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[API] Colony Info

(replace 0hZgBkjn with desired charter code)

Returns JSON formatted data on specified colony, as well as mother colony and list of child colonies.

"name":"EMERALD CITY",
"civilization":"United Earth",
"maptype":"Red Planet",
"founded":"December 16, 2016",
"independence":"December 18, 2016",
"lastactive":"2017-04-28 09:42:03",
"mothercolony": {
"name":"United Earth",
"childcolonies": [
  • charter: charter code
  • name: colony name
  • civilization: what civ they are playing as, like United Earth or Zolarg Empire (so far)
  • race: what species they are.  so far there are human and zolarg.  eventually there may be more than one civilization per race
  • maptype: what map they are playing, like Red Planet, Lunar, etc
  • founded: when the colony was founded
  • independence: when they gained independence, or "0" if they are not independent
  • population: their population
  • gdp: their total gdp
  • unemployment: unemployment rate, times 100, ie  5% would be 5 and not .05
  • mapstage: what their atmosphere level based stage is
  • playson: what platform they last used, like web, android, ios, windows, desktop 
  • lastactive: timestamp of when they last played
  • theme: the theme color they chose in their colony website options
  • screenshot: if they uploaded a screenshot, the url will be here
  • website: the url to their colony website
  • sector: the x,y coordinate of what sector their colony is located in
  • location: the x,y coordinate of where they are located within the above sector
  • rrr: the RRR index of the colony ( )
  • name of their mothercolony
  • mothercolony.charter: charter for their mothercolony
  • mothercolony.population: the population of their mothercolony
  • mothercolony website
  • mothercolony.relations: the relation percentage the colony has with their motherland, times 100, ie 95% = 95, not .95
  • mothercolony.sector: the x,y coordinate of the sector their mother colony is in
  • mothercolony.location: the x,y coordinate the mother colony is in within their sector
  • mothercolony.rrr: the RRR index of the colony ( )
  • childcolonies (array, from largest to smallest):
  • childcolonies[x].name: name of child colony
  • childcolonies[x].charter: child colony charter code
  • childcolonies[x].population: child colony population
  • childcolonies[x].website: website for the child colony
  • childcolonies[x].relations: percent relation that the child colony has with parent, times 100, ie 95% = 95, not .95
  • childcolonies[x].sector: x,y coordinate of the sector child colony is in
  • childcolonies[x].location: x,y coordinate of the child colony location within their sector
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Hi, since you added the owner on a colony's website, can you also add it in the API ?

Edit : also, the links about the rrr are dead
Creator of Coloniae
Admin of the MC2 translation project
Maybe you can add a "isRegion" field
Creator of Coloniae
Admin of the MC2 translation project
Account name and Region status have been added to the API
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Thanks again!
Creator of Coloniae
Admin of the MC2 translation project
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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