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Homelessness error

The problem is simple:

I have 0 homeless people in my colony

In Top Citizen Concerns it says that homelessness is 9%.

It could be fixed by just adding that thingy to the game code:

if ( homeless_people == 0 )
homelessness = 0

or something like this maybe?
Unless I'm not understanding the code correctly colonists will only get mad about homelessness if there is 0 empty houses:

if( == 0) {
colonist.happiness -= modAmount;

Maybe wait a bit and see if it goes down to 0%?
Can confirm, seen this issue for a couple months already
hi123456789 said:Unless I'm not understanding the code correctly colonists will only get mad about homelessness if there is 0 empty houses:

if( == 0) {
colonist.happiness -= modAmount;

Maybe wait a bit and see if it goes down to 0%?

It depends in which language is My Colony written
Well the property is a reference to the building id of where they live. So if = 0, that means that one specific colonist has no house, i, which case his happiness goes down and it adds one "point" to the city homeless unhappiness stat.

The thing is, that the unhappiness graph is based on the last certain number (i think maybe 600 but I don't remember for sure) of colonist "complaints" logged, using the addColoniseWoeStat function. So that if nobody has been complaining for quite some time, you might still have stats there like 'homelessness' that have not yet fallen off of the radar.

I think what I should actually do is continually clear out the old stats if nobody is currently complaining about anything.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Wouldn't it make more sense to have the homeless complaints reset whenever the population cap increases? Similarly have unemployment reset when the job cap increases and fatigue reset when a fire drill occurs.

Education, poverty, health, and depression all make sense as is ('historical' average), since those can't be immediately remediated by player action.

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My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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