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Decrease in overall activity

So I´ve been around for more than a year (nov 2016) and leader of the FFF (together with others) since jan 2017 and I´ve seen many periods of times where there was slow activity. In the game, forum and on discord. But I haven't seen such a long dry spell before. So I wonder what people's thoughts are on this.

Do you think its because the focus should be more on the red planet instead of new world and civilizations?
Is het because of the decay of resources and the resources lost during the GBT crisis?
what would be needed to give Mycolony and the community a boost?
Ive always been a firm believer of making sure what you already have made is good and sound before moving onto other projevts and adding new things. I would rathet the game work properly than continuously receive new content. I know bast is busting his butt on this game. The thing is that there are still changes that need to be made to zolarg and lis before you get into a new race. Lis dont have a way to generate diamonds, and zolarg still isnt fully developed. Thats not to mention the bugs that have persisted through several updates, like the bug that exits bulldoze mode when u click an empty space, or the bug that freezes your game when you save. Humans are also missing an adv he3 generator that could help big colonies reduce space used by he3 production. Its those things that need to be ironed out before adding new stuff. If you dont have a solid foundation, how can you build a durable house? In the same sense, i think if bast were to concentrate ion improving the quality of what is already working, he will bring in more people.
The game saw a massive drop after 50.0.0. Maybe that had something to do with it.
Disposed Emperor Rex, Overlord of the damned
Proud NOZ member
When you can play and get to the end-stages of the game in less than a month, it is a game that will need to provide more late game innovation to keep the audience interested in continued play.

I would consider my self a seasonal player given the nature of my job and busy schedule, been playing since V 0.20 and I don't play much if at all between April and November and when I come back, I can start anew colony and be up to date on all the changes within 2 weeks. A new player can play through the whole game in less than 5-6 weeks or less depending on speed of game play.

If the goal is to keep interest in the game until formal release, I would suggest that a larger team be leveraged to keep up the pace of development. I also know that reading the forums since I started that there are people wanting and willing to help as well. Some of which just want to volunteer their time to contribute and maybe get a building named after them in the game or something.

Just my 2 cents as I have been playing for quite some time and experienced most of the major growing pains and having lost colonies to the updates and changes over time yet remained with the game through it all. Look forward tot he final release.
I get what you guys are saying . But I also say few people will really know the game in a month . wile it seams easy now to use who have been around this long a new player will still take months 3 even to really have played it .

No matter how much Bast adds we few are ahead of the curve . As for bugs I also agree with that as well .
No matter how good the content a pristiant bug ( which this game has quite a few of will turn new players off .
Now I know we hear in development as the answer to this thing is some of the bugs we are talking about well a few have been around from .20 .
But having said that they dont matter to me as much as long as I can understand what is needed to get around them but it will limit players who just want to point and click ..

personally I enjoy the game and wile I have times when I dont play for a week i will always come back and play even ten years down the line . I consider this game a collectible . Heck i still play simcity 2000 from time to time .

Me i would be happy even if he stopped now as the game can now be play 100 % off line ( even the sing in will let me through with the need to .
anyway no matter what happens now Bast has made his mark and as much as we may want it bug free i get the fealing that day will never come .

And again simcity 4 -15 years later still has the same bug that will crash it from time to time .
The whole reason that I go offline on fff and the forum is because I work and don't have much time to play or stay active in the forums. I also lose interest in the game for long periods of time and play other things until I see an interesting update come through to mc.

The other issue is, I have adhd and I don't really commit to any one game or community. I'm sort of a nomad when it comes to games and the like, because I lose interest after a while and move on to something new and interesting. I never can focus on any one community for a long period of time because I end up losing interest and i no longer enjoy being a part of the community, so I flip flop between communities until I find somewhere interesting to stay for a while. It's not because I don't like you guys, it's just a disability.
If the average user is anything like me, they are probably annoyed by the limited communication and even more limited heads up on big changes. Back several versions (9 months?) one of my colonies got banned in the mass ban wave. I spent a lot of time on it and was frustrated. I've never cheated... Wouldn't know how to be honest. When I asked why it was done and if it could be saved or reversed I was basically told "the game is in beta, deal with it". I didn't come back for 6 months. Same thing apparently happened to some of the most dedicated users with the massive galactic tax out of nowhere. Similar with gbt changes too. "It's not meant to be used for massive profit and resource hording". Why not? The game doesn't have an objective...if someone wants to make being a gazillionaire their objective... Good for them. I get that the game is in beta and will be forever basically, I understand not everything will be smooth or be given a heads up, but it feels like we are purposely kept in the dark at the expense of hours (sometimes days or months) of work for no real reason.

Poor communication on big game changes
At times, no consideration to how changes will affect long-term users.
Little acknowledgement in forum of bugs and issues.
Long waits for answers to questions in forum if they even come (discourages new users)
Sometimes vague descriptions on what buildings do (the reference is a big help, maybe link directly from in game if descriptions are to remain vague)

Bast is busy and can't do it all himself, I get that, but he's the gatekeeper on letting/encouraging others to take some of the jobs that don't need to be done by the developer himself.

I really do enjoy the game, but the quiet community and activity level of users can largely be traced to communication issues in my opinion.
Human Colony Charter: pTfi0Opt
Insectoid Charter: EXFzp37s
Well in truth ever since all of the backlash to the 0.50.0 update my heart hasn't been in My Colony like it was before. I really regret ever adding an online mode to this game, as it has been nothing but problems from the beginning. There are many unpopular changes which had to be made to try to facilitate some level of fairness to the online mode, and it is always impossible to please everybody. I mean it's easy to look back and say that I should of done something this way or another way or I really messed this other thing up, but honestly I am just learning as I go here, I mean at the end of the day I'm just some guy working on a game in his basement. I am by no means an expert on how to run an online game or a community.

You also have to consider that the game is almost 2 years old at this point, which is ancient in mobile game terms. Many people who are interested in this type of game have already tried it.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
well it is a shame if it did that to you bast .
Honstly look at the people who stuck it out like my self or nunz and quite a few others .
You are not alone o the game unless you want to be .
You may be doing it from the root seller but the roots reach out accross the net .
most of us understand just what you put into this .

So dont louse heart as for who played it ill send you a privet message and let you know a way of adding millions of players if it can be done .
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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