colony has with parent, times 100, ie 95% = 95, not .95
  • childcolonies[x].sector: x,y coordinate of the sector child colony is in
  • childcolonies[x].location: x,y coordinate of the child colony location within their sector
6y ago
Today My Colony v0.54.0 (v0.54.1 on Android) is being pushed out to all platforms and should arrive on your device shortly. This was originally intended to be a big Reptilian update but there were several engine changes that took precedent this time. Details below!

My Colony v0.54.x Changelog

New Stuff
  • New structures: National Flag, Torture Booth, Drone Pad, Gold Grower, Aluminum Grower
  • New Unit: Uranium Extractor
  • New ad-free Structure: Pavement Lit
  • Memory and File Size Reductions
  • Firedrill/Employment Changes
  • Opening existing online games now requires an Ape Apps Account
  • Added engine support for variable color units and structures
The new Reptilian content is generally geared towards making the Lava World map playable. I had a lot more planned for this update, but I wanted to get it released in a timely manner, so it will have to wait until next time. Barring any major engine changes or glitches, v0.55.0 will have a lot more Reptilian stuff.

On to the engine changes. Since the last few updates, the #1 reason for crashes and getting stuck on the loading screen on mobile (especially on Android) was the game running out of memory. The reason for this is that when I designed the game originally and there were only 8 different structures to build, it made sense to load all of the assets at the beginning when you first entered the game. Today though, there are over 320 different structures and almost 50 vehicles, and many structures can now be flipped which adds extra graphics assets which need to be loaded. Because of this, you have probably noticed that the game was taking longer and longer to start up at the beginning, and sometimes it never started up at all. This was due to the game using up all of it's allotted memory from the operating system. The issue was particularly bad on Android, where the memory cap is far less generous than on Desktop computers, even on newer devices that ship with 4 gigs of RAM.

To get around this, My Colony will now only load graphics assets, on demand and as-needed. There are likely still some bugs to be worked out related to this, so let me know what you find. You might notice buildings or ground tiles not appearing right away. Generally they will show up in a second or two. Zooming in and out can also make them appear quicker some times. It might be a small annoyance, but I think the tradeoff will be worth it. Particularly on smaller colonies, the memory reductions can be quite significant.

Another new reduction in this release has to do with save file sizes. I have started compressing some of the building related save data more efficiently, which should reduce the file sizes on some saves. Your mileage will vary depending on the layout of your colony, but on my main colony, my file size was reduced by a little over 10% (compressed). I didn't do a before/after on a non-compressed colony, but it is probably similar.

Moving along, there have been significant changes to the Firedrill system, as well as the way in which 'simulated' colonists find and fill jobs. Generally, the amount of time it takes for your colony to settle back down after a fire drill has been sped up significantly. Also, simulated colonists now find and fill jobs significantly quicker than before. I realized that I forgot to apply the same improvements to the speed in which they find housing, but that will probably be in the next update.

These changes were in part to address a lot of the complaints people have about unemployment and jobs being filled. The old method had simulated colonists fill jobs based on the general unemployment rate of the colony at large, so if you had massive unemployment, they would find jobs slower, and if you had low unemployment, they would find jobs faster. In my mind, this offered a more realistic simulation, as it doesn't make sense (in 'real life') to be able to just call a fire drill and suddenly an economy is back to normal. Judging by the forums though, I think most people perceived this part of the simulation as a bug, so it has been removed. Simulated colonists will now fill jobs at their earliest convenience.

What has not changed though is the colonists' daily cycle. In general, a healthy colonist will have his day divided into 3 parts: work, sleep, time off. So if your colonists are 100% employed, which is unrealistic but somewhat common in this game, then you should at most expect 33% to be on-duty at any given time. I know that many people perceive this aspect of the game as a bug also, but to me, changing this would make the game sooooo easy, even easier than it already is.

Next up, the engine now supports adding a bit of color to certain in-game structures. This is mainly necessary for the upcoming Colony Wars game, and an example can be seen in the screenshot below:

The flags on the building now take up the color that was set in the Overview tab on the statistics screen. I might expand this more to other structures, but it was primarily put in for the benefit of Colony Wars. I also noticed that it is not working right on iOS yet, so I still need to figure that part out.

Finally, there has been a suggestion in the index for lighted roads. I made some engine changes and added one in there as a test, but I want to see how it impacts performance before expanding it further. To be determined.

So anyway, that is it for today's release. Much more on the way, so stay tuned!
6y ago
Well they used to. I can't find it anymore. But you used to have to pay repair costs because each building would lose a percentage of it's health over time and then eventually explode when that percentage reached 0. Fires would take advantage of that.
5y ago
XxKubxX said:I have a question what happens if I make a support colony for my mother colony and I dont want it to pay taxes? How can I do that? Or will it be ok if it does not pay taxes and I dont put any bad consequences on it

Like with any colony that doesn't pay. When relationships get under 50% you will get a immigration and import embargo. Meaning no new colonists will arrive and you can't import resources through the mass driver / galactic freight / space elevator /Stargate untill relationship is back at 80% I think.

Like vyryn says if you want to go around this issue, just changed the payroll assistance from your CW. Every colony by default gets 25% compensation of the total amount of salary you pay to your workers. Meaning 75% comes out of your own pocket plus the taxes you owe. The cw leader (owner of the mother colony) can change this percentage to whatever he wants. Dile it down to 0% or raise it to a number in the thousands. There is no limit. Once it's higher than 100% it means you receive more money from the mother colony than you have to pay out of your own pocket on salary.

If you have to pay 100 dollars each cycle, by default you would get 25 dollar's from your mother colony as compensation. Effectively meaning you only pay 75. But you have to pay upfront. The compensation comes later and only when the mother colony is online. Good thing is it works in retrospect. But if you're expansion is very fast and you're counting on the money from your mother colony it can cause problems. Anyways. If you pay 100 dollars worth of salary and 25 taxes you pay it up front. At a later time you get a gift from your mother colony worth 25 dollar's. So effectively you only paid 100 dollars. When the mother coloy raises the assistance to 100% you get full compensation for salary, you would only pay 25 dollars for the taxes. If the mother colony also wants to support you for that they need to set the percentage higher than 100%.

But for this the mother colony has to have enough funds to compensate all those incomes. Since the rate is the same for everyone and they would lose all income from taxes.

5y ago
Here is a basic/quick rundown of the new approval rating system coming in v1.0.0 of My Colony. More will be explained in the eventual patch notes.

Overall approval rating is basically a sum of all of the land value ratings of all buildings in the game, +/- global approval impacting factors that come from policy settings or (eventually) atmosphere/trash levels.

There are several impacts that approval rating has on the game. Firstly, when colonists are choosing houses, the game sorts all houses in order of land value from best to worst, and the best houses fill up first. So colonists will only live in the lower-values areas if nothing else is available.

Secondly, once overall approval gets below 30%, a certain percentage of the population will be rioting, with that percentage going up, the further down approval goes. The % of people who are rioting will not be working, so that will impact your production. So basically, if your overall approval is above 30%, there will not be a direct impact on production, other than the fact that houses with low land value may not be occupied, and so nearby factories may not have enough workers.

Individual structure value is determined different for residential vs commercial type buildings, and by a combination of both for buildings that serve as both.

All buildings value is dependent on building condition, accessibility (whether or not it can be accessed by the pathfinder), and safety (crime level, which will be coming in a future update).

On top of those factors, a residential building is rated by average distance to worksite (commute), medical coverage, education coverage, and entertainment coverage, average salary of the workers vs global average.

Commercial buildings are also rated by availability of customers.

So all of the above factors combine to give the building an overall land value, and all of those values combine for the overall colony approval rating.
4y ago
EDIT: This thread has been moved to Thank you for participating in sharing your thoughts. Please don't comment here, The new thread is nicer and we'd like to share our thoughs there. Please keep on topic as many here keep drifting to think that payroll is the problem, when it's been fixed already.

--- ^^^ --- READ FIRST --- ^^^ ---

--- ^^^ --- READ FIRST --- ^^^ ---

After getting siphoned out of $168,000,000,000,000 (168T) UNOB is broke (quite literally) and there's no way to prevent it due to our size. There is simply no way to automatically pay people's payroll without checking if they're abusing the system. I highly suggest the game devs to add a slider or a percentage input box where the auto budget toggle button is (In policy settings) that accounts for the percentage of the user's money to be the maximum of an auto budget payment.

Thank you very much. That's all I have to say, I believe it's extremely important for the future of My Colony, and wouldn't be too big of a change to take long to implement. Cheers!

Bait, founder of UNOB.
4y ago
Hello again!

Looking back into the commercial and entertainment buildings in MC1, most of them are pretty much optional, since they can be simply replaced by buildings that can churn out billions of money and entertains large masses of people respectively.

As a result, you get pretty plain colonies dominated by very few variety of buildings at the end. This can be a boring sight, to both player themselves and the colonists.

Hence today, I'm presenting my rough idea of start considering colonist quality of life in terms of variety.

By that, I do not mean introducing more classes of "service demands". To keep things relatively simple, and not to complicate the gameplay, the diversity elements has nothing to do and do not share the same mechanics with the 4 existing service satisfaction rating (entertainment, education, health and security), hence not a factor of administrative approval ratings of a settlement, and no coverage mechanics is considered - the diversity elements applies settlement-wide directly.

Now into the details - First, what is a QoL element?
All people of a society have different wants and needs, even a person's demands or wishes can span across multiple aspects of life. What makes a society successful is not just valued by its capability utilizing resources, but also how its people benefits from the fruits of their hard and honest work.
Each QoL element represents an aspect that caters higher needs and improves quality of life of colonists. Below are all the ideas in my mind:
  • Homeland Contact
    Some colonists are more comfortable when keep in touch with things they are familiar with, like older social network and family of distant homelands they come from. Some communication infrastructures can satisfy such needs, and if possible, establish interstellar mail and delivery services greatly helps.
    Certain Earth-themed decorations also provides minor improvements of this aspect.
  • Social
    What makes a comfortable and forward-going society is a society that people keep socialized and connected that they can support each other. A place large enough for gatherings is just what you need to begin.
  • Relaxation
    At times colonists not only need to rest their body, but their strained minds as well. They need a place to clam down and pacify themselves. Having parks and meditation space are the most effective, but many non-vigorous recreational activities such as exercises and grabbing a booze will do the trick as well.
    Certain decorations also provides minor improvements of this aspect.
  • Dinning
    Ever getting enough of plain standard rations that your tongue simply rejects it? Then it's time to improve your meals with higher standard cuisines!
  • Environmental Comfort
    Simply plain steel plates and concretes everywhere can be depressing. What about some refurnishing to make the colony more beautiful and appealing?
    All decorative buildings improve environmental comfort.
  • Housing Comfort
    Home sweet home!
    More advanced housing, particularly those more luxurious, or with high level of automation that smart systems are installed, provides higher housing comfort.
  • Games
    From excitement from competitive events to alternative experiences form simulations, they all can diversify a colonist's life experience and provide happiness from achievement.
  • Luxuries
    The highest standards of life imaginable or even beyond imagination.
  • Commodities Access
    A good flow of commodities, goods and services in local market can effectively take care the smaller demands of colonists.
  • Information
    Questions, confusions and lack of options troubles people. Not all directly have the answers, but one can always provide them the ways to find a solution - letting the information flow.
    All education buildings provides some information flow. However, a powerful public media infrastructure provides the largest flow of information that can satisfy the colonists' curiosity.
  • Spiritual Support
    Beliefs, faith, religion or even simple psychologist services caters spiritual needs of colonists, which at desperate times, can keep them from depression of dangerous levels.

Next, how do QoL elements works?
Every building yields scores of the life quality aspects they are relevant to, for the settlement they are located. Every colonist also generates demands of every element in their home settlement by 1 point each.
The satisfaction rate of one aspect is calculated by
[ Score yielded by all relevant buildings in the settlement / Number of colonists in the settlement ] * 100%
Then satisfaction level of an aspect is defined based on the percentage value of the satisfaction rate.
For rate below 50%, it is considered Unsatisfied.
For rate >= 50%, it is considered Poorly Satisfied.
For rate >= 70%, it is considered Moderately Satisfied.
For rate >= 85%, it is considered Well-Satisfied.

Each element will provide Happiness bonuses based on the satisfaction level, which will be explained in the coming section.

Then what do QoL element affects?
QoL elements affects happiness score of a settlement.
Before explaining the QoL elements' actual effects I'll first explain my idea of Colonist Happiness.

Colonist Happiness is a quantitative value which is affected by administrative approval ratings and QoL satisfaction.
My proposed formula:
[ 100 + Happiness score from all QoL level ratings - Plain negative Happiness score factors ] * Approval rate percentage * Harsh policy multiplier
All settlements begins with base happiness score of 100.
Approval rating is a direct multiplier to all other elements - the changes in approval rating can greatly affect the result happiness score.
To prevent protests and riots, the result happiness score should be maintained above 100.
Every QoL element with at least Poorly Satisfied adds happiness score.
Taxation policies - higher the tax rate, the more happiness is negatively affected. It is a plain negative value factor.
Harsh policies like rationing, martial law and overwork policy applies lower-than-100% multiplier to happiness rating, so use these policies sparingly.

By satisfaction level, a QoL element yields the following happiness score:
Unsatisfied - Yields no score.
Poorly Satisfied - +5 happiness score.
Moderately Satisfied - +10 happiness score.
Well-Satisfied - +20 happiness score.
remarks: It's rough value without considering other factors and hence it may not be balanced.

How would the QoL diversity (and happiness) mechanics helps with the gameplay? Most important of all, it encourages players to construct buildings (particularly decorations) and resources (that are without large demand and just sitting in stockpiles) normally won't be used. Of course, the new demands arise from QoL needs for raising happiness rating may also give rise to some building ideas. Ultimately this helps with expanding diversity, which can make colonies flying with colors instead of only few buildings.
On the other hand, the QoL elements can pave way as an element for tourism, which the QoL factors or happiness ratings can be attractiveness factor that defines your tourism revenue - a possible way to make tourism more powerful to be a considerable source of income again compared to that in MC1.

This concludes my ideas this time. Hopefully you'll find something useful in my ideas!
11mo ago
I'm not seeing the hospital issue but I've been seeing the precise same thing as the OP happen since .44, on Win10 Native Client, and I started a brand new colony on .47 as I thought maybe something was corrupted in my old 65K population colony. Less than 6K population, and my buildings are all starting to show this bug. I can't seem to attach screen shots in this forum, but the original post describes the issue I'm seeing precisely.

I'll add another detail that I just noticed. Several times now when I've clicked on the worker details, I've seen workers reportedly working at another building. For instance, I click on an Advanced Ore Refinery that isn't producing any steel. I see 6/6 workers. I click to see who the workers are (maybe they are protesting?). I have 1 unemployed, 1 sleeping and 1 working at my Microchip factory. I clicked a microchip factory showing 26/26 and see only 4 of the same-named person all unemployed. I close out, click the factory again and it says 4/26 workers. I click to check details, and there are 26 people listed, many of them repeats, all unemployed.

My approval rating is 83%, health 95%, and I haven't found anyone protesting (but I don't see how to get that list since we went to the new statistics interface, so there could be mass protests, I guess). I have colonist rendering turned off, and went with a permanent daytime setting. I'm on a mega-sized asteroid map with normal resource levels.

I have plenty of resources across the board. Lots of ore for the refineries, all pieces needed for microchips, etc. It is all production buildings seeing this though. Hydroponics labs, hatcheries, oil refineries, etc.

As I've tried to dig in, I noticed that for awhile, I had more jobs filled than I had population. I tried to remedy that with more landing pads and cloning facilities, and while I now have a population that properly corresponds to the 3% unemployment statistics shows, there is still an almost total lack of production going on.

This is an LIS colony. I will start a new Zolarg colony and see if I encounter similar behavior if I can get the time. The patience to get a Zolarg colony to a fun level is more than I am probably going to have today, though :-(.

Right now, this makes the game basically unplayable. If there is something I can try or info I can provide tell me what it is and I'll do it as I can.


EDIT: I closed out of the game and re-opened it, and left it running for a little while. It looks like most of my production has restarted, but now I'm seeing that I have a population of 6346 and 0% unemployment with a number of jobs filled at 6408. I've got 0 Illegal Immigrants, so I'm not sure how I've got more jobs filled than citizens, since I didn't think they could take out 2 jobs simultaneously.
6y ago
Same issues as described above. (Windows 7 64bit, Locally installed client, Build 0.50.0)

1. Unemployment and total jobs in Stats does not match actual unemployment and population of colony.

2. However, if I click "U" it lists a bunch of unemployed workers, most of which are hired to buildings.

3. If I look at a resource building and it says 6/18 workers, when I click to see the list of workers there will be duplicate names that say unemployed...but they work there? Can't move or hire anyone to this building while in this state.

4. Due to #3 the buildings will sometimes stop production as well. I did verify 100% condition and active.
**Not same building as previous screenshots, but it still had the same issue as #3**

6y ago
So, this has been an ongoing error since I've been playing, which is since before the insects came around.

The problem is, when I upgrade a building, I get workers coming back. But before I'll have some unemployment. After, I'll have MORE unemployment, despite having more available jobs. Before, the fire drill would fix it. But now, when I use the fire drill, none of my buildings are employed. I'm getting massive unemployment, and many of my buildings don't have a single worker. Some others only have one or two. But if I upgrade one, it fills with workers lightning fast. But I can't upgrade some of them, as they can't be upgraded.

I am using the most recent game version and I'm on an Android phone. Moto Z Play, phone and operating system up to date.
6y ago
I experienced this problem of huge unemployment figures when letting buildings deactivated. It got solved and I got 0% unemployment when the workers who kept (not) working in the ghost factory where walked out. Try it!
6y ago
Cheich said:I experienced this problem of huge unemployment figures when letting buildings deactivated. It got solved and I got 0% unemployment when the workers who kept (not) working in the ghost factory where walked out. Try it!

Buuut... Oh, suddenly, while I was building a new hydrogen plant, food began to go down. I went to check employees in my fish hatcheries, they seem to have people working. As soon as I came out of the factory stats window, people began to walk out of the plant! And the factory's preview window showed 0/0/14. So the problem is happening to me too the same way you tell it.

I'm on android, 0.52 build.
6y ago
Hey, I've recently run into a problem regarding unemployment. I can leave my colony to sit and generate resources while I do things and when I come back my unemployment suddenly goes from 0% to anywhere below 45%. My approval rating never goes below 98% and I never have much trash around.

Why are people suddenly quitting their jobs then going back to them after half an hour? One of these times its going to cut my food supply and then bye bye colony.

That's just one instance of this happening. It's been a repeat occurrence for the last few weeks. I hope somebody can tell me what's going on, or at least point me in the right direction.
6y ago
Can someone please explain just how this works? Homelessness is, well... homelessness - self explanatory. Poverty being the essential food and water, health is dependant on if hospitals are available to the colonists and if your atmosphere is over 15m. Unemployment again is self explanatory and fatigue is something you get if your workers have to walk more than 20 tiles from their housing. Depression I guess relates to either how much money you pay your colonists or colonist deaths or both.

With that in mind, I have no homelessness, poverty, depression, health problems and fatigue shouldn't be a problem based on my layouts for walking distances due to my arcologies. So why is it that my approval ratings INSTANTLY goes from 100% to 60% every hour or two, which causes colonists to leave jobs, which causes more unemployment. Granted the unemployment is very small, but it is consistently dropping from very high percentages to very low percentages on a whim and I can't tell why. Trash is low as well.
I just don't know what I'm doing wrong, what I'm supposed to do to fix this and keep it more consistent. So based on my description of my understanding of approval ratings, would you say that is accurate? Am I missing some fundamental function of the game and that's why the approval rating cuts in half almost instantly? I'm asking you guys this because I just don't know anymore, my last base was ruined because of this. All arcology buildings so entertainment isn't a problem, all the workers don't need to walk far either. So What gives? Why did that colony suddenly decide that each other were more tasty than the food they were supposed to be producing?

6y ago
BTW ONE granted fix !!!!!! first get ride of clone plants if you have them .
use only landing pads and star gated and space elevator for incoming colonists .
Now say you can hold 127 k colonists .
at 120 k DISABLE all pads except 3 or 4 disable star gate disable space elv disable glatice freight if you have it leaving ONLY 3 or 4 landing pads active .

You still are 7 k colonists short they will now be reduced to a trickly incoming The thing is THAT Trickly keep ratings and unemployment from being a problem as the new ones reduce the mad issues ( Also rating stay at a ROCK steady 99 % .

That was what finly worked all the way for me ( PS even if teh colony has alreday been messed up it still works Just add 2000 jobs and create the trickly in ( about 30 colonists a hour more or less ) incoming . watch how fast rating and unemployment disapire
6y ago
My Colony version: 0.69.0
OS:Android (8.0.0)
Mobile Device: Samsung Galaxy S8

So I've been able to recreate this effect a couple times now but when you are building a structure like the investment bank or something else that requires the drone or turbo drone and then queue up tall housing (anything that requires drones) immediately afterwards my unemployment will spike. My first time encountering this I had about 3k unemployed colonists when it happened and when I recreated it the second time it was just over 300. I've attached screenshots to show it. And if you look in the picture you can my last encounter with this as the little up tick in unemployment before my current one. Far left on the bar is a fire drill so disregard that.

I'm not sure if this is an intended feature for the colonists to be actively looking for better jobs but if that's how it works then it will be good information to have.
5y ago
First off, the new way the bots move and build almost completely fixed the crashes. Beforehand whenever the turbo drones moved the game would slow down to a crawl and/or crash even when I specifically look away so the game doesn't have to render it. Now I can look at the bots work and move, delete what they are moving towards and build another so they have to path again and it still won't crash the game. I actively tried to crash the game for about an hour and failed to do so, hell of an update on that front.

In the midst of my testing while trying to crash the game I ended up with extra colonists than I had housing and the game slowed to a crawl, but never crashed. I did a recording using the dev tool and apparently all the processing was going into finding a school for these extra people.

After I found this out I deported the homeless extra people I had that were probably the bulk of people unemployed and likely trying to find a school and the game instantaneously stopped lagging completely.

I then went to test regions mode out for another few hours. Each game had a problem with employing colonists. Before this update there was a problem that nobody beyond a certain number (eg 50) would employ no matter how many extra colonists you had. This update colonists would remain at a particular number of employment until you immigrated more people, only then would any more people employ. I couldn't seem to get the unemployment ratio below 25% no matter what I did though, causing problems with approval rating due to unemployment.
Also note that when I tried this out in a creative mode, 100% of colonists employed. Bear in mind it was creative mode so I was using stargates to immigrate and just employing into investment banks to rapidly test the employment ratio so the problem could be either with the early game buildings or with normal gameplay.
Also, if the game crashes while on a regions game all resources and research is reverted to what they would be if you first started a city. However saving and quitting, then returning does not do this.

If the resource and research losing crash bug could be fixed, the lag generated by unemployed people trying to find a school frantically and the unemployment bug could be fixed in this update or the next then that would be absolutely amazing. This update is not finished yet, but the bot movement is a huge improvement and I look forward to seeing what's coming.
5y ago
So today I am pushing out a new My Colony release, v0.74.0. This is mainly a bug fix and stability release, as I didn't add any new Reptilian buildings this time around. v0.74.0 is also the build that will be going out to Steam at the beginning of November, so those who have been waiting for the Steam release should add it to their wishlist using the following link, to help give the game a good boost out the door:

That said, there are some new goodies on board with this update that some of you should appreciate. Let's take a look at what has changed with v0.74.0!

First, I did a bit of tweaking with the IQ/Education stuff. For starters, several of the buildings that required ultra-high IQ's have been slightly dialed back a bit. In addition, there is now a change that jobs will actually hire workers who are not quite smart enough to work there, sort of like in real life. These workers are placed in a new "on the job training" mode, where they still help production, just a bit slightly less than a normal worker. However, their IQ slowly increases while at work, as their company takes on the responsibility of their education. To a lesser extent, all regular employees get a slight IQ boost at work now too, as it is assumed that people pick up a bit of knowledge while they work.

Next up, there is a brand new engine setting that I know a lot of people will appreciate. You can now turn off (or on) the popup notifications that are active during online play (xxx is online, starvation in xxx, etc). I already reduced the occurrence of these in the prior update, but now if you want, you can just turn them off altogether.

Another fix that people will be happy about, is that Region games now properly report GDP and unemployment figures to the My Colony server. The GDP figures are the sum of all GDP's in the region, while the unemployment figure is the average unemployment across all region cities (weighted by the population of each city).

Next up, if you've ever wondered how much money a colonist needs before they retire, now you can find out. In the Economic Statistics screen, there is a new Retirement Savings Cutoff statistic. Any colonist whose savings go above this level will likely enter into retirement and stop working until either a) they die, or b) they fall back under the cutoff.

The savings cutoff changes pretty often based on global market prices. For those wondering how that price is derived, it is essentially the current average GBT price of a set amount of Food, Water, Rum, Cloth, and Toys. Everything a colonist needs to enjoy their golden years.

Also in this update, I have increased the rate at which unhappy colonists will utilize entertainment facilities. Before, it was not uncommon to have entertainment go 90%+ unused, but now if your colonists need it, they will be more likely than before to utilize it.

At last, I have made some changes to the save game code, in hopes to reduce the occurrence of corrupted game files. I don't know why some people experience this a lot more than others, but I added some additional stat logging to try to pin down exactly how and why it is happening, and I have also added some changes that might make it better too, but we will see if they worked over the coming days.

So that is it for today's update. There will be an extended delay between the next update as My Colony works its way through the Steam approval process. After that, things will be back to normal again. Until then, enjoy the update, let me know what issues you find, and thank you for playing My Colony!
5y ago
These are some ideas that I have for the regions feature. I have not played the game and experimented with regions, i just now saw the comments for updates 70-72 and I'm excited that this feature was added. I can't wait to get these ideas out so that maybe I could possibly help improve the feature. I'm assuming that all of the resources produced by every map pool together and can be used to improve any map, but I could be wrong and each map has it's own resources and you have to trade between maps to transer resources.

1.) Regional contribution to atmosphere level - This idea is obvious and would probably be implemented without me saying anything. Each region should be able to produce atmosphere that contributes to the atmosphere of the planet as a whole, just like how bast mentioned that each region would contribute to the same research and civics pool. However, if this feature is to be implemented, I recommend a nerf of all terraforming structures... or a raising of the total atmosphere needed for the planet to be earthlike. The point to terraforming is that it is supposed to be a lengthy process, and it would encourage the player to frequently switch between many maps in order to build them all up to contribute to the atmosphere level.

2.)biomes - This may be hard to implement, but wold give the map a varying texture to it, and would give some regions different strengths and weaknesses over other regions. You could base the biomes on each region, but that may look too rigid and blocky for you. Instead, you could use procedural generation to make more natural looking biomes on the global map that look much more appealing to the eyes and would transform in their own ways as the planet is terraformed. The different biomes would cross between regions using this method as well.

An example of multiple biomes would be like having different bodies of water criss-crossing the map, having snowy, dessert, and jungle areas in different parts. Crystalline could come naturally with snowy areas, trees with forest areas, and sugarcane and mutant trees with jungle areas. This also opens up the way for more resources to be added, like sand, glass, glassware, cacti, potted plants (cacti+pottery), snow, and snow globes(snow + glass). For planets with no atmosphere, ice bodies or dry lake-bed could be used to represent where water will form after a certain atmosphere level. The player could build structures on the ice/lake bed, but these buildings would be destroyed if they happen to be there when the atmosphere allows water to form in those areas.

3.) estimated production in non-active maps - this one might help with performance. Instead of having all maps producing and keeping track of all of the colonists and jobs and needs when you are in any map or on the display screen, I would use the following method:

Upon exiting a map, have the game take the most recent production and consumption rates. Then after the player creates cities in multiple maps, have the game add the production and consumption rates of all of the inactive maps together the make a total production and consumption rate for each resource. Add these rates onto the active colonies rates and you will have a grand total for the entire planet. Of course, this rate will change whenever you switch maps, but you are only dealing with one or two formulas per resource in order to keep production going instead of thousands of worker rounds in each map going on at the same time, and you are only dealing with one map producing and changing in real time instead of all of them being in realtime.

This method cuts out all of the updates regarding unemployment, individual colonist actions and stats, population changes, and possibly other functions that happen in an active map. The active map would be the only map keeping track of these stats among it's colonists. Yes, while the production and consumption rates of each inactive map will stay the same as long as they remain inactive, I think that the trade-off is worth it, even if it does represent a small compromise in keeping the game a non-idle game. This would also allow for more resources to be implemented into the game and individual maps could get more developed and densely populated without negatively impacting performance.

In fact, it doesn't have to be a compromise at all if you reduce the production of the inactive maps by a certain percentage. I would also pause the game altogether when viewing the global map, or players could just let it idle at the global map and collect resources without the risk of any of their maps starving to death. On that note, if you run out of food or water, you could have it take 1% off of the overall health of each inactive map's population(which should take off 1% of each individual colonist's health open opening that map) and cause individual health loss in real time in the active colony.

This method would also allow you to increase the size of global map grids exponentially, allowing for more regions/maps to be available to the player to build in. And overall it may even improve the android problem that you are having.

4. individual region naming - this will further help you to keep track of which region is which, even though you can tell which is which by looking at the map. I just think that each region should be able to have it's own name.

5. Being able to transfer rovers/workers from one region to another - you mentioned this one in update 70, so I know that you aim to implement this one. I'm just adding my twist to it. I don't think that rovers should have to smoothly pass from region to region. I think you should be able to select a region and have a listing of what rovers it has and how many of each type. Then, you should be able to specify an amount for each rover type to transfer and specify a destination region. I think it would be too overpowered for rovers/workers to be able to smoothly pass to another region to collect resources and then come back, and I think it would be detrimental to game performance. The player should have to deal with the resources that they have in the map during real time. If they run out of an important resource, such as regolith, they can just start on another region/map, harvest the regolith from there, and then return to the map they were working on, assuming that all of the resources from every map are pooled.

I don't think that colonists should be able to leave the map at will either. i think that at most, if at all, the player should be able to transfer unemployed or homeless colonists to another region to supply workers where needed, but I don't think that colonists should smoothly be able to walk between regions. I think if a colonist wants to leave the map, they could maybe be transerred automatically to the mother colony or to another region, but not by just walking across the border. I think that the player should have to provide adequate housing, entertainment, healthcare, and education in each map for the buildings in that map. I do like the idea of having a map solely for food production that provides all of the food needs for the entire planet, and a water map that does the same, so those resources could be poured into a global resource pool that any region can pull from.

But those are my ideas. let me know if you agree with me or not. Hopefully bast can use these to make a beter system for regions that uses even less performance than it does now. Sorry for the longest post in history.
5y ago
Ok so last night/early this morning while I was lying in bed thinking of My Colony updates instead of sleeping (common dev problem), I decided to change my thinking a bit on what percentage of medical/entertainment/school will be needed.

What I am going to now I think, is replace the current colonist model with an internal age-distribution model, and add birth-rate into the game. I will base the birth rate on health and average income.

So educational requirements will be based mostly on the number of people under 20 years old in the colony, and secondarily on unemployed people. Health requirements will be higher for children and the elderly. Entertainment requirements higher for young/middle aged. At some point I will make each building able to target specific age groups, but that is a lot of game file editing that I do not want to do at this moment.

So I think this can make early game issues largely irrelevant. If your first two colonists are 25-30 years old, they will not need medical and education, so the lander will not have to provide. You can build an internet relay booth pretty much right away for entertainment, and I think that their happiness not being 100% for the first few minutes of the game is not really detrimental.

This will make the game more realistic, and also require a colony to take care of kids and elderly who are not able to work. The unemployment figure will have to be recalculated to only include people aged 20-70.
4y ago
My colonists are working so hard that the amount of unemployment goes below 0
Well there had to be some drawback to the arcologies, and unemployment is one. Also, late game buildings generally rely more on robotics than workers. It is supposed to eventually start mirroring problems that our society may face in real life, like mass unemployment due to technological advances. The more advanced a colony becomes, the less workers it needs.
6y ago
When I turned on colonist rendering I was able to get a list of the unemployed people when clicking on a vacant building's 0/X workers line. But then everyone found jobs. But my unemployment is now negative (which I've seen mentioned in another thread).

It seems to go between these two issues. Colonist rendering on = negative unemployment
Off = 53 or now 54 unemployed when there are plenty of jobs and all buildings are accessible from at least two sides.
6y ago
The same thing happened to me with colonists having a high unemployment rate after a fire drill, even though I had roughly 30k colonists and 40k jobs. Looking a little deeper, I discovered the average savings was a little over 13 million per colonists. I adjusted my labor costs, taxed them til they had under 100 avg savings, then a stimulous package. Shortly after, my unemployment dropped like a rock. Seems they go to work faster if they have no money.
6y ago
Yes. I know. But take a look on the unemployment chart. Time to time it goes up. Now I have maybe 1000 vacant jobs and 5 % unemployment. From yesterday evening to today morning.
6y ago
colbya said:You want a war game there are tons of them wile building games are rare .
God i hope he does not give into it .
NO MORE NUKS peace ( love not war )
lol almost a flower child of the 1960s
even had a flower child nick name lol

This isn't a war game, for the majority of players the entire "war" aspect would have little-to-no impact on them. Most players are not capitals or independent states and are just colonies. For colony owners war and military are optional, actually utilizing them can actually help your colony with unemployment and allow for a larger population without huge unemployment.
6y ago
Win 10 Native App 0.46.0
Since last update I'm struggling with food production that inexplicably fell down despite a lot of cuntermeasures I put on for about 10 play hours, such as increasing food production buildings, fire drills, changes of salary policies, donations, lottery and so on. I also noticed that workers in the list is different with the number shown by clicking on the building, sometimes just 1 or 2 are listed instead of 30 or 100. This happens to every kind of building though: production of almost every resource is no more effective.
Moreover, many days ago I started a process of reducing atmosphere production, first by using Alien Condensers, then by introducing the new Atmosphere Scrubber. Starting from 190M level I've reached the 15M goal today, therefore I deactivated all those buildings to see what would happen in order to balance the level under 15M but Atmosphere level keeps decreasing and water production keeps going on, like the buildings were still active.
Unemployment level doesn't go under 34% despite there are a lot of free workplaces.
6y ago
I can also confirm dificulties with people really working in comparision to the stat numbers given.
But the stat screen itself is somehow bugged.
I have 4.880 colonists, 5.191/ 5.200 jobs filled and finally at the same time 873 unemployed workers in the main screen view, with 0 % unemployment in the stat screen.

The values are not stabile... sometimes the main screen stat also shows 50 to 90 unemployed colonist, shortly after another 800+.

To all...I reported the sharp production decrease / consumption increase in water and food some weeks ago as well. I could countermeasure only with new productions facilities and took 15K colonist losses.

6y ago
Latest wrinkle on this persistent bug: Zombie workers!

I was up to about 8k and food production started to tank. Employment stats weird (unemployment listed at 5%, but 1057 unemployed of 8k population, etc). I figured maybe I have too many people, and sold some housing and put em on extreme labor to kill them off.

Well, they didn't die!!

Food and water at 0 due to non-production in vertical farms and alien condensers. Colonists still hanging on.

Click on a building, shows full employment (example: 60/60) but production progress bar not moving. Click on workers, only 2-5 workers are listed.

Not fun any more. Game is unplayable.

Version 49, iphone 7+.
6y ago
This problem has reappeared since 50 came out. 49 fixed the issue for me but now I have a lot of buildings just sitting there not producing anything (even when fully staffed) unless I click on the employee list, at which point they start producing again. But can not do this for all hundreds of buildings.

I also now have unemployment and homelessness going all over the show (again), despite having more than enough jobs and housing. :/

6y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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